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Confident Clear & Hired: Made for Leaders Navigating Career Paths
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Confident Clear & Hired: Made for Leaders Navigating Career Paths

Author: Melissa Carvalho

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Melissa Carvalho is a former recruiter of 7+ years turned online career coach.She offers expert advice on all things job search, salary negotiation, career clarity, personal development and so much more. Learn from myself and top industry experts that have nothing but your best interest in mind.
53 Episodes
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREIn this episode, we discuss:1) The process of each week/month2) What the entail 3) The importance and value of 90 day Career planningGET MAGICMIND AND BECOME PRODUCTIVE WITHOUT COFFEECrush your mindset and career goals. my code CONFIDENTCH20 for 20% off! You can combine both deals and get 56% off, which is a STEAL. FIND MELISSA CARVALHO:connect with me and send me a message over on LinkedIn: CLICK HEREConnect with me on...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREIn this episode, we discuss:1) Resume Optimization2) Job Board Algorithm 3) Job Alerts4) PreparationGET MAGICMIND AND BECOME PRODUCTIVE WITHOUT COFFEEOnly this January, they help you gear up to crush your 2024 new year resolutions fully focused.You get 1 month for free, when you’re subscribing for 3 months at: my code CONFIDENTCH20 for 20% off! You can combine both deals and get 56% off which is a ST...
Oh how the unfortunate side of the employment journey- a layoff doesn't necessarily go away.There are a bunch of different factors that impact a business and why some have large layoffs versus a small one.At some point, we face this journey, and to most, it feels like a huge emotional impact to us. That we have to soak in and move on from.Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREIn this episode, we discuss:1) Calmness and Positivity2) Understanding the Situation you're faced with3) Get to know...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREA new year means a new you! New Opportunities too! Nothing is harder than trying to land an opportunity or set a new goal, and the direction doesn't go through as anticipated. Positivity is always the key to success but we want to build it as we go. In this episode, we discuss:1) Setting your yearly goals and strategies to stay motivated2) Personal growth and development- skill and education3) Continous learning4) Your Online Brand5) Cultivating Resilie...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREWhen I polled my LinkedIn community income inequality was their biggest concern with the job market. That was inspiring to me.I wanted to bring this episode to my leaders that are looking to really make an impact within their company/industry.Rebuilding company culture takes time. A company should be innovative. Job seekers want a company where growth takes place not just for them but for the company as well, it's a revolving nature where it keeps emplo...
The right way to land a job? Have multiple job offers, of course!The road might be a journey, but it's one that you can defiantly take advantage of!Don't be afraid of layoffs because SO many companies are still hiring!In this episode, we discuss:1. The key to getting hired is within the interview process2. HR plays an impact on your negotiation3. The negotiation scriptSnag your free resume review: CLICK HEREEnroll in The Career Advancement & Success Roadmap: CLICK HEREFIND MELISSA C...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREThere are so many false beliefs we have that are not actually true.For example, I thought that I couldn't help someone else with their job marketing materials because I didn't have industry knowledge in a specific field.That’s obviously not true, the knowledge of what I have is a background in recruiting and HR with yes different industries, not all within the world, but I always inhale new knowledge and practices and from there it makes me a better car...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HERESo before accepting a job you need to analyze and reflect on these 4 questions and that is:Is this a role that I can learn and grow from?Does this company value its employees?Does this company encourage employee growth training, team-building exercises, and events?Do I feel comfortable asking my superiors and co-workers questions, especially during training?Are there opportunities within the company?If you go into a company and you don’t align with the ...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREYou should have a proper career story for your break, what kind of value and things came about from this break.So for example, if you’re away for mental health what were some things you’ve done during that time of your mental health break. Maybe that is obtaining clarity on a new direction in your career or something along those lines. Or what about family leave or care?What were some valuable things you've done in taking care of that family member, may...
