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I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson
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I Am... With Jonny Wilkinson

Author: Jonny Wilkinson + Mark Wilkinson

Subscribed: 9,813Played: 127,076


Conversations about human potential, uncovering new connections with life.

Through discussions about peace, performance and potential, this podcast takes you to places you may not expect with people you may not expect it from.
122 Episodes
I Am... Jeremy Utley

I Am... Jeremy Utley


Innovation and creativity specialist, facilitator of epiphanies and Director of Executive Education at Stanford d School Jeremy Utley joins Jonny and Sparks for a conversation all about finding amazing, game changing solutions to life’s problems through growth, liberation, courage and trust. With phenomenally powerful yet simple exercises and inspiring stories, Jeremy, co-author of the book “Idea Flow,” offers everyone the possibility to make that next leap in their thinking and transform their worlds. Enjoy!
In this episode Jonny and Sparks discuss how we might marry living both a logical, reasonable and safe life with experiencing an inexplicably, unfathomable and magical one at the same time. How do we take care of physical survival whilst still exploring the immensity of our true potential in every moment? We hope you enjoy!
I Am... Terri Cole

I Am... Terri Cole


This episode with mental and emotional health specialist Terri Cole covers a huge amount with regards to human potential and how we can experience it. An expert on boundaries, she speaks powerfully to Jonny and Sparks about how to become more ok with who we are, to speak our truth, live more authentically and enjoy deeper and more connected relationships. She certainly walks the walk too and her energy and insights make for a brilliant hour of listening and for a more empowered future for us all. We hope you enjoy!
I Am... On Sleep

I Am... On Sleep


This week’s episode has a first look at sleep and it’s power to unlock potential and deepen our experience of health and well-being. Jonny and Sparks look at some of the research around sleep upon health conditions. They also explore how we might better prepare for sleep, maximise it and also relate to it in a more open and inspiring way than just a means to escape and recover ready for the next day. We hope you enjoy it.
I Am... Peter Ebdon

I Am... Peter Ebdon


Peter Ebdon was a world champion snooker player who now practices as an energetic healer. He has gone from conquering through competition to connection through deep compassion. What seems like an incredibly extreme transformation makes perfect sense when you hear his story. On this episode Peter tells Jonny and Sparks all about the fierce and intense world of snooker, his pain and suffering and his shift into helping others to heal. Peter trained at the College of Healing in Malvern and also coaches current top snooker players.
I Am... On Imagination

I Am... On Imagination


This episode is all about the sheer importance of the inner world and our incredible creative power.In this episode Jonny and Sparks explore the immense possibility in imagination, it’s overwhelming impact upon our life experience, our performance and our health. Why are we so much more creative, playful, spontaneous, energised and connected as children? Why and how do we give it all up to live such limited lives as “adults” in the “real world”?
I Am... Cliff Kimber

I Am... Cliff Kimber


Cliff Kimber is an executive performance coach who definitely recognises the immensity of FLOW. He studies it, practices it and lives for it as well as lives through it. He is also writing a book all about it “Born to Flow.” In this episode Jonny and Sparks get privileged access to Cliff’s insights, his inspiring perspectives and powerful guidance for tapping into it more and more in our day to day lives. A brilliant discussion for anyone that is looking for a different relationship with themselves, with life one of deeper grace and magic. Please enjoy.
In this episode Sparks and Jonny look into how some physical training can help us to become more energised, open and prepared for what life throws at us. What are some of the things to consider when looking at trying to improve your health and fitness as well as potentially prolonging your life at the same time? The conversation also explores the link between how we use our body and how it adapts in not only a physical way but also in terms of mental and emotional health too. We hope you enjoy it.
I Am... Richard Rudd

I Am... Richard Rudd


I AM with Richard Rudd founder and author of Gene Keys. In this episode Jonny and Sparks sit down with Richard Rudd and discuss how to unlock and access the purpose and wisdom inside ourselves. The discussion explores the art of contemplation, patience and courage and Richard’s beautiful insights into how we create the conditions for our potential to blossom. If you want to know more about the powerful personal guidance system that is Gene Keys and the many self discovery opportunities it offers then visit We hope you enjoy the conversation!
In this episode Jonny and Sparks take a deeper look at the roles we play in our lives and how identifying ourselves too strongly with what we do and our goals can limit our understanding and experience of potential. How do we uncover our calling in life? How do we follow it without becoming consumed by it and losing touch with the immensity in who we are right now? Any ideas or comments, questions or feedback you have for us please send to
I Am... Bjorn Lomborg

