DiscoverThe American ChristianHistorical Context in Biblical Interpretation: A Look at Colossians
Historical Context in Biblical Interpretation: A Look at Colossians

Historical Context in Biblical Interpretation: A Look at Colossians

Update: 2023-10-24


Are you ready to experience the rich tapestry of history and theology that is Paul's third missionary journey? Our episode unravels this complex narrative, shedding light on the ancient city of Colossae, its church, and the courageous message of Paul that challenged both Roman rule and religious customs. We spotlight Apaphras, a determined minister and prayer warrior, whose commitment helped disseminate the gospel from Ephesus to Colossae.

Why is historical context so crucial for biblical interpretation? We plunge into this question as we study the book of Colossians, considering the intricate details of the author, the church, the people, and the circumstances surrounding its creation. As we journey through this discussion, we also reflect on the growing pressures Christians face in America today, pondering how we might react if our faith was under similar threats as those faced by the Colossians.

Finally, prepare to be moved as we explore God's boundless agape love as portrayed in Paul's writings. We marvel at the complete supremacy and sufficiency of Christ, emphasizing the necessity of leaving this study with a deeper appreciation of Him. As we conclude this journey, our aim is to expand your perception of Christ, igniting a desire to seek the kingdom of God in every aspect of your life. Join us on this exploration and be forever changed.









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Historical Context in Biblical Interpretation: A Look at Colossians

Historical Context in Biblical Interpretation: A Look at Colossians