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Radical Truth

Radical Truth

Author: Robert Rubinstein

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Radical Truth is a podcast produced by TBLI Group and hosted by Robert Rubinstein.
TBLI is making the financial system work for all. Our podcast cover the wide range of ESG and Impact Investing topics. What it is? Why is it booming? Is it really helping? Is Impact regenerative in nature? How will climate change impact investments? There will be regular interviews with thought leaders, some known and some not known, but all brilliant and we will have engaging conversations with all of them.
Let’s make the financial system work for all.
This is Radical Truth.
63 Episodes
James Arbib will share his vision on addressing the Climate Challenge in an effective, uplifting manner.  Jamie is the co-Founder of RethinkX, a not-for-profit think tank that analyzes and forecasts technology disruptions and their impact on society, using a complex systems-based framework. He is co-author of the book Rethinking Humanity. He is also the founder of Tellus Mater, a grant-making foundation that supports work on issues related to sustainability, with a focus on the finance system.  Jamie is Chairman of a family office based in London and specializes in clean tech venture capital.  What will you learn? Are we doomed? What solutions are there in the short term? Do we need to focus only on adaption?
Claudia Segre is the driving force behind the Global Thinking Foundation. Her story as to how Global Thinking Foundation was started, funded and its purpose is absolutely brilliant and inspiring Global Thinking Foundation is among the most active foundations in the organization of citizenship events and socially useful projects on the national and international scene. They promote initiatives related to the quality of education (Goal 4), gender equality and the prevention of violence and economic abuse (Goal 5) and the promotion of decent work and sustainable economic growth (Goal 8). Their goal: to be a resource for the social promotion, culture and enhancement of women’s work, scientific research, education and health.
The current chasm between the rhetoric of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the capital available for development leads to why a new financial paradigm is now needed. UNCTAD projects that we are now 20% below where we started in 2015 - ergo we have spent 3.2 trillion to have gone backwards. The context cannot be ignored: the twin pillars of demographics – ageing populations in the West/China with substantive unfunded liabilities in health and pensions on the one hand and the pincer of youth populations in the developing world on the other hand – exacerbate instability. The existential threats of world resource usage now estimated by the World Resources Institute at 1.7 times the planet’s ability to replenish. Arthur Wood is leading authority on New Financial paradigm that addresses UNSDGS. Speaker: Arthur Wood - Founding Partner, TOTAL Impact Capital
Italian impact investing market. The country provides a unique vantage point on the real potential of impact investing in the post-COVID covid. The European Union has invested its largest stake in the recovery of the country. Italy has turned into the poster child of the European green transition and a playground for the new geopolitics. Furthermore, 2021 is a special year: Draghi at the head of a collation gov, and Italy hosting the G20 for the first time. Naturally, every major corporation has made commitments to join the green transition and contribute to the economic and social recovery. The ability to cooperate within this roadmap represents the true challenge to win for public institutions and private corporations together. TBLI Talk: Knowledge that Inspires
Sierra Gorde Alliance is a model of social entrepreneurship in Sierra Gorda, Mexico, where they correlate economic development with biodiversity conservation. They developed the skill set and economic value for the landowners whose forests provide environmental services- – scenic beauty as well as carbon and water capture. Grupo Ecológico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. (GESG) leads a movement of civil society organizations that form the Alliance for the Conservation of the Sierra Gorda. Together with partners they promote a living laboratory of best cultural practices, with interdisciplinary teams. Our robust analysis of social & environmental return on investment demonstrates the impact on donors Learn how Martha Isabel “Pati” Ruiz Corzo and her team showed that the impossible is possible. What will you learn? -Does biodiversity have a monetary value? -How to capture it? -How to monetize nature's value?
Eva-Lotta Sjöstedt founded KUNO Leadership Community to build a global sense of trust for the next generation of leaders. Sjöstedt is passionate about connecting and inspiring people to develop strong, meaningful businesses through purposeful leadership. After more than 30 years’ experience as a global business leader and CEO, she has led thousands of people in organisations worldwide. KUNO Leadership Community is composed of leaders who share our philosophy. Our fundamental beliefs, values and ideas act as guiding principles for purposeful leadership. Our philosophy encompasses our way of thinking about the world, business, leadership, sustainability, technology and globalisation and the connection between them. As a purposeful leader you cannot separate economic growth from a positive impact on the world. You must consider your impact on all stakeholders. This is essential for long-term success. “It’s time to transform the value proposition. It’s time for a new leadership framework."
