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Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People Podcast

Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People Podcast

Author: JONSOP

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The "Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People Podcast" was created to assist you with your personal, professional and career development. The Co-Hosts: Podcast will be co-hosted by: Dr. Joe Hamlett who specializes in personal development and Dr. Dave Peltz who specializes in career development. The main reason for launching this Podcast is to share our experiences on a variety of topics that you want to hear. In other words, we want to provide our listeners and viewers with tools and helpful hints to assist them in their Personal Growth & Career Development!
120 Episodes
In the podcast episode titled "S3Ep118 Is It Really Impossible," Dr. Dave and Joe discuss the concept of impossibility from both personal and professional perspectives. They explore how perceived limitations, societal norms, and external opinions can create a false sense of what is achievable. Through personal anecdotes, such as Dr. Dave’s unexpected academic and career successes, they illustrate that many feats once deemed impossible have been accomplished through determination and a shift in mindset. The hosts emphasize the importance of self-belief, defining personal success, and leveraging team support to overcome challenges. They conclude that while some things may appear impossible, often, with perseverance and the right approach, they can be achieved. The episode encourages listeners to reflect on their goals and not be hindered by doubts or naysayers, stressing that personal and collective achievements often surpass initial expectations. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/ Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠ Copyright © 2024 - Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People, All Rights Reserved
In episode 117 of the "Journeys of Not Ordinary People" podcast, Dr. Dave Peltz and Dr. Joe Hamlett explore the timeless question of "When I Grow Up" and reflect on their own journeys and aspirations. They discuss the excitement of continuous growth and learning, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a childlike curiosity and openness to new possibilities throughout life. They share personal anecdotes about their career transitions and the importance of self-awareness, self-reflection, and perseverance in pursuing one's dreams. Highlighting the significance of embracing change and leveraging acquired skills and experiences in exploring new avenues, they inspire listeners to approach their future with enthusiasm and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. Through their engaging dialogue, they encourage individuals to remain open-minded, continuously seek improvement, and view life's journey as an ongoing adventure filled with limitless opportunities for personal and professional fulfillment. JONSOP Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/ Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠ Copyright © 2024 - Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People, All Rights Reserved
In the podcast episode titled "S3Ep116 Exploring To Learn," Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz delve into the concept of exploring as a means of learning and personal growth. They discuss how in today's digital age, with vast access to information, exploration can take various forms, from reading and watching documentaries to trying new experiences or hobbies. They emphasize the importance of curiosity and intentionality in the learning process, highlighting how exploring different topics can lead to unexpected discoveries and insights. They also caution against information overload and the need to set boundaries to stay focused on one's learning goals. Additionally, they touch upon the relevance of exploring in professional development, mentioning the value of certifications and continuous learning in various industries. Overall, they encourage listeners to embrace exploration as a tool for lifelong learning and self-improvement, while also advocating for balance and focus in the pursuit of knowledge. JONSOP Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/ Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠ Copyright © 2024 - Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People
The podcast episode titled "S3Ep115 Trust The Process" features co-hosts Dr. Dave Peltz and Dr. Joe Hamlett discussing the concept of trusting the process in various aspects of life, such as New Year's resolutions, personal growth, academic pursuits, and fitness goals. They emphasize the importance of patience, commitment, and persistence in following through with a process despite not seeing immediate results. The hosts share personal experiences and anecdotes to illustrate the challenges and rewards of trusting the process, highlighting the need for visualization of the end goal and adapting processes to individual needs. They also touch on the significance of selecting the right mentors and coaches to support one's journey. Overall, the episode encourages listeners to trust in their chosen processes and to stay committed to their goals, even when faced with setbacks or uncertainty. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/  Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠  Copyright © 2024 - Journeys Of Not So Ordinary People
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Greener Grass. Many of us have probably heard about the grass being greener on the other side, however, we would like to caution you. As much as we would like to believe the grass is greener on the other side, more than likely we are not seeing a complete picture. Often times we only see the surface, which in many cases can be misleading and unfortunately, we do not learn the truth until it is too late. We recommend that you do your due diligence when considering going somewhere that appears to be a better place to be. Of course, we know that you will not be able to uncover many of the things that are not immediately visible, however, we expect you to dig deep enough to where you are comfortable to make an informed decision. We also encourage you to discuss the opportunity with others just so that you have perspective that is phased or enticed by the opportunity and therefore they may see beyond just the surface. In either case, make sure you take the appropriate time to consider before making your final decision. