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Islamic Life Coach School Podcast
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Islamic Life Coach School Podcast

Author: Kanwal Akhtar

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I have created the Islamic Life Coach School, and this podcast in efforts for you to achieve any and ALL of your goals through high level of self awareness, mind management and emotional intelligence. It is my mission to provide you with the tools that you can use to make your life unrecognizably successful.How do I define success? Success is what you want it to be. These tools can be applied to create success in life, religion, relationships, career etc. YOU define your success and I will teach you the tool to get it.
208 Episodes
In today's podcast, we get to understand the fawning response—a survival mechanism often masked as people-pleasing. We explore why this response is particularly widespread among women, influenced by historical and cultural pressures, and how it's a very important defense mechanism in threatening situations. There are real life examples illustrating the critical role of this often-misunderstood reflex.We also tackle the fine line between people-pleasing and genuine respect, and unco...
The Evil Eye or A'in

The Evil Eye or A'in


Can jealousy really manifest harm in your life? In this episode, I explore the nuanced and often misunderstood concept of the evil eye, or al-ayn, within Islam. Backed by hadith and insights from Islamic scholar.I attempt to bridge ancient beliefs with modern scientific perspectives on human energy fields. I unpack how negative emotions like jealousy can impact our lives and why self-awareness and accountability is a part of the treatment. You'll gain practical advice on how to keep...
The Abundance Shift

The Abundance Shift


Can success, wealth, and healthy relationships be as testing as poverty or poor health? In my latest episode of the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast, I explore this profound question and uncover the transformative power of the "abundance shift." And the 3 strategies you need to take to accommodate yourself to blessings. Ask Allah for success but also for the strength and wisdom to handle these blessings. Discover how building a strong foundation in faith can prepare us for the...
Invisible Minority Tax

Invisible Minority Tax


Can understanding the invisible burdens of the "minority tax" transform your life? In this episode we work to reveal thehidden challenges faced by marginalized individuals due to discrimination based on factors like immigrant status, skin color, and age. We dissect how these "taxes" affect financial stability, mental health, and upward mobility, and discuss actionable strategies to overcome these unseen obstacles. Acknowledge these challenges so you can better equip yourself to navigate ...
Autonomous Women

Autonomous Women


Autonomous means having the freedom to govern yourself. But as Muslim women we are very self critical at the outcomes of our decisions. This self criticism eats away at our autonomy. Can autonomy lead to true success with all the societal and familial pressures? Discover how practicing self-trust and kindness will transform your decision-making process, especially for Muslim women navigating complex life choices. In this enlightening episode, we explore the power of autonomy, emphas...
Proving Behavior

Proving Behavior


Can non-verbal cues shape your true identity? It can through "proving behavior", a concept of how actions often speak louder than words. In this episode we talk about the subtle yet powerful ways our insecurities and self-doubt manifest through overt displays of qualities we wish to embody.You'll discover how genuine strength, kindness, and confidence don't demand validation from others but are instead naturally radiated through humility and self-assurance.Through real-life examples and ...
Discover the power of understanding and healing internalized shame. In this episode, we talk about the difference between healthy shame, which helps us grow, and internalized shame, which traps us in a cycle of self-doubt and inadequacy. You'll learn where internalized shame stems from and how it manifests as a constant feeling of being unworthy. This is to recognize your harmful patterns and transform your thinking.By embracing the power of neuroplasticity, you can rewire yo...
Stop Ruminating

Stop Ruminating


Can repetitive negative thoughts be rewired for mental peace? In this episode we unpack the concept of rumination and its impact on our mental well-being. Key characteristics—repetitiveness, passivity, negativity, and self-focus—we explore how these patterns trap us in harmful mental states, leading to increased stress, anxiety, and depression. Learn practical strategies to supervise and manage your thoughts, ensuring they are constructive rather than destructive. We'll also discuss...
Stress Addiction

Stress Addiction


Can stress become an addiction? In this eye-opening episode of the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast, you'll uncover the ways in which we can become dependent on stress and the profound effects it has on our health and well-being. I share my personal journey of realizing how a high-pressure work environment led me to an unhealthy reliance on stress. By exploring the mind’s tendency to seek familiar paths, we discuss the key signs of stress addiction, such as emotional dependence, overcom...
Constantly busy yet never truly fulfilled? In this episode we discover how a rushed mindset, rather than the actual tasks, contributes to the feeling of perpetual busyness. Future orientation creates ongoing dissatisfaction so we redefine ambition to include emotional labor and caregiving, especially for women. All of this to help us all break free from the constricting rat race mentality.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Power of Pronoia