THE KEY MAN tells the story of a man who raised billions of dollars for investment by vowing to end global poverty through capitalism but ended up arrested on fraud, theft and racketeering charges and facing up to 291 years in jail.  Arif Naqvi, the founder of Dubai-based private equity firm Abraaj, was a pioneering impact investor who claimed to seek out ways to make money and do good in the emerging markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Bill Gates invested $100 million in Arif's $1 billion fund to build hospitals and clinics in poor countries. The World Bank and the American, British, and French governments also invested in this fund. The UN, Interpol, McKinsey, Harvard, LSE, KPMG, Bank of America and the World Economic Forum were among the elite organizations which backed Arif. TBLI Talkt: Knowledge that Inspires
How do you get professionals doing high quality impact accounting and management quickly? SVT Group works with firms with a business metabolism and an impact focus, like Techstars’ Workforce Development Accelerator (US), Mission Driven Finance (US), Angels of Impact (Singapore), and Happiness Capital (Hong Kong), which seek to support scalable, innovative companies whose work also creates a happier, more equitable and sustainable world.  Sara champions the impact management profession including through her work as Director & Methodology Committee co-chair at Social Value International, who are "working to change the way society accounts for value." What will you learn? How to measure and verify the social impact? Why impact accounting is essential to to drive financial performance How accountants might just save the world TBLI is the world's leading ESG/Impact Investing network/authority. We have been educating, advising, and connecting investors for 25 years.
The term “financial inclusion” as described by the fintech industry is a lie, says Emmanuel Daniel, in his recent book “The Great Transition – the personalization of finance is here”. Emmanuel Daniel is the award-winning founder of The Asian Banker and Wealth and Society. He argues that the phrase was forcibly requisitioned by the platform players because it suited their business model of onboarding millions of customers and then monetizing them. He points out that the way that technology players are funded by venture capitalists today does not allow them to create a viable business model to succeed in financial inclusion. What will you learn: Why is Financial Inclusion a lie? What are the potential consequences of financial inclusion that is wrongly applied? What then should be the goal of “financial inclusion”
Mark Campanale is one of the true pioneers and champions of sustainable investing and using capital to address the climate challenge. Join us as he will show us how to move the needle in capital mobilization away from a carbon-intensive economy What will you learn? - The energy system is changing now that renewables are cheaper than fossil fuels. How big is the ‘carbon bubble’ and why $100 trillion of lost fossil fuel revenues means something - Manufactured energy vs commodity energy, why electrons are more important than molecules and what the future will look like - Investors lose money – and make money – when a whole system changes. Where are the risks for investors in “business as usual” with fossil fuels?
Marko Oksanen is CEO of Coventures and an experienced product leader. Marko has been involved in building digital products and ventures his whole career. As co-founder, product manager or venture designer he has been hands-on building 20+ fast growing digital ventures in Helsinki & Berlin. Now as Coventures CEO Marko has been in the deep end of Corporate Venture Building and has seen many different approaches for building impact in cooperation with established companies and entrepreneurs. In his talk he will share his learnings on how corporations can successfully build new ventures and which pitfalls to avoid. What will you learn? What role corporate venture building can play in the impact ecosystem. Reasons why corporate venture building initiatives doesn't succeed. Different types of partners in corporate venture building ecosystem, why and when to partner with them.
Johan is one of the Founder of the largest Food Festival (30 years old and 400k visitors), Sweden Foodtech (SFT). We will discuss how he and SFT are changing the food system that is less destructive, more healthy, more innovative and more supportive of small holder farmers.
