DiscoverWork Less PROFIT More Business Podcast
Work Less PROFIT More Business Podcast
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Work Less PROFIT More Business Podcast

Author: Diana Lidstone

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Tune in each week as Diana Lidstone shares business strategies, tips, and resources so you can work less and profit more.  This business podcast is for established business owners who want to stop being the Chief Everything Officers ... but still want to make more money!

The truth owners who earn 10x more DO NOT work 10x harder.  Diana coaches her clients to go from low 6-figures to 7-figures and beyond using her results-driven framework.

Whether you're a financial advisor, lawyer, real estate investor,  or another expert,  here's the truth:  you've successfully grown your business but now find you're caught in the hustle and chasing the money. I totally understand. It's time to finally have the freedom you've always desired.

You can read more also at 

153 Episodes
My daughter is the ultimate 2nd hand shopper, and she just had a baby. So true to form she bought lots of things 2nd hand. However, before she purchased anything major – let’s say a stroller – she did a couple of things. She asked friends who had children AND then she went to Google to look for customer reviews!If you are looking for a new fridge or set of tires, what do you do? Well, you might ask your friends for recommendations but I’m guessing you would also go to ...
Whether you’re a lawyer, accountant or other professional – it's important to realize that we are currently in a global marketplace. With today's technology, no longer is our business growth stalled or capped by our location. For instance, there was a time when bookkeepers or lawyers only worked with clients within a 5-10 mile radius. It’s no longer true today. Some of my clients have bookkeepers overseas.If we have a global marketplace – that means there’s more competition than ever. Y...
While it is true that customers are attracted to the best marketers, not necessarily the best products, it is our job as business leaders to turn prospects into customers, in other words, to close the sale.My guest on this episode is a master storyteller AND communication specialist.We chat about:Two necessary ingredients of storytelling.What communication intelligence is.How you can decode your prospect's communication to close more sales faster and more effectively.How to power script or ho...
Having sales conversations that convert and that aren’t an hour long is vital to a successful and profitable business! In this episode, I want to share my journey with sales and how one simple change can increase your conversion rates and reduce the time you spend on sales calls!ACTION PLAN: How to increase your conversion rates & reduce the time spent on sales conversations:Read Anatomy of a Sales Conversation (here).Identify the gaps in your sales conversations.Adjust your format.Measur...
Pricing your services for profit can be a challenge for most business owners. And in some industries like bookkeeping, accounting and legal, it’s been tradition to price by the hour. But this week, my special guest will challenge you to think differently about your pricing, especially if you’re a lawyer!Special guest from the United Kingdom, non-practising lawyer Shaun Jardine and author of Ditch the Billable Hours and I have a lively discussion on pricing and how value-based pric...
Raising your rates can be one of the most uncomfortable activities you do in your business and yet, it can be one of the most satisfying too!In this episode, I talk about:Money set point10 signs it’s time to raise your ratesClient stories of how and when to raise your ratsACTION PLAN:Which of the 10 signs applies to you?Decide how much you will raise your ratesRaise them now!ABOUT ME:I’m a best-selling author, award-winning speaker and podcast host. After almost 40 years as an entrepreneur, I...
(This podcast was inspired by an article from E-myth)One of my deepest held core values is ‘life before business’. As I’ve moved to the farm, my life has changed and so has my business to be in alignment with my desired life.In this episode, I share 4 actions you can take to build a business that supports your desired life!I also share the story of the Donkey & the Lion – how and why we sometimes have to walk away from those who drain our energy!I hope you enjoy it!DOWNLOADS: Freedo...
Welcome to the 3rd part of this podcast series – The Path to Predictable Profits & Sustainable Success!!!To summarize, this series is filled with gold nuggets to help you build a predictably profitable business.Episode #144 – Where to focus your time, money and energy right now? I shared the 7 elements of the Freedom Stack.Episode #145 – #1 Mistake keeping your business from being predictably profitable -- I shared my favourite F word and 3 areas of your business to simplify &...
Welcome to the 2nd part of this podcast series – The Path to Predictable Profits & Sustainable Success!!!Last week #144 – I spent time answering one of the most common questions I get from clients and prospects…Where do I focus first? It’s the one question that you ask yourself time and time again – where do I focus first? Where do I focus my time? Where do I focus my energy? Where do I focus my money? If you haven’t listened to this episode yet – be sure to do so ...