I Am... Bjorn Lomborg


In this episode I AM welcomes political scientist, president of the Copenhagen Consensus think tank and author of Best Things First: The 12 Most Efficient Solutions for the World's Poorest and Our Global SDG Promises, Bjorn Lomborg. Bjorn spends his time deeply exploring how to most positively impact the world we know in the most cost effective way. It is a conversation that definitely challenges our thinking and Jonny and Sparks find themselves presented with surprising insights and clear useful perspectives for what really making a difference might mean.
This week on the podcast Jonny and Sparks discuss some recently published research on the efficacy of resistance training as a tool for health and longevity. The conversation covers research that compares resistance and cardiovascular training and a combination of the two which, for some, may bring some surprises!As always we would love to know your thoughts on this so please get in touch via
I Am... David Robson

I Am... David Robson


In today’s episode Jonny and Sparks are joined by David Robson, an award-winning science writer specialising in the extremes of the human brain, body and behaviour. David speaks brilliantly about the power we possess over our genes and over our past experiences. This conversation really does explore how we can allow our challenge to support us towards becoming who we want to be, physically, mentally, emotionally and beyond. David is the author of “The Intelligence Trap,” "The Expectation Effect” and his new book “The Laws of Connection”. We hope you thoroughly enjoy his energy and powerful insights.
In this episode Jonny and Sparks investigate the power to we possess to actively influence our own healing and how this leads directly to influencing growth, performance, creativity and joy. Perhaps we are all a bit more accustomed to getting involved in our stress and helping ourselves towards more of it but are we not equally capable of leading ourselves somewhere new, into deeper relaxation and revelation? We hope you enjoy this conversation. Any thoughts or questions you have for us, please send them in to
I Am... Dr Aditi Nerurkar

I Am... Dr Aditi Nerurkar


Jonny and Sparks are immensely grateful to have Harvard stress and resilience expert Dr Aditi Nerurkar with them to explore and explainstress. In this episode Dr Nerurkar offers brilliant perspectives for how we can relate to stress to aid our mental health and use it for our growth and evolution.She also provides powerful, simple and effective practices for finding balance, peace and performance when facing challenge. Dr Aditi Nerurkar’s has a new book for those that want to know more “The 5 Resets - Rewire your brain and body for less stress and greater resilience.”Find her @draditinerurkar and on her Substack “It’s not you it’s your stress.”
In this episode Jonny and Sparks look at the sports science theory of supercompensation. This theory shows how the physical body – through rest and recovery – can adapt positively to stress induced by training sessions. This conversation explores how “supercompensation” (first put forth by Russian scientist Nikolai N. Yakovlev in 1949–1959) might provide an interesting model for how we relate to our mental and emotional challenges too. The episode offers new understandings for stress and resilience that may help us unlock more of who we are and what is possible in life. We hope you enjoy the chat! Any questions please send through to
I Am... John Amaechi OBE

I Am... John Amaechi OBE


Professor John Amaechi is a respected psychologist and transformational leadership expert who focuses his work upon behavioural change and creating honest, authentic and thriving cultures all in alignment with sustainable growth, high performance and well-being. He also previously played a full basketball career in the world’s most competitive league the American NBA. In this episode with Jonny and Sparks he brings all of this together beautifully to form and share immensely powerful insights upon human potential, coaching, team spirit and performance. This 70 minute conversation is packed full of unique perspectives and brilliant opportunities for anyone listening. Please enjoy. Professor Amaechi OBE is the founder of APS Intelligence and  has written the book “The Promises of Giants.”Covert art photo courtesy of APS Intelligence
I Am... On Resilience