Snag your free resume review: CLICK HEREBarriers. They're everywhere! There's so many that exists, but how to do we navigate through them successfully in a way that we can use them to our advantage? In this episode we discussed:1. How confidence plays into barriers 2. Increasing your self-esteem 3. Perception vs. Reality And here are 3 suggestions to increase your self-esteem Breathwork and breathing helps relieve stress. It’s a great way to get rid of the nerves that yo...
Schedule and Obtain your 20% discount for an Interview Prep Session, remember to use the code Interviewsale20 CLICK HEREIt's important to understand one's journey. The thing is, it might not be the same path, but it gives you inspiration for your own journey.There are possibilities that are out there. Sometimes we need that push and understanding that everything will be okay. In this episode, I walk you through my career story but also career decisions that I don't regret. It may have be...
Interested in this podcast exclusive for a free resume review with Melissa? Schedule your call: FREE RESUME REVIEW Boundaries, are a trendy topic... but it's also something real. It's at times hard for us to set our own boundaries within the workplace or even know what boundaries should be set. When boundaries are established it will allow room for better team connection and communication.In this episode we talk about:1) Emotional Boundaries2) Mental Boundaries3) Communication what it lo...
Interested in this podcast exclusive for a free resume review with Melissa? Schedule your call: FREE RESUME REVIEW The job search can feel dreadful, but what about the interview process? How many interviews should you go through? How do you know if it's normal? In this episode we talk about:1) What is too excessive during an interview2) Why communication is important3) What the reality really is 4) How long you should your notice be5) A helpful schedule for job searching A...
Interested in this podcast exclusive for a free resume review with Melissa? Schedule your call: FREE RESUME REVIEW Who wants a better job?Don't we all want something great? Something that makes us feel REALLY good. I'm here always waiting and looking for opportunity and growth.Now some people may wonder what's the deal with this topic, quitting before finding another job... should I shouldn't I? HMMMMM... We're going to dive into this topic and if doing this would be right for you.I...
Desire to advance in your career? Sign up for my Career Advancement & Success Roadmap. The two-week training will get you where you want to be in your career. ENROLL NOW!The dreaded desire to get hired... there's a waiting game, and that can feel annoying, frustrating, sad, it can be an emotional rollercoaster. We hate to hear the answer: "It Depends" In this episode, I explain why and talk about it further.In this episode we talk about:1) The average time it takes to get hired2) Ne...
Download my FREE job search tracker that was made to help you get organized in your job search so you can obtain the final offer.Connecting is an extremely important piece to interviews and workplace success. Think of it like this... how would you feel if you worked with someone that you didn't feel comfortable with and there's an awkward sensation? Not very good right?You might even be inclined to leave. Hiring managers are going to hire those they can connect with the most and of cour...
Download my FREE job search tracker that was made to help you get organized in your job search so you can obtain the final offer.You're personal buddy that is there for you. Guiding you every step of the way and understanding where you are and where you want to go. So to find the right person you need to do your research. What’s their website like, their LinkedIn profile? What does their bio say? Get to know them by researching and seeing if you both can mesh and if it feels right to you. Wit...
Download my FREE job search tracker that was made to help you get organized in your job search so you can obtain the final offer.I title these "mistakes" but honestly let's face it, mistakes are essential for our growth and development. Even the most powerful leaders make mistakes. I make them too. But these things, let's call them that hinder us from our success within our job search are easily fixable. This is why I bring you this episode so we can discuss it and how you bring yourself...
Download my FREE job search tracker that was made to help you get organized in your job search so you can obtain the final offer. I heard that a CEO of Pepsi would never ask for a raise. That's a shame, and the fact that a woman is saying this disappoints me truly.We are all so valuable and because of this we should take charge of our worth and do something about it. The only person that can truly control your career and journey is you.In this episode we talk about:1) Why you should negotiate...
Download my FREE job search tracker that was made to help you get organized in your job search so you can obtain the final offer.A new destination and journey where you're guided with grow and take yourself on a new level within your careerIf you haven't heard I launched a NEW website, beautiful and just a new level of growth. It's all thanks to my fabulous husband Jvsual he's a beautiful butterfly. A ray of sunshine. In this episode we talk about:1) My new services! (Career Clarity, Job...
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