DiscoverSleep Meditation for Women
Sleep Meditation for Women

Sleep Meditation for Women

Author: Sleep Meditation

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Sleep meditations created for women or anyone who feels called to listen šŸ’—. Canā€™t sleep? Insomnia? Mind racing with worries and a never-ending to-do list? Tune in to the Sleep Meditation for Women podcast and let these guided meditations help you ease into sleep peacefully. Brought to you by the Womenā€™s Meditation Network and hosted by Katie Krimitsos. Get comfy, press play and let yourself be guided into dreamland. Get more meditation resources at

1244Ā Episodes
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Put your head on the pillow,Ā Ā  Let your soft sheets caress your skin.Ā Ā  Find your calm, your quiet center,Ā Ā  It's time for nightā€™s embrace.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  As you settle in, let your body relax.Ā Ā  Release each breath more slowly than the last.Ā Ā  Imagine yourself floating gently,Ā Ā  Amongst the twinkling stars above.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Gaze at the celestial tapestry,Ā Ā  Stretched vast and endless in every direction.Ā Ā  Each star a beacon of ancient light,Ā Ā  Dancing in the cool darkness of space.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Focus on a single star, burning brightly,Ā Ā  Notice how it shimmers, alive with energy.Ā Ā  Like the star, you have your own inner light,Ā Ā  Glowing with dreams and quiet potential.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Now picture yourself drifting closer to that star,Ā Ā  Carried by the silent currents of the universe.Ā Ā  Feel the lightā€™s warmth as you approach,Ā Ā  A cosmic embrace, tender and profound.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  With each star you pass, imagine the stories they hold.Ā Ā  Worlds unseen, possibilities unknown.Ā Ā  As you float free, let these wonders inspire you,Ā Ā  Filling you with awe and infinite calm.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Visualize the galaxyā€™s graceful spin,Ā Ā  A slow, majestic dance of the cosmos.Ā Ā  Let its rhythm guide your breath,Ā Ā  Inhale peace, exhale any lingering turmoil.Ā Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  As you journey through the heavens,Ā Ā  Notice how light connects each star to another.Ā Ā  Imagine these connections as threads of silver light,Ā Ā  Linking you to the universeā€™s boundless heart.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Feel the unity, the shared pulse of existence.Ā Ā  Like the stars, you are part of something greater,Ā Ā  A grand, intricate pattern, perfectly designed. Ā Ā  Relish this feeling of belonging.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Your journey continues, serene and unhurried.Ā Ā  Each star a reminder of lifeā€™s countless blessings.Ā Ā  Consider the light within you, ready to guide you,Ā Ā  As constant and sure as the stars.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  The universe whispers timeless wisdom,Ā Ā  A celestial voice, soft yet clear.Ā Ā  Listen to its ancient tales,Ā Ā  Let them soothe you, let them heal.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Think of the dreams you wish to chase,Ā Ā  Like comets streaking across the sky.Ā Ā  Each one a fiery testament to your spiritā€™s ambitions,Ā Ā  Glorious and bright against the night.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  As you bask in the stillness among the stars,Ā Ā  Let your heart feel light, your mind at ease.Ā Ā  Thereā€™s no need to rush or to strive,Ā Ā  Just be, just breathe, just exist.Ā Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Slowly, start to drift back from the stars,Ā Ā  Carrying their tranquility with you.Ā Ā  Glide gently towards the earthly realm,Ā Ā  Ready to rest with a soul replenished by starlight.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  As you reconnect with the comfort of your bed,Ā Ā  Feel the nurturing darkness cover you.Ā Ā  The journey through the stars has prepared you,Ā Ā  To sleep deeply, to dream vividly.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Before you cross the threshold to dreams,Ā Ā  Whisper a promise for tomorrow.Ā Ā  To live fully, guided by your inner light,Ā Ā  As steady and bright as the stars.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  Breathe deeply once more, letting go,Ā Ā  Allow your spirit to soar high once again.Ā Ā  Embrace the freedom found in the cosmos,Ā Ā  And cherish the path it illuminates.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦Ā Ā  As you drift off, let the peace of the starsĀ Ā  Cradle you in boundless love and quiet.Ā Ā  Rest well, knowing you are part of the cosmos,Ā Ā  Forever connected, forever significant.Ā Ā  Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Hey, itā€™s Katie and I want to welcome you to this special bonus episode. Itā€™ll be here for you completely ad-free for the next week so you can get a feel of what itā€™s like to be a PREMIUM member. If youā€™d like an easy ad-free experience for all of our podcasts - thatā€™s over 200 episodes each month, then JOIN PREMIUM today at It all starts in the mind. How we view our life.Ā  How we walk through this world.Ā  What we believe is possible. PAUSEā€¦ So relax deeply tonight, And allow the night to envelop you, And shift your mindset, So you can open, Expand, And be free. Feel the soft touch of the night, Rest upon your head, Gently caressing you with her soothing warmth. PAUSEā€¦ Let it clear your mind, Soften your eyes, And relax your face. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Now feel the gentle touch of the night, Caressing your heart. Feel the warmth melt you, And love you, As you surrender deeper into the embrace of the night.Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦ Your head and your heart. Your mind and your soul. Your thoughts and your emotions.Ā  Feel the loving touch of the night, Soften you here, Clear you, Align you, And open you. PAUSEā€¦ You are capable of anything you can imagine. PAUSEā€¦ You can transcend beyond whatā€™s in front of you. There is always a way. LONG PAUSEā€¦ There are open plains of possibilities, On the other side of the limiting beliefs, The stories, And the subconscious narrative, Thatā€™s dictating this moment. PAUSEā€¦ So breathe in deeply, Touching the warmth of your heart and your mind, As the clouds part, And you shift into whatā€™s possible. As you write a new script. As you create a new reality. LONG PAUSEā€¦ It may bruise your ego, It may challenge your identity, It may even trigger those around you. PAUSEā€¦ But stay connected, To the glowing warmth of your mind, And your heart. Align them, And believe. Trust. And shift. PAUSEā€¦ You are capable of anything you can imagine. PAUSEā€¦ You can transcend beyond whatā€™s in front of you. There is always a way. