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EQ Applied: Emotional Intelligence in the Real World
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EQ Applied: Emotional Intelligence in the Real World

Author: Justin Bariso

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Do your emotions ever get the best of you, so you say or do something you later regret? EQ Applied is a podcast dedicated to helping you build emotional intelligence, so you can make emotions work for you, instead of against you. Justin Bariso is an award-winning author, former executive coach, and happily married father to three wonderful kids. Each week he presents a practical tip, trick, or mind hack based on principles of psychology and years of coaching experience—designed to help you become a better teammate, boss, spouse, parent, and friend. If you’d like to learn what emotional intelligence looks like in real life, and how you can increase your EQ, you’ve come to the right place. Learn more at
23 Episodes
The Rule of the Chess Player helps you to show empathy and build better habits—for better relationships, and a better you.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
The Tom Hanks Rule will give you laser focus as you learn to buy out time for what’s most important to you.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
Negative thoughts can be very difficult to remove…unless you have a blue dolphin.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
The “Milk Carton Rule” will teach you to focus less on problems, and more on solutions—and save your most important relationships in the process.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
Learn to “define the scope,” and you’ll change the way you work. And live.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
The rule of acquired taste is based on principles of psychology and emotional intelligence—and it can completely change your perspective.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
When you're feeling down and out, you have to resist the urge to look ahead. Instead, take a moment to look back.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
We all lose control sometimes. But what do you do afterwards? The Emotional Postmortem will help you devise a plan to help you avoid repeating your mistakes.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
Empathy is a powerful quality—and a key part of emotional intelligence. But it can prove dangerous when taken too far. When does empathy turn from helpful to harmful? How do you make sure your empathy is emotionally intelligent empathy? Today’s episode answers those important questions.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence cou...
What did a Royal Air Force pilot turned psychologist and one of the most popular professors at MIT have in common? They both preached the value of this simple rule, one that holds even more value today, in a world with more distractions than ever. What’s the rule: You can only listen to one voice at a time.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emoti...
Nobody enjoys getting critical feedback. But everyone needs feedback to improve. How can you make your feedback more emotionally intelligent, so people see it as helpful, instead of harmful? Today we talk about the remarkable power of a single word that will transform the way you give feedback, forever.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional...
Would you like some help setting priorities? How about a tip to help you save your mental health and avoid burning out? Or, would you simply like to have more time in your day? It may be time to start “clocking out.”*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
Here’s a story of two days that start the same, but end very differently. The difference? Taking a moment to help first. Learn what the help first rule is all about, and how it can help you—and everyone else.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
What do you do when someone gives you critical feedback? Today, we'll talk about why critical feedback is so valuable, how can you keep your emotions under control when you get it, and the one sentence that can help transform the way you handle feedback, forever.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
The term “emotional intelligence” has been around for decades, and the concept has been around for centuries. Still, many are unclear of what exactly emotional intelligence is, or how they can start building theirs. Well, here's a simple question that can kickstart your emotional intelligence journey, and help you start making emotions work for you.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and j...
Have you ever found it hard to support someone else’s idea? Maybe it’s a colleague, a friend, or even a spouse or family member. Here’s an emotional intelligence tool that can help in situations like these. It’s called: Disagree and commit. (Here’s the link to the video I mention at the end of today’s episode: 3 Simple Words That Can Save Your Relationships)*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email...
What makes a great team? That’s what Google set out to discover in a years-long study code-named, “Project Aristotle.” Find out what they learned, what it has to with emotional intelligence—and how it can help you be a better teammate, and build a better team.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
How do you react when you’re faced with awkward silence? Most people aren’t comfortable with long silence, but today we’ll talk about why you should get comfortable with it…Because awkward silence can lead to truly great things.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
How do you break the cycle of negative thinking? How do you get clarity when emotions are clouding your thinking?You might simply need to change your glasses.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied
I’ve spent the past several years studying the topic of emotional intelligence in everyday life. Along the way, I learned that emotional intelligence helps you to see many things differently from the rest of the world. Here’s how.*******Looking for simple frameworks to help you build your emotional intelligence?Sign up for our free emotional intelligence email course (and join a community of over 30,000): Free emotional intelligence course from EQ Applied