DiscoverYour Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity
Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity
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Your Mental Wellness Podcast for Your Voice and Sanity

Author: Dr. Sibylle Georgianna The Leadership Practice

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We all have been through so much! Use the tools described in this podcast to determine the options you have, interrupt triggers, calm down your stress levels, and become clear on what you want and what you can request. In this podcast, you will hear about different perspectives on what creates wellness and what will help you sustain it from different sherpas (AKA my podcast guests). The different perspectives will help you create your sustainable mental wellness-because when we have been through a lot, we can feel burned out and done. You may experience an out-of-the-blue grief response to the losses of what you thought was your life. Reactions such as anger, sadness, numbness show your depletion. Feeling spent may cause you to no longer trust yourself or others. When we have been through a lot, we may feel our situation is our fault. This podcast will get you from wherever you're at to mental wellness. Your biggest fan, Sibylle
43 Episodes
Contact Laila Contractor, MD: http://www.lailacontractormd.comLearn with us about the recent medical development of therapeutically guided use of ketamine.You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where you can subscribe to the show. We would appreciate it if you would tell a frie...
I am thrilled to continue the dialogue with #1 International Best-Selling Author and award-winning Speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, Ironman World Athlete, Leadership Keynote Speaker, and Executive Mental Health Advocate Nick Jonsson. Nick shares about his passion, research and solutions to combat loneliness we so often experience in today's (remote) workplace. Contact Nick:Linkedin profile: https://www.nickjonsson.comYou'r listening ...
I am thrilled to have the opportunity to introduce you to the #1 International Best-Selling Author and award-winning Speaker, LinkedIn Top Voice 2023, Ironman World Athlete, Leadership Keynote Speaker, and Executive Mental Health Advocate, Nick Jonsson. Nick shares about his passion, research and solutions to attend to loneliness that many of us, including executives and business owners, experience in the workplace. Contact Nick:Linkedin profile:
Another WOW dialogue with Jackie Borlawsky who shares about her experience how different personalities (e.g., high achievers, extraverts) are befitting from coaching (powerful questions that generate forward movement).Contact Jackie: jmb6432@gmail.comYou'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for v...
As this season in history seems to put a lot on our plates, learn in this dialogue with Jackie Borlawsky about coaching. Coaching is one way of leadership through powerful questions and repeating back what the coach hears the client say. The clients lead themselves by sharing their thoughts with another person and coming to their own solutions as they are hearing their own thoughts repeated back to them.Learn more about this exciting pathway to mental wellness in Jackie and my conversation- e...
Holidays can bring up a lot: rules and roles , family expectations, guilt and memories of the past. Enjoy this step-by-step toolkit to not just survive but to THRIVE during the holidays how YOU would like to experience them!You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where you can s...
Dr. Nicole O'Barto-Trainer and I get to continue our conversation on how to launch the holistic pursuit of our health, including our mental health.Contact Dr. Nicole:nicole.trainer@nativeclinics.comResources:https://nativeclinics.comhttps://integrativemedicine.arizona.eduYou'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website...
In this episode with Dr. Nicole O'Barto Trainer, we dialogue about the role of a holistic approach to augment mental well-being. We explore the role of nutrition and environmental health as influences of mental and overall wellness.Dr. Nicole holds a doctorate in counseling psychology from West Virginia University, with clinical training at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA. Specializing in mind-body therapies for chronic gastrointestinal and somatic disorders, she received additio...
The holiday can be a busy season with many feelings and sentiments. There's always the thing how the holidays were before and maybe even expectations from even as early as growing up like how the holiday should be. And if there was pain, then we may even long more for this holiday to make up for our pain. And then there is a moving target on top of that, which is that life happens. With the pandemic, there was a time where all the holidays, were just via zoom, and we all stayed wit...
There's usually so much going on however, that really deliberately stopping and slowing it down seems like really essential. And then sometimes I find myself in this place of there's a lot to handle. And yet, the things that really kind of matter, most, I have to really push hard to have that at the at the top of my list, not at the bottom. So that's how the last couple of weeks have been. I get to stay on it just on the things that, that that represents my values. And then, on all ...
Missing in action? Are you finding yourself struggling to keep going? Listen in what kept me from talking to you over the last couple of weeks and how to stay on course, keep your sound mindedness and mental sanity. Feel encouraged when you find out what I encountered that made anything like a recording like this seem like the most absurd thing to come up with, because so many forces, so many obstacles, so many hindrances seemed to be standing and coming up against the pursuit of s...
I am so excited to have another shperpa joining in this episode: my dear colleague Dr. Courtney Harkins. Let's dialogue why using your voice is such a vital ingredient to your mental wellness and sanity and HOW you can do it!You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where yo...
Research shows that it is very beneficial to slow down, disengage from our constant connection with technology, and strengthen our creativity and goal achievement by taking a break from our devices. Sarah Hohmann and I discuss our challenges with harnessing our use of technology. For example, our first thing in the morning can be to start with 20 to 30 minutes of quiet time. Learn more how this practice allows you to refresh your mental wellness. As a result, you will (re-)discover ...
Today I want to do a very surface scratch on the idea of sustainability, which a lot of times has been used with regards to describing activities or ways how enterprises or procedures are set up, that are able to then conserve or preserve the resources in this world, in the longer term. And we often do not even give a second thought to well food or clothing medicine have come from. Yet if we are taking a more sustainability oriented lens, we should just remember how our parents, grandparents,...
Wow! We are launching sails to mental wellness into the New Year! Join us on how to move from powerlessness to healthy power and voice- your ultimate place of sanity!You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for where you can subscribe to the show. We would appreciate it if you would ...
Using basic relaxation strategies (breathing, taking breaks, engaging in meditation or prayer) plus social media savyness have been found to help the participants in our recent study to experience greater wellness at home and at work.Join co-researcher Kevin Wilby and me as we get to dialogue about what truly helps you to RELAX!You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and ...
Today I would like to talk about the topic of Financial Wellness. If we worry about our finances, that impairs our mental wellness: stress, anxiety, fretting is contrary to a mindset of mental wellness.I am excited to welcome our “Sherpa” (as I call the experts who are joining this podcast): Dr. Axel Meierhoefer. Dr. Axel Meierhoefer’s many skills grew through a successful career in the Air Force and in an executive role for a software company as well as by subsequently founding a consul...
I love pursuing clarity especially during crazy times like the holidays. I am equally grateful for my collaborator and sherpa Sarah Hohmann who shares about her survival strategies, including what she is learning the secrets of geniuses :). Enjoy!You'r listening to YOUR Mental Wellness podcast for YOUR voice and sanity. Thank you for joining us this week on your mental wellness podcast for your voice and sanity. Make sure to check out our show notes, visit our website, www dot tools for...
Join Sarah Hohmann and myself as we get to take a look at how simple changes with regards to our food can get us great outcomes (for example, a shift in energy, more positive and calmer feelings, and subsequently greater calm in your overall life)! You are worth it!In line with our podcast: dig deeper and read up on newest research on how fried foods fry your mood: Psychological Association. (2023, October 1). In brief: Fried...
Are you interested in the following:How to get the best health into your/your loved ones lives within 21 days, and how to use an online programs to the support and the tools needed?How to get mental health to clients in the fastest way possible and the best way possible?How to find a manageable action item to get started, and how to find ways to decrease the impact of sugar (without getting intimidated by it)?How to find a small community of no more than 10 people in a class, and a private Fa...