I Am... On Resilience


Jonny and Sparks respond to some questions sent in by listeners that focus upon the topic of resilience. How do we come back after our confidence gets knocked? How do we reinvent ourselves after heartbreak and disappointment especially when it keeps coming at us? This episode aims to offer alternative and more inspiring perspectives upon what is possible for us all as human beings. We discuss what would life be like if we were truly and absolutely committed to growth and to revealing our potential over and above everything else. What would happen to our relationship with challenge and with the unknown, with fear and frustration? What might this look like for our performance, for our connection to others and our fulfilment. As ever, thank you for listening, supporting and being open to exploring. Any questions you have for us to look into please send to – we’ll get right into them!
I Am... Alison Heaslewood

I Am... Alison Heaslewood


This episode is all about movement and sound therapy for releasing stuck energy and transcending limits. Jonny and Sparks are joined by specialist practitioner Alison Heaslewood who uses her own inspiring journey of personal transformation to explain the power of sound baths and ecstatic dance as a means for creating safe space, enriching communities, deep healing and balance. These therapies are resonating strongly with many people right now. Follow your curiosity and discover why. With utmost respect to all.
I Am... On Confidence

I Am... On Confidence


For this episode Jonny and Sparks investigate confidence, what it is and how we might be able to generate more of it in our lives. How do we become friends with the unknown instead of seeing it as a threat? How do we find the freedom to fully perform? This is a big topic and we hope that you enjoy the discussion. Any questions you might have for us to explore please send to
Comments (20)

William Stoughton

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Jan 16th

Alexjendro Kafi

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Jan 13th

Annakaye Bennett

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Jan 13th

Mia Michael

🔴Really Amazing ️You Can Try This ➤👉

Jan 12th

mrs rime

▶ Really Amazing ️You Can Try This➤➤👉

Jan 12th

Yeganeh Egh

Hi I listened to your podcast with Mooji … while I was driving to my garden 🪴 and that peace you were talking about.. I felt it right away … it was incredible. I know Mooji very well and he truly is a master mind. Thank you 🙏 ✨😊

Nov 10th

Yeganeh Egh

Hi I listened to your podcast with Mooji … while I was driving to my garden 🪴 and that peace you were talking about.. I felt it right away … it was incredible. I know Mooji very well and he truly is a master mind. Thank you 🙏 ✨😊

Nov 10th

Witt Freddie

Thank you for the article! I have studied about similar subjects! Unlike other submissions, however, I have a very unique impression of yours. I hope you will continue to share articles of this caliber with the public.

Aug 11th

Witt Freddie

Wow, this episode was fantastic. The pivotal "chair" moment

Aug 11th

Deon Ashton

super podcast interview which captures Mooji rngaging warmth, I was lucky enough to spend some time out in Sahaja, a very lovely time. johnny I think you would like the work of Miranda Warren 'This Terrible Love' . Thanks for this podcast I can tell its a Labour of love. 🙏

Jun 1st

gavin downey

Hi Jonny, great podcast again. Have you considered getting Angela Harrison on to talk about mental health and her charity Whats Behind The Smile?

Apr 27th

zain akbar

Thanks for this amazing information.

Apr 15th


Hi I really like your accent

Apr 12th

Yeganeh Egh

Wow… i loved this podcast The chair moment ✨🫶

Jan 28th

Emm Airis

I really enjoyed this conversation - it was top-notch. What a great insight into how to make anxiety and uncertainty work for you. As I chat with my best friend on popular Whatsapp pro, I found this great podcast

Sep 17th

Emm Airis

Wonderful Podcast. After watching this, I got a lot of help in my performance. The content will continue to be raised in the future.

Sep 15th

Deon Ashton

fabulous conversation

Sep 8th

Nicola Potts

Wow. Mind. Blown. Brilliant iinterview.

May 8th

Nicola Potts

Loved this - a first class conversation. A great insight into how to make anxiety and uncertainty work FOR you.

May 6th

Thomas Ellis

Hi Jonny I just want to say hi and that I'm really looking forward to Thursdays podcast. I played rugby since 14 and loved every second of it.16 mo the ago I had a spinal cord injury which has turned my world upside down and I've kind of lost myself.a big part of me was being active I'm hands on dad I played sport and had a physical job. like I said,really looking forward to Thursdays show. Tommy Ellis

Mar 9th