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> Ā  šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> It can feel surprisingly lonely, To choose the path of care, To teach and tend and give of self Until it seems thereā€™s nothing there. PAUSEā€¦ This quiet, unsung journey, This quest to do it all, Takes so much more than balance, And casts our needs as small. PAUSEā€¦ The joys are undeniable, While the costs can feel immense, And though we wouldnā€™t change a thing, Weā€™re aware of the expense. PAUSEā€¦ But our strength is in our numbers, In the alignment of our hearts, A devoted crew of warriors, Its core fortified by its parts. PAUSEā€¦ Your struggles are not secret there, We see you, one and all, We know the bliss and price alike, We understand the call. PAUSEā€¦ Babies, partners, family, friends, Precious beyond compare, They need us, and they feed us, And remind us of all we share. PAUSEā€¦ So lean into the compassionate web, Where your every intention is clear, And know that you are not alone, That understanding hovers near. PAUSEā€¦ Our path is among the noblest, To nurture is to save, So we cherish one another, They love a tidal wave. PAUSEā€¦ Breathe deeply and absorb it, Pull the power to your core, It never leaves and never fades, never minds you needing more. PAUSEā€¦ For this is how we make it through, How we give and find our best, We walk the steps of those before, And know that we are blessed. PAUSEā€¦ In their sacrificial kindness, We learn to chart our way, Spreading our love even farther, Finding strength to face the fray. PAUSEā€¦ Youā€™re not invisible, lovely one, Instead your purpose makes you glow, So when you feel the walls pull in, Shine the light for those who know. PAUSEā€¦ Weā€™re here for one another, And each heart has its place, Youā€™re never lost and always found, Within the sacred space. PAUSEā€¦ Carry on, brave caretaker, Hold tight when worries swell, The web stands by to catch you, To hold you up until all is well. Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> As your day unwinds, Let your body rest, Release the whirling thoughts, They donā€™t need to be addressed. PAUSE The world falls away, As you breathe deep and slow, Allow your busy mind, To surrender to nightā€™s flow. PAUSE Imagine thoughts like waves, Upon the ocean deep, Cresting and falling back, In a rhythmic repeat. PAUSE As each wave arises, Of worry, stress or fear, Allow it to crest and pass, So they can disappear. PAUSE Breathe in awareness, To the rise and fall, Breathe out attachment, To all the big and small.Ā  PAUSE Let a sovereign peace, Reign over your mind's shore, Undisturbed by the waves' dance, You're present at your core. LONG PAUSE Picture your mind's essence, A timeless, boundless, sea, Waves rise but cannot disturb, This eternal serenity. PAUSE As wakefulness recedes, Like the outgoing tide, Your true self emerges calm, On dreamsā€™ other side.Ā  PAUSE Let the flow of night whispers, Ripple at the beach, While deep serenity, Is finally within reach.Ā  LONG PAUSE In this boundless stillness, Your body drifts to rest, All struggle has quieted, Your soul is truly blessed. PAUSE Each breath in the silence, Renews this peaceful place, Until slumber's gentle call, Holds you in warm embrace.Ā  NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
ā€œLife is a moving, breathing thing.Ā  We have to be willing to constantly evolve.Ā  Perfection is constant transformation.ā€ ~ Nia Peeples Chaos.Ā  Oh, the chaos.Ā  It seems to sneak up on me, poking its head out through the holes of all the details of life that I tell myself Iā€™ve managed, organized and controlled.Ā  Chaos rises like lava deep from the underbelly of what I think is stable ground.Ā  It oozes out, spreading its flaming, hot substance all over the landscape of my life.Ā  It burns everything in its path, leveling all growth, all life.Ā  Chaos. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> In the still of the night, As you fall asleep, Thereā€™s a magic world waiting, Where you are free to dream. PAUSE All you have to do, To enter this place of peace, Is close your eyes so softly, And ask the thoughts to cease. PAUSE Imagine all those things, Roaming in your head, The tasks, the worries, the fears, That you have brought to bedā€¦ PAUSE Are gathered up with the air, That you breathe in so deep, Then as you exhale fully, They leave you and release. PAUSE Breathe in and gather, Breathe out and melt. Breathe in what matters, Breathe out all youā€™ve felt. PAUSE Now imagine a hand of light, Rests upon your head, Feel its warming energy, Replace whatā€™s there instead. PAUSE The gentle hand travels down, Landing on your chest, Itā€™s glistening magic warmth, Will heal you as you rest. PAUSE Feel the hand move along, Caressing each arm gently, Feel the weight of sleep infuse, Each arm so intensely. PAUSE Now as the hand travels down, Resting upon your belly, You can feel the calmness spread, Releasing all thatā€™s heavy. PAUSE Anywhere the hand of peace, Decides to gently go, It brings with it vibrations, Of calm and sleepy flow. PAUSE Cascading down your hips, And each leg on your bed, Hand of light relaxes you, Feel the calmness spread. PAUSE Now as your body settles deep, In your bed tonight, Know that calm lives in you, A gentle, warming light. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Close your eyes, And allow your body to settle.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Breatheā€¦ And bring your attention inside.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Notice the movement of your belly,Ā  As you inhale and exhale. And see if you can slow it down just a bit.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Notice the circular motion of your breath, Entering and exiting your nose. Circulating in, And out.Ā  In,Ā  And out. PAUSEā€¦ Now feel your body relax, Melting a little deeper into the support beneath you.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ And just breathe.Ā  I release all tension and stress from my body I am at peace and my body is relaxed I trust in my body's ability to rejuvenate during sleep PAUSEā€¦ I let go of all negative thoughts and emotions I am grateful for the rest and relaxation my body is receiving I am safe and protected as I sleep PAUSEā€¦ I trust in my body's natural sleep process I am surrounded by love and positivity I am grateful for the opportunity to rest and restore my body and mind PAUSEā€¦ I wake up feeling refreshed, energized and ready for a new day I trust in my body's ability to heal itself during sleep I am calm and peaceful as I drift off to sleep PAUSEā€¦ I release any worries and stress as I fall asleep I am in a state of complete relaxation PAUSEā€¦ I am grateful for the peaceful sleep my body is receiving I allow myself to fully let go and relax I trust in the power of my body to rejuvenate during sleep PAUSEā€¦ I am surrounded by a loving energy as I sleep I am at ease and my body is at peace as I sleep I let go of all stress and worries as I allow myself to fall asleep easily PAUSEā€¦ I trust my body to find the perfect position for sleep I release any discomfort in my body and allow myself to relax I am aware of my body's needs and honor them as I sleep PAUSEā€¦ I give myself permission to rest and rejuvenate I surround myself with feelings of safety and security I choose peace and serenity as I drift off to sleep PAUSEā€¦ I give my body the gift of deep and restful sleep I am aware of my body's state and adjust accordingly for optimal sleep PAUSEā€¦ I let go of any physical pain and allow myself to sleep soundly I trust in the power of my body to repair and regenerate as I sleep I am in flow with the current of the night.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I am healing as I sleep.Ā  I feel all the details of the day dissolve from me with each breath. I am deeply relaxed.Ā  Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Healing Chakra