Power of Pronoia


Power of "pronoia"—the belief that the universe is always working in your favor—In this episode we explore how you go beyond just reframing failures as stepping stones, and to go towards best positive thinking.But that’s not all. We also explore pronoia through the rich, profound lens of Islamic teachings and how seeing every challenge as part of Allah’s merciful plan can turn adversity into opportunity. We discuss the delicate balance between mindful positivity and pathological optimism. Eng...
Can you truly change your spouse, or is there a more profound way to foster growth in your relationship? Discover the transformative power of mastering your emotions and motivations in our latest episode of the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast. By addressing your partner's wiser side and avoiding manipulative tactics, you can create a relationship more to your likingFrom handling embarrassing social situations to encouraging healthier habits, learn how to communicate effectively and ens...
Personal Thresholds

Personal Thresholds


What if understanding your personal thresholds could be the key to enhanced mental and emotional well-being? Join us on the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast as we explore this transformative concept. We'll uncover how these invisible boundaries act as a buffer between our most grounded selves and our more reactive states. Our discussion will also delve into the role of self-awareness and divine guidance. By embracing Quranic wisdom on speaking with kindness and recognizing your boundari...
Create Belonging

Create Belonging


Can emotional connections be more importan than basic survival needs?In this episode, we discuss the profound importance of creating a welcoming environment for ourselves and how creating a sense of belonging is one of the most BASIC human needs. Discover why the responsibility of creating a sense of belonging truly lies within us, and learn how our own thoughts and actions can nurture this fundamental human need in both our personal and professional lives.For Muslim women, the journey ...
How is that awareness is everything, but yet nothing at the same time?Can awareness alone lead to more suffering? Find out the answers in this episodeIf you are practicing awareness without judgment it, it will intensify your stress and negative emotions. It is very important to become non-critical of your internal state. We also explore the intriguing Islamic concept of Qareen, a companion spirit that influences our negative thoughts and behaviors. By recognizing the Q...
Discover the hidden power of awareness and its transformative impact on your daily life! Imagine if you could shift from automatic pilot to a higher state of self-awareness, effortlessly managing your stress and enhancing your well-being. In this episode of the Islamic Life Coach School Podcast, we promise you'll gain valuable insights into how sensory adaptation can either be your friend or foe. By understanding the C-NEAR formula—Circumstances, Nervous System, Thoughts, Emotions, Actio...
Have you ever wished you could navigate the choppy seas of disagreement with grace and keep your relationships intact? Tune in as we share strategies for expressing different viewpoints without igniting a battle, proving that conflict and connection can coexist. We talk about the emotional complexities that arise when opinions clash, and provide a roadmap for managing these situations with empathy and respect. Whether it's a matter of hierarchy in the workplace or a difference ...
Applied Learning

Applied Learning


Through my own journey from acquiring knowledge to applying it meaningfully, this episode tell you about how to become an 'implementationalist', where every theory learned becomes a lived practice . I describe the stages of applied learning, from the initial spark of awareness to the resilience required in the face of challenges, all while sharing practical strategies for organizing your life and thoughts for lasting change.I talk about how to use applied learning for self-regulation and...
Self Regulation

Self Regulation


In this episode we talk about the intricacies of self-regulation and co-regulation. Picture yourself mastering the ability to remain composed during life's challenges. This exploration will guide you through the nuances of managing your emotional responses, the strength of co-regulation, and the significant influence of a reliable ANCHOR—whether it be a mentor, a loved one, or a spiritual guideIn this episode we also discuss the dangers of relying on unsuitable anchors and the empowerin...
Evolved Muslim Woman

Evolved Muslim Woman


In today's episode explore the rich themes of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness, all within the framework of Islamic teachings. What does it mean to have your mind work in your favor? How do evolved Muslim women handle feedback, rude comments, and the challenges of balancing career with religious beliefs? Discover how an evolved mindset influences not just personal and spiritual development, but also how we interact with the world around us.From discussing real-life...