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic We Are Better Together. When we refer to we are better together, we are speaking in terms of working on a team or in a group and the benefits of associated with that dynamic. Dave would also like to think that the more we work together the better chance we have of complementing one another. As we have mentioned it many times before, we often think we do things alone, but the reality is that we often have to rely on others to get things accomplished. Although we are typically responsible for the end results that does not mean that it is solely up to us to complete the task alone. As mentioned throughout the episode, in many cases there is possibly a standout person or persons on the team, but the reality is that it takes all of working together in order for us to be successful. Remember it is not about only us winning, but rather it is about all of us winning together. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz bring on a very special guest Caren Cooper. During this episode Caren Cooper is going to tell about her experiences with trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Many of us have probably heard that saying in reference to you or someone else. For the most part many of us can relate to that expression because many of us have been put in that position at one time another in our lives. with that said, what is most important is the fact that we must learn to celebrate our uniqueness rather than trying to fit in. We should also remember embrace our uniqueness, because know is like you. Even as a kid we were taught that we had to conform to get a long rather than celebrate and embrace who we truly are. Although we recognize it is easier said than done, we must make an attempt to be who we are. This all starts with self-worth and self-love. We must start with believing in who we are rather than believing who others want us to believe we are. JONSOP Caren Cooper Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Defining Your Destination. What does defining your destination really mean? As we have mentioned on previous episodes, defining your destination starts with defining what success means to you, identifying your goals, critical self-reflection, flexibility and commitment. Of course, this list is not the end all to be all, but rather a good place to start. Also, as we have mentioned in previous episodes, even if you were provided with a successful blueprint used by someone else, the reality is that you will not be able to follow the exact same path. Most importantly is the fact that if you do not define your own destination, someone will likely do it for you and in most cases you will not like the destination they have chosen for you. Not saying that if you define your destination, you will reach that destination without any trials or tribulations, but rather if you have a destination in sight, it is much easier to establish a plan b, c or d if needed. Remember defining your destination is up to you, make sure you are being intentional about where you are headed. It is your responsibility to choose your destination. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Unplugged. As we have mentioned on several previous episodes is the fact is that we all need to unplug in order to recharge or batteries so that we remain effective. What we recommend is that you define what being unplugged looks like for you. Some of unplug by removing ourselves from all electronic devices, whereas some of us use designated hours in the day to unplug from certain electronic devices. Some of us use a combination of relaxation methods and electronic devices to unplug. No matter what method you use, be sure it meets your needs and not someone else's needs of being unplugged. In many cases, it is very difficult to completely unplug from electronic devices, however, it does not mean that you cannot define what unplugging means to you and how to best unplug based on your own circumstances. In other words, choose your method of unplugging based on your own needs and not the needs of others. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Breaking Out Of The Box. To begin with, as mentioned in the episode, understanding being in a box is important. Many of us go through life not really understanding that we are in a box, not to say that it is a bad thing, but rather accepting that you are in box to some degree. The next step is to determine whether or not you are ok with being in box. And lastly, if you have determined that you do not want to be in a box designed by someone else, what steps do you need to take to get out of that box. It should also be noted that sometimes being in a particular box may be a means to an end, therefore accepting that position may not necessarily be a bad thing. One of the most important things to remember in reference to breaking out of the box is the fact that you can choose to be in control of whether or not you remain in the box. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Supporting Your Network. In previous episodes we have discussed being the beneficiaries of support from others, but we have not talked much about the importance of supporting your network in the same way. Often times, we get caught up in what we need and don't necessarily think about the needs of others. On this episode we discuss the importance of building relationships so that you are better equipped to assist others with their personal and professional development. It should be noted that the expectation is not to develop a whole new strategy about how you assist others, but rather, making sure you are keeping others in mind as you develop and grow. It should also be noted, that in many cases it does not take an elaborate scheme to assist, but rather an intent to support others. How can you support your network? JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Communication. As identified in the podcast, communication encompasses so many aspects of interacting and connecting with others. With that said, we must mention that due to the many methods of communication available, we should try to determine which method is most effective for you. Also, what comes to mind is when does our communication methods become a detriment rather than a positive interaction. Many years ago, there was typically one major method of immediate communication via the telephone. Nowadays there are so many different ways of constant communication that it can be overwhelming. Our recommendation to you is to take the time to determine which communication methods work best for you, which is highly dependent on the situation. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic How Far Will You Go. Our suggestion to you as you are considering how far you will go, is to make sure you take the appropriate time to consider as many variables as you can before committing to going all the way. As mentioned by Dr. Dave and Dr. Joe, our tendency is to go all in, however, we would caution you if your approach were similar to make sure you understand what you are committing too. Also make sure you are considering those around you before you commit to something that affects others. In other words, make sure that how far you are willing to go is aligned with the projected outcome that you expect. Also, really consider what sacrifices you might have to make or the things you might have to commit too. