DiscoverPurposed to Impact
Purposed to Impact
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Purposed to Impact

Author: Kendall Nelson

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You are made to make a difference. In each episode, we’ll affirm that truth with fresh insight gleaned from God’s Word and spark big ideas for how you can activate what you’ve got right where you are to answer your higher calling.

23 Episodes
Surprise Spoiler

Surprise Spoiler


We have a surprise!It hasn't happened yet, but the word is out! That's what happens when you decide to do an experiment with 2, 4 and 6 year olds to see if they can keep the surprise quiet. No, no they can't. Not when the good news is this good. Speaking of good news... I guess I should tell you what it is...Scripture Study GuideMark 1:40-45 (the healed leper wasn’t supposed to tell)Acts 1:8 (power to be witnesses)Acts 2:6 (the Holy Ghost is “noised abroad”)Luke 2:7-17 (the shepherds’ spread ...
Saturday's Silence

Saturday's Silence


It’s been quite a while of silence on this podcast, so when God began weaving these thoughts together in my mind on the Saturday before Easter, it felt like the perfect comeback episode.We can learn so much in silence - about God, about ourselves. We can gain quite a bit of perspective on our circumstances too when we remember God has a much bigger plan with so many moving parts that He desires for us to fit into.But on the grassroots level, from our human perspective, silence is awkward. It’...
Season changes aren’t always about the calendar or weather. Rather they can invite a mindset shift that gives us momentum to keep growing into our God-given purpose and His plan for us to make an impact.Scripture study notes:Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11 (a season for everything)Genesis 8:22 (the cycle of seasons)Daniel 2:21 (God controls the seasons)Acts 1:7 (we don't know the timing of the seasons)Matthew 11:28-30 (staying in God's yoke)Galatians 6:9 (in due season)Resources:Read the blog post that ...
The main rule for pivoting is that you have to keep one foot planted on the ground. You can’t just run in a different direction. With one foot firmly anchored to where you are, you can freely move the other one to get a better angle to move the ball around the defender in your way. The same strategy applies when it comes to how we pursue our purpose.Scripture study notes:Isaiah 43:19 (God does new - and sometimes unexpected - things)2 Peter 1:10 (make your calling and election sure)Isaiah 30:...
I believe that if we have an understanding of who God says we are and what He has called us to do, then we can look forward and pray proactively to preempt some things that would threaten our purpose, instead of looking back and repenting for stuff we let derail us. Today we’re talking through the six steps to start something new that I developed for my original 1:1 coaching program and used to launch my most recent venture, Rightly Instructed. While my coaching model is evolving (that’s anot...
We can have all the God-given vision and potential in the world, but His power will stay pent up within us unless we put it to work.Today we’re talking through the six steps to start something new that I developed for my original 1:1 coaching program and used to launch my most recent venture, Rightly Instructed. While my coaching model is evolving (that’s another episode for another day!), these foundational principles can’t be missed when you’re on the brink of a new beginning. Scriptur...
People are at the heart of God’s purpose and plan for Creation. He made us in His own image and tasked us with reflecting His nature so those searching for life and truth could follow us to find their way back to Him. Knowing God’s heart in this way, we can see clearly how our impact lies at the intersection of every personal interaction. It’s in our friendships and family relationships. In every business exchange. It’s at the very heart of each ministry and community service encounter. ...
Welcome to the second installment of our series, Mindset Shifts for Deeper Purpose and Greater Impact! As we talked about last week, daily habits are critical. They’re how we feed our flesh and spirit. When it comes to our pursuit of higher purpose, we’ve got to align our actions with our aspirations. So that brings us to this week’s key question: What are we feeding our purpose? In this episode, we'll chat through what my favorite focaccia recipe helped me realize about daily bread...
Stirred Up

