DiscoverThe American Christian
The American Christian
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The American Christian

Author: Robert

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The Christian in America and the relevance of the Bible
38 Episodes
Is forgiveness a part of your life?Is a bad temper a part of your life?Do you wish you could go back to the "good ole days"?How often do you ask for help from God when going through life and making decision. He delights in giving us His wisdom, but are we asking for it?
Enemy Territory

Enemy Territory


Tumors in Philistine and COVID in America. Is it judgment? Are there similarities? Is there a lesson here for America? Listen and see what you think.
Ecclesiastes 4:1-3 Part B

Ecclesiastes 4:1-3 Part B


Bible Study 9-13-2021

Bible Study 9-13-2021


Ecclesiastes Chapter 4 verses 1-3
Ecclesiastes 3:14-16

Ecclesiastes 3:14-16


Here are the verses we are going to study in this episode of our podcast:"I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. 15 That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away. Moreover, I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedn...



What must I do to be saved asked a high religious leader? If he didn't know, perhaps you don't know. If you have about 15 minutes, listen to the truths in the Bible and if you accept them, repent of your sins and ask Jesus to be your Savior, you will be transformed forever!
Bible Study 4-12-21

Bible Study 4-12-21


A discussion of Ecclesiastes Chapter 3, verses 12-14
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8


If man works hard at anything, he works very hard at trying to be happy in this life. But can someone truly find long term happiness "under the sun"? Ecclesiastes will tell us that without Christ as their Savior, Lord, Advocate, and Redeemer, life itself is a futile and meaningless existence. Only Jesus can bring true happiness, comfort, and joy both ere on this planet and in heaven forevermore. Let's dig in to the first few verses of this chapter...
Good Friday-The Trial

Good Friday-The Trial


Jesus is tried and convicted. It is the death that will bring forth life.
A message of salvation available to all who will repent and believe in the Second Person of the Triune God, Jesus the Messiah!
Solomon now changes from looking at his own life and moves out to look at life in general. and it's seasons and time that he starts out with. Let's check it out together...
Faith & Freedom Show

Faith & Freedom Show


This is an audio-only episode of Faith & Freedom which can be found on you Tube and Rumble. it was recorded on February 27th. it primarily discusses the freedoms we are losing in America and how Christians react to those terrible losses.
This episode discusses the lack of real biblical hope the non-believer has which leaves him or her with no real purpose in life and can make them extremely anxious over death. But hope for the believer is completely different. Tune in to hear why.
A brief study into the seventeenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke reveals to us how we can become ungrateful for the great things He has done.
Matthew 10:25-26a

Matthew 10:25-26a


What does Jesus tell His disciples about how those against Him will treat His followers.
Matthew 16:13-18

Matthew 16:13-18


A brief discussion into the Word of God from the Gospel of Matthew chapter 15, verses 13-18
Are you ready to experience the rich tapestry of history and theology that is Paul's third missionary journey? Our episode unravels this complex narrative, shedding light on the ancient city of Colossae, its church, and the courageous message of Paul that challenged both Roman rule and religious customs. We spotlight Apaphras, a determined minister and prayer warrior, whose commitment helped disseminate the gospel from Ephesus to Colossae.Why is historical context so crucial for biblical inte...
Taken from a sermon delivered at Greystone Church on 5-28-23Scripture Reference: Matthew 16:13-17
From the Book of Ecclesiastes Chapter 9
Love Part III

Love Part III


Final episode in our short series.