Welcome to this new podcast series – The Path to Predictable Profits & Sustainable Success!!!Today’s episode #144No matter your stage of business growth, I know that one of the questions that you ask yourself time and time again is ... where do I focus first? Where do I focus my time? Where do I focus my energy? Where do I focus my money… Right now.Well, today’s episode will help you answer this question … and again in the future!Episode #145 – I’ll share what I call the...
There’s nothing I love more than talking to a fellow Canadian about business. In this episode, I welcome back Kris Ward, from Win the Hour, Win the Day.Kris and I talk about:Her business personality quiz (Take it here at How identifying your biz personality will help you save time and energy in your business and lean into your strengthsKris’s favorite 3 T’s (team, time, toolkits)How her clients typically free up 25 hours/weekWhy spending more time and working ...
How does a young mother of two children and a real estate investor have time to build not one, not 2 but 3 profitable and sustainable businesses? My guest today will share her secret sauce!Successful entrepreneurs have some common traits. Today Adriana and I discuss her secret sauce to becoming a multi-preneur and the topics include:The job of a small business owner is to acquire new skill sets.How mindset is absolutely everything if you want to scale a business and keep your sanity.Why...
Last week, I shared the background every business owner needs to understand to get the best ROI from their marketing…I shared:Exactly what I mean by the term - marketing – because marketing isn’t just social mediaHow to measure your smart marketingThat smart and strategic marketing that converts begins with understanding the customer journeySo today – I want to dive deep into the 3 biggest marketing mistakes SBO make and how to fix them so you can build a rinse and repeat marketing stra...
Early in my entrepreneurial career, I found it frustrating that all the marketing I was doing wasn’t bringing me the ideal clients I wanted. Early in my career, I thought that if I just did more marketing – that would be the answer. I soon learned that there was more to marketing than posting 5x a day on social media.In this episode, I’ll share:Exactly what I mean by the term – marketing – because marketing isn’t just social mediaHow to measure your smart marketingUnderstand that ...
What happens when a business coach and a copywriter get together? They have fun sharing about what makes content creation easier and more effective.Rachel Eubanks and I bonded on social media over the name of a book we both love – Obviously Awesome and this led to us talking about:What makes content writing/copywriting more effectiveWhy email is so importantWhy frequency and fun are keys to great content writingHow templates for writing are essentialHer 4 part newsletter templateACTION ...
Are you ready to become the true CEO of your business? The visionary leader?You’re ready for more freedom butYou find your calendar is always full You can’t seem to find time to build the systems and structures that would streamline your businessYou’ve been struggling to set boundaries with your teamYou can’t seem to take even a couple of days away without feeling stressed or guiltyIn this episode:I’m going to explain that you don’t need a blueprint but a customizable frameworkThe ...
Are you ready to become the true CEO of your business?You’re ready for more freedom but:You find your calendar is always full You can’t seem to find time to build the systems & structures that would streamline your businessYou’ve been struggling to set boundaries with your teamYou can’t seem to take even a couple of days away without feeling stressed or guiltyWell, my friend – then welcome to this week’s podcast series GET OUT OF THE WEEDS & back into the driver’s seat where each...
Are you tired of being the CEO of your business?You’ve seen some success but…You find yourself hustling to keep clients and cash flow coming in.You feel like you’re stuck on a revenue plateau and don’t know how to get past it.You’re already feeling maxed out and not sure how it’s possible to grow without working more hours.Well, my friend – then welcome to this week’s podcast series GET OUT OF THE WEEDS & back into the driver’s seat where each day. I’ll share with you how to stop being Ch...
Do you feel like you’re stuck in your business?Perhaps you’ve hit a revenue ceiling and can’t seem to get past it?Perhaps you feel like you are no longer doing meaningful work?Perhaps you lost the joy in your business?Well, my friend – then welcome to the GET OUT OF THE WEEDS podcast series where each day I’ll share with you how to not only reclaim 4-8 hours per week but learn to love your business again!Each day this week, I’ll release a new episode and share with you:Today, Ep. 134 – The Gr...
Do you feel like you're juggling everything in your business? Wearing all the hats – the marketing, the HR, the bookkeeping, the sales, the operations etc.Do you feel like you spend time secretly being jealous of your peers who seem to have cracked the code and you're still stuck on the hamster wheel?Are you over having to deal with low-performing team members but dread taking the time to train someone new?Or are you afraid if you take a well-deserved vacation, that you’ll return to a m...