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Chi Skills Podcast
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Chi Skills Podcast

Author: Didi & Armand

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We are Didi and Armand, and in our daily lives we support people on the path of self liberation. We teach time tested energy skills like Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Internal Alchemy, Traditional Nutrition and Meditation. We help people release stagnation, build energy and become aligned with themselves and their purpose in life.In this podcast we share the methods, skills and solutions that helped us, our students, and now hopefully YOU, move forward. Let’s explore transformation together!
74 Episodes
The First Transformation gave me a real breakthrough in my internal training. It was the doorway to The Now. It changed everything from that point froward. Enjoy listening! We mention the Core Essential Chi Kung Course. You can find more information on this course: Sign up for the Core Essentials Chi Kung Course ( you want more information on the 5-day summer workshops: Internal Training Intensive 2024 (
"I feel Energy, now what?" is a question that we often get. In this podcast we explore the first methods of Energywork, which takes place on the vital energy plateau. We can release, move and balance our energy on this frequency. All of this work already has a great impact, and it also sets up the stage for working on what comes next on the vibrational scale (astral, mental, akasha & non-dual light). We mention the Core Essential Chi Kung Course. You can find more information on this course: Sign up for the Core Essentials Chi Kung Course ( you want more information on the 5-day summer workshops: Internal Training Intensive 2024 (
You can find the internal principles and excercises, we are talking about in the podcast, in the Core Essential Chi Kung Course. You can find more information on this course: this podcast we talk about the physical internal principles and the importance of why we always start the Chi Kung journey here. Enjoy listening!
You can find the excercises, we are talking about in the podcast, in the Core Essential Chi Kung Course. You can find more information on this course: training means taking a theme or excercise out of your practice and focus on this theme or excercise during your entire day. Doing this, gives your training a boost, and it has many other great benefits, which we share in this podcast. Enjoy listening!
Relax, relax, relax... is that what we're looking for in Tai Chi and other internal (martial) arts? Or is there more to this story. If you want to find out, listen to this podcast. Enjoy!In the podcast we talk about different excercises to understand Song. You can find these excercises in our Core Essential Chi Kung Course. More information:
Open is the magic word in Chi Kung training. But what does this mean? And what are the benefits of being open? In this podcast we answer these questions. Enjoy!
Which question resonates more:What do I want from life? What does life want from me? In this podcast we investigate these two questions. And which one, supported by the Chi Kung process, leads to a higher purpose. Enjoy listening!If you like to keep updated, you can subscribe to our newsletter here. 
Live Online (ZOOM) Workshop + Q&ASaturday June 10th 2023Sign up: Awakening the Energy Body Workshop ( pm (CEST) (link to timeconverter)Come join this 2 hour workshop, that will guide you through the process of waking up your energy body.  This is the first step to truly go internal, so you can start working with your energy.If you are a beginner, this workshop is a great place to start. And for anyone training Chi Kung or Tai Chi and missing the experience of energy, this will take your training to the next level.
Building Internal Power is a big part of the Chi Kung proces. In this series we like to take you through the stages of development. In this third part we talk about the soul (the astral body). A large part of the training focusses on the refinement of the soul and how we put awareness on all the layers we have stored there. Enjoy!Live Online (ZOOM) Workshop + Q&ASaturday June 10th 2023Sign up: Awakening the Energy Body Workshop ( pm (CEST) (link to timeconverter)Come join this 2 hour workshop, that will guide you through the process of waking up your energy body.  This is the first step to truly go internal, so you can start working with your energy.If you are a beginner, this workshop is a great place to start. And for anyone training Chi Kung or Tai Chi and missing the experience of energy, this will take your training to the next level.
Building Internal Power is a big part of the Chi Kung proces. In this series we like to take you through the stages of development. In this second part we talk about how we had to look ourselves in the mirror. The big question was where is our energy leaking. And what choices did we make once we are aware. Enjoy! Live Online (ZOOM) Workshop + Q&ASaturday June 10th 2023Sign up: Awakening the Energy Body Workshop ( pm (CEST) (link to timeconverter)Come join this 2 hour workshop, that will guide you through the process of waking up your energy body.  This is the first step to truly go internal, so you can start working with your energy.If you are a beginner, this workshop is a great place to start. And for anyone training Chi Kung or Tai Chi and missing the experience of energy, this will take your training to the next level.
Building Internal Power is a big part of the Chi Kung proces. In this series we like to take you through the stages of development. In this first part we talk about our aproach on the topic, fascia development and much more. Enjoy! Come join one of our step by step, foundational Chi Kung workshops. Specifically designed for those of you seeking the internal principles that apply to Tai Chi or any of the internal (martial) arts. Here is your chance to get hands on experience in a small group setting. Discover the full potential of your internal training and accelerate your growth through multiple partner-excercises. Workshop 1:   22 - 26 May - FullWorkshop 2:   19 - 23 June Workshop 3:   17 - 21 July - FullWorkshop 4:   04 - 08 September More information: questions:
Cultivating Stillness is a topic that is close to our harts. It's one of the main reasons we started training. Experiencing so much noise in the outside world and in ourselves asked for this Chi Kung jouney. Enjoy listening! Come join one of our step by step, foundational Chi Kung workshops. Specifically designed for those of you seeking the internal principles that apply to Tai Chi or any of the internal (martial) arts. Here is your chance to get hands on experience in a small group setting. Discover the full potential of your internal training and accelerate your growth through multiple partner-excercises. Workshop 1:   22 - 26 May Workshop 2:   19 - 23 June Workshop 3:   17 - 21 July Workshop 4:   04 - 08 September More information: questions:
You are energy. Food is energy. Everything you eat effects your state. When you are aware of this, and you have a system to work with, eating becomes a powerfull Chi Kung excercise. Enjoy listening! Join us this coming Spring/ Summer for one of our Chi Kung Intensives in the Netherlands:
Your internal journey needs a clear and step by step framework. In this podcast you hear us go through the 6 level alchemy framework we use to help people find internal succes. Enjoy listening!Join our training: 2023 Spring/ Summer Chi Kung Intensives in the Netherlands: Chi Kung Course:
In this podcast you will learn why its so important to start with Chi Kung, before starting Tai Chi practice. Enjoy!Online Chi Kung Course: Spring/ Summer Chi Kung Intensives in the Netherlands:
In this podcast we talk about our Core Essential Chi Kung Course, modules 3, 4 and 5.  After you have awakened your energybody, now it's time to start working with the energy. This is what we do in modules 3, 4 and 5. You learn how to release, move and balance energy. Check for more information on the Core Essential Chi Kung Course listening!
In this podcast we talk about Armands first Tai Chi lesson. It was not what he expected it would be, but what he learned in that first lesson served him well for the rest of his training and teaching. If you are interested in training Chi Kung, we now have The Core Essentials Chi Kung Course available.  Check listening!
You ARE energy!

You ARE energy!


The Core Essentials Chi Kung Course is now available. In this episode we talk about Awakening the energy body, which is featured in module 2. Check for more information listening!
Partnertraining was one of the most enjoyed parts of our live workshops this summer. In this podcast we talk about why we do partnertraining and how it can boost your Chi Kung proces. Enjoy listening! 2023 Spring/ Summer Chi Kung Intensives in the Netherlands:
The Core Essential Chi Kung Course is now available. In this episode we talk about Alignment & Construction, which is featured in module 1. Check for more information listening!
Comments (1)


The description of building concentration and stillness through standing, and then slowly learning to apply this to moving in tai chi was an eye opener thanks.

Feb 5th