Most pension funds have realised that they need to look at all risks in their investment strategy; i.e. financial, environmental, social and governance risk.  Brunel Pension Partnership Limited (Brunel) is one of eight national Local Government Pension Scheme Pools, bringing together more than £30 billion of investments of 10 likeminded funds. Denise Le Gal, Chair of Brunel Pension Partnership will share her experience as a thought leader in the responsible investing space. TBLI is the world's leading ESG/Impact Investing network/authority. We have been educating, advising, and connecting investors for 25 years.
Wayne Silby founded Calvert Investments, a $15 billion investment management group in Bethesda, MD noted for their leadership in the area of socially responsible investment. Though he is no longer active in most of the day-to-day business of Calvert Investments, he supervises its private equity activities. Mr. Silby also co-founded Social Venture Network, a group of socially oriented entrepreneurs and investors, and Calvert Social Venture Partners, one of the first socially oriented venture capital funds. He also started the Emerging Europe Fund for Sustainable Investment, a $60 million OPIC private equity fund focused on Central Europe. Mr. Silby chairs ImpactAssets, a $200 million donor advised fund, and SynTao, Ltd., a CSR consulting firm in Beijing, China. What will you learn? - How to start an Impact Investing Fund management - What will be the next iteration of impact and ESG? - How to build the Impact Ecosystem in China?
Post Growth—Life After Capitalism Capitalism is broken. The relentless pursuit of more has delivered climate catastrophe, social inequality and financial instability—and left us ill prepared for life in a global pandemic. Weaving together philosophical reflection, economic insight and social vision, Tim Jackson’s passionate and provocative book dares us to imagine a world beyond capitalism—a place where relationship and meaning take precedence over profits and power. Post Growth is both a manifesto for system change and an invitation to rekindle a deeper conversation about the nature of the human condition. Prof. Tim Jackson will share his vision for a Post Growth Economy
Through a regenerative portfolio, Barney Swan accelerates ecosystem protection, carbon drawdown and leadership expeditions. He is currently in Far North Queensland, Australia, leading a project to restore 450 acres of the world’s oldest rainforest: Daintree. Prior to Founding the charity, ClimateForce Limited, Barney skied 1000km over 60 days to the South Pole, pulling a sledge with supplies and shelter. Surviving off clean technologies including a NASA-designed solar ice melter, biofuels made from waste products, vacuum flasks, and solar batteries. With a spirit of collaboration, he connects audiences to better understand their environmental footprint and the responsibility to do more about it. Open-sourcing solutions and making sustainable development inclusive to businesses, students and families. Barney Swan will share his solutions of Regenerating Nature in Australia.
With ESG winning ground with money flows, there has been more talk of ESG failing in addressing the environmental and social challenges we face. In this podcast, futurist and Investor Hazel Henderson discussed a more science-based investing approach. Hazel Henderson passed away in 2022. This podcast was one of the last interviews she gave. She will be missed. Futurist and evolutionary economist Hazel Henderson was president of Ethical Markets Media (USA and Brazil), author of nine books, a syndicated and author of over 200 articles in Harvard Business Review, New York Times and other publications. She was  profiled in Wired (were she was nominated as “one of the 50 people most likely to change the world”), Christian Science Monitor, Science and many international journals. She served on the advisory boards for the U.S. National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Engineering and the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, as well as the Calvert Group of responsible mutual funds. She founded the EthicMark Award for Advertising that Uplifts the Human Spirit and Society."
Isabel Hilton is a London-based international journalist and broadcaster. She will share her vast insight into China and its future relations with the rest of the world. She studied at the Beijing Foreign Language and Culture University and at Fudan University in Shanghai before taking up a career in written and broadcast journalism, working for The Sunday Times, The Independent, The Guardian, and the New Yorker. In 1992 she became a presenter of the BBC’s flagship news program, “The World Tonight,” then BBC Radio Three’s cultural program “Night Waves.”
Germany has started a mega fund of fund to fund  decommissioning all German Nuclear Power Plants.  Jochen Wermuth, our next speaker on the Radical Truth podcast is on the Investment committee member of Germany's new €24bn SWF "KENFO".  He shares his solutions for using finance to address the climate challenge.
What will you learn? - What are the alternatives to corporate governance? - How does steward ownership contribute to build lasting businesses that preserve their mission? - How does an alternative governance structure protect companies from extractive capital?