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Live Delivered

Author: Allen Forte

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Encouragement for a delivered life.
195 Episodes
You are not the most important thing in your life. Others are. Things will be ok even if you do not get your way. When you develop social maturity, you will change how you are perceived by others.
Father's Day 2024

Father's Day 2024


Fathers have a special calling in life. Fathers must be trained by the Lord so that we can train our children in the ways of the Lord. We cannot be lazy fathers. The more special we are in how we allow the Lord to develop our lives, the more special we will be as fathers in the lives of our children.
The way you choose to relate to others can bring out the best in others or it can kill the best in others. You don’t have to win at everything; learn to make winners of others. That will make you of great value to them. Jesus tries to teach us simple ways to skillfully live with others, but you have a choice. Jesus is always looking to help us be our best. He doesn’t use ways contrary to this. When you learn to skillfully navigate the way you choose to be wi...
You have an individual call of purpose on your life. Spend some time today in prayer. Ask the Lord to help you discover your purpose of life. When you do, you will learn to select activities that fulfill your purpose and avoid activities conflict with your purpose. By being true to your purpose, you will live life more skillfully.
Living skillfully is made easier when you are more aware of who you are and when you see the implications of the things you do. When you are more aware of yourself, you will become more aware of the needs of others. When you are more aware of yourself, you will learn to become more aware of the greatness of the Lord.
People who live skillfully at life listen to the Lord when He tries to transform an old self into someone better by using new insights.
Mother's Day 2024

Mother's Day 2024


We can honor mothers with lives of submission and faithfulness before God.
Skillful living is learning to find and use wisdom. Wisdom teaches you that you cannot live from what you learn only. Most people want to live good, successful lives, but few are willing to do what it takes to have that. Most of us want good jobs and great careers, but many of us are unwilling to do what it takes to have those things. Do you want to live a more skillful life? So what’s it going to take? How can you move from wanting to live greater to want...



When you learn He is not finished with your life, you will learn what a finished life in Him can be. Let Him perfect what He has planned to do in you before you try to finish what you want to do with your life.
How Before What

How Before What


So many things we do go wrong because we do not choose the right way to do the things we want to do. The right things done in the wrong ways become the wrong things done. Avoid this mistake. Choose how to live before choosing what to do.
Come Lord Come

Come Lord Come


No matter what you are facing today, live a life of invitation, and He will surely accept your call. He will make a way for you to live in power and in grace in whatever your circumstance when your life says to Him, “Come Lord Jesus Come. Amen.”
Where Does He Stand?

Where Does He Stand?


God is your First Love because He First Loved you. That is where He should stand with you.
Never the Same

Never the Same


Once Jesus has delivered you from a way of life, you stop living like a former sinner. Instead, you live delivered. You don’t have to apologize to the world for who you were. Tell the world who you are now because you are never the same, and you will never be the same with Jesus.
Easter 2024

Easter 2024


With Easter, no tomb can hold us, no stone can block us, and no grave can keep us. Death can only give way to life everlasting.
He Is Not Done Yet

He Is Not Done Yet


The Lord is still fashioning us into the material He wants to use with us. He is still writing into our life the message that He wants to be heard through our lives. Our lives are not the message that you or I wrote. It is His message He wrote with the finger and blood of Jesus, right onto the heart for Jesus He gave each of us.
Rule Sin Not Men

Rule Sin Not Men


A trustworthy person will do trustworthy things. Be trustworthy. A loving person will do loving things. Be loving. A caring person will do caring things. Be caring. A hard-working person will do hard-working things. Be hard-working. When you are any of these things, people will respect you and accept the things you do.
You Need Help

You Need Help


You need help--yes you. But that help cannot come from a thing. Help must come from Him who made all things. Throw yourself into His arms, and He will keep you.
A Time and a Moment

A Time and a Moment


In all your time living and doing whatever you do, don’t miss the Moments that Jesus wants to make your time special for you.
See the Invisible

See the Invisible


If the Lord answered all your prayers with the solutions you want, you’d be blind. You will never learn that you have within you the ability to solve many of your problems yourself. Learn to see His invisible Ways at work inside you. These make you better each day.
Who Else?

Who Else?


Who else can Jesus be if you cannot believe He is Who He says He is?