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz bring on a very special guest Dr. David E. Jackson. Along with starting our third season our conversation with Dr. Jackson is in reference to Maximizing Your Space. To begin with as we consider what it takes to maximize your space, you must first start with the all in important critical self-reflection. As we have stated on previous episodes, over the past two years, critical self-reflection, should be at the top of the list of things to do to move forward. Growth and development does not occur without first understanding where you are today and knowing where you want to go. As presented by Dr. Jackson during the podcast, maximizing your space also requires you to evaluate the space that you intend to operate in to ensure you are aligned. If you do not take the necessary time to identify your intentions, you are doing yourself a huge disservice and more than likely you might be forced to fit into a space that you might not like. JONSOP GUEST Dr. David E. Jackson LinkedIn: ⁠ Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Season 2 Review. I want to start off by saying it is hard to believe that we have completed 2 full seasons of the Journeys of Not So Ordinary People podcast. Dave and I are very excited to have reached this milestone and look forward to reaching more milestones in the future. Dave and I would also like to thank our audience for tuning in each and spending time with us, it is very much appreciated. This past year was great as we discussed 52 topics, which also includes six topics that we shared with our amazing guest. There were many highlights from the show this past year and rather than recap those highlights we just want to say that we hope that you were able to garnish something that will assist you in your journey. We look forward to season 3 and we hope you choose to join us on this continued journey! JONSOP Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic How Do You Recover . When we think about recovery or recharging, we often think of physical therapy or some type of physical activity that helps us recover. The reality is that yes in many cases physical activity is associated with the road to recovery, however, there are other things that we can do to help facilitate recovery. For instance, taking time out after a busy day to reflect on your drive home, or listening to music or painting or sketching on a blank canvas. In other words, your type of recovery is up to you, whether it be physical activity or reading, whatever method chosen is up to you. The key is for you to be intentional about recovery and the method of recovery is up to you. As stated during the podcast if you have not determined your method of recover, it does not hurt to try a few methods to help you determine which method of recovery is best for you. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Embracing Differences . When we think of embracing differences we believe it all starts with opening your mind to the possibilities. Of course our initial response to embracing differences is to think of familiarity and the things we feel more confident with. In other words, typically we are more prone to go with what we know rather than even entertain the thought of embracing any differences. This is most likely attributed to the biases and assumptions we already have about certain things. Although our mind makes an attempt to assist us with calculating the input it receives, it relies heavily on the already known. When this happens our mind immediately needs convincing otherwise, therefore it is very challenging to redirect your mind to entertain other options. With that said, remaining aware that you have these biases and assumptions and keeping your mind open to the possibilities you will be in a better position to embrace differences. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Staying Out Of Your Head. Many of us at one time or another have been consumed by all of the thoughts and feelings swirling in our heads. So much that it hinders us in a way that often times prevents us from making any decisions or moving forward. In many cases, staying in our heads often leads to negative and critical self-talk, which ultimately leads to critical self judgement. This in itself could hinder you and cause indecision. There are a few things we recommend to help you minimize the swirling in your head. First suggestion is to make sure you are truly seeing the person in the mirror and to make sure you gain an objective perspective from someone close to you. Second suggestion would be to take time away from the stressors caused by all of the swirling in your head. In other words, go to your happy place. Whatever you do remember, we are our toughest critics and that we tend to place more emphasis on the negatives rather than focus on the positives. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz bring on a very special guest Amanda Weck to celebrate the 100th episode of the podcast. Along with the celebration on this 100th episode our conversation with Amanda is in reference to Feedback. As with many of the topics we discuss, feedback is an important factor when we consider personal and professional development. Although feedback often times causes anxiety and or ill feelings, it is a necessary element of growth and development. The challenge for many of us is how we perceive the feedback and whether or not it is meant to helpful or hurtful. As has been mentioned on previous episodes, the most favorable approach when it comes to receiving feedback is to do so with an open mind. Remember, no matter what feedback you receive, it is still up to you whether or not you choose to accept or reject the feedback. Of course, we would like to think that the feedback we receive is meant to assist us that is not always the case, but it is still important that you take to the time hear and process the feedback. Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠   Amanda Weck Email: LinkedIn:
On this episode your co-host Dr. Joe Hamlett and Dr. Dave Peltz discuss the topic Goals for 2024. At the beginning of the year, typically many of us make numerous New Years resolutions that often fizzle just after the new year begins. In this episode, we focus not on goals that fall into the new year's resolution category, but rather fall into the continuous growth and development category. As we have stated on previous episodes, creating goals and action plans typically take longer and if done correctly fall into a bigger scheme of things rather than just quick fixes and antidotes. For 2024 we recommend evaluating previous years for wins and things you want to continue doing as well as things that did not go so well and that you have decided not to continue. The idea is to continue on your journey making the appropriate adjustments that gets you that much closer to achieving your goals. JONSOP   Dr. Joe Hamlett ⁠⁠ http:/ ⁠⁠ http:/   Dr. Dave Peltz ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠   Music intro & Outro provided by David T. Peltz, Owner of Peltz Tech Services, ⁠⁠
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