Stirred Up


Paul told Timothy to "stir up the gift" that was in him. He'd shown great faith and faithfulness, but still Paul reminded Timothy to activate what he'd received.Thinking about that word "stir" got me thinking about the impact that specific action has in the baking process (because, hello upcoming holidays). Spoiler: it's absolutely critical.It's what incorporates all of the ingredients so that when the batter hits the heat of the oven, can be activated to transform into something beautiful an...
Ever had to find your way home down a mountain at night in complete darkness - and rain - with zero GPS connection? I have. And (once I made it back to the highway) it hit me why we get radio silence from God sometimes, too.Scripture study notes:Proverbs 22:28 (don't remove the ancient landmarks)Jeremiah 6:16 (ask for the old paths)Isaiah 30:21 (“This is the way, walk in it”)Deuteronomy 8:2 (remember the way the Lord has led you)Deuteronomy 32:7 (remember where the generations before have alr...
Stay on the path. Keep going forward. Even if you just came through a storm and don’t feel like stomping through puddles anymore, stay on the path. You might get wet anyway, but if Jesus is the one directing your steps, at least you know the path you're on is sure. Ask me how I know... Scripture study notes:Proverbs 3:5-6 (trust God to direct your path)Psalm 37:23 (steps ordered by the Lord)Colossians 1:16 ESV ( (all things were made by him and for him)Jeremiah 29:11 (God's plans fo...
We know God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7), but if I'm being honest, just knowing it isn't always comforting enough to combat those vicious, anxious mental spirals. But what I realized through a deeper study of this verse is that God equips us to eliminate the enemy's opportunity to gain a foothold through one simple practice. Let's talk about it. Scripture study notes:2 Timothy 1:7 NLT (God has not given us a spirit of fear)Ephesians 4:27 (give no place to the ...
Impact isn't always positive. In another lesson from Crazypants Garden, we're chatting about the far-reaching effects one seed of toxicity can have on the good you're trying to grow, and the best salvage strategy that works in both your yard and spiritual gardens.Scripture study notes:Matthew 13:24-30 (The Parable of the Weeds)Ezekiel 36:26 (replacing a heart of stone with a heart of flesh)Dovotional: A devotional that you actually do!What good is what you learn from a podcast if you don't pu...
Maybe we take this parable too literally; and as a result, we don’t see ourselves in the story or realize just how many of these moments were missing and how many battered people we’re passing by on a daily basis. Let's talk about it. Scripture study notes:Luke 10:25-37 (The Good Samaritan)Luke 4:18 (Jesus quotes Isaiah 61:1 to declare why He was sent)Isaiah 30:21 (this is the way)Acts 1:8 (why we receive Holy Ghost power)Dovotional: A devotional that you actually do!What good is w...
We cannot conflate a pursuit of validation with our pursuit of purpose. Purpose isn't earned--it's ingrained. And it's got to be affirmed early so we don't spend our lives chasing after something that's already within us.Scripture study notes:Matthew 3:16-17 (Jesus gets baptized)Psalm 139:14 (we are fearfully and wonderfully made)Ephesians 2:10 KJV, NLT (we are God's workmanship, his masterpiece) Romans 5:8 (While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.)Shameless plug (link?) to my big ...
Power in Partnership

Power in Partnership


My husband, Anthony, joins us to discuss the power there is in partnership--from marriage to parenting to ministry. How fitting, since we recorded this on our trip to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary!Scripture study notes:Genesis 12:1-3 (God's call to Abram is an invitation for partnership with Himself)Leviticus 26:8 (the power of partnership as a result of obedience to God)Deuteronomy 32:30-31 (what happens when we're not partnered with God)Joshua 23:10 (the power of partnership with Go...
In this episode I share the story of my own "Mary lost Jesus" moment and what it taught me about purpose stewardship for the little ones we're entrusted to care for. As parents, the fulfillment of our purpose is intricately connected to the purpose God has designed for our kids. We fulfill what God has created us to do as we prepare them to do the same.Scripture study notes:Luke 2:41-52 (12-year-old Jesus gets left behind in Jerusalem)Matthew 1:21 (the angel declares Jesus' name and its meani...
Drops in the Bucket

Drops in the Bucket


So you've got dreams of changing the world but have no clue how you're actually gonna be able to do it. Our closest relationships might seem like drops in the bucket when it comes to impacting people in this world, but they are the beginnings of ripple effects that can reach generations.Scripture study notes:1 Peter 3:1 AMP (the impact of a godly spouse)Proverbs 22:6 AMP (training our children to seek God's wisdom and will)Dovotional: A devotional that you actually do!What good is what you le...
Seeking God instead of striving for greatness or stuff reprograms our hearts to pursue God's purpose and plan instead of positions and possessions.Scripture study notes:Matthew 6:19-21 (your treasure and your heart)Matthew 6:24 (you cannot serve God and money)Hebrews 13:5 (live free of the love of money)Matthew 7:15-20 (a tree and its fruit)Dovotional: A devotional that you actually do!What good is what you learn from a podcast if you don't put it in practice? Sign up for the weekly Dovotiona...
Do you want to be seen, or do you want to see God? In this episode, we start to examine Jesus' Sermon on the Mount to learn what it means to be pure in heart and how we can prepare our hearts to be used for God's purpose. Scripture study notes:Matthew 5:8, 20 (purity of heart, true righteousness)Matthew 6:1-18 (Jesus' teaching on hypocrisy, giving, praying and fasting)Genesis 12:2 (blessed to be a blessing)1 John 5:14-15 (the right things to pray for)James 4:3 (the wrong things to pray for)Do...