Healing Chakra


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> As you lay down to rest, And breathe in real deep, Let your mind drift off, Into tranquil sleep. PAUSEā€¦ Close your eyes and feel,Ā  Your worries gently dissolve, As you imagine a warm white light,Ā  Around your head revolve.Ā Ā  PAUSEā€¦ The light falls from above, Entering through your crown. Imagine waves of love, Cascading on down.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Every part is healed,Ā  All of you aligns.Ā  Your soul is revealed, Your body slowly unwinds.Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦ Let your mind wander, Down to your third eye. Where indigo colors bloom, And invite peaceful sighs. PAUSEā€¦ Clear all the blocks,Ā  Balance the flowing tide.Ā  Your inner vision glows, Your intuition guides.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Let your thoughts drift on, Down into your throat. Heal and balance your words, Self-express and emote.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Move on to your heart,Ā  The center of all. Where green glows brightly,Ā  In a gentle thrall. PAUSEā€¦ Open to balance and heal, Your love and your care, Your emotional well-being, The love that you share.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Find your solar plexus, Your power divine. where bright yellow glows,Ā  Like warm sunshine. PAUSEā€¦ Open yourself and clear, All that blocks right now.Ā  Your self-esteem, your inner light, Youā€™re ready to allow.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Feel your sacral chakra,Ā  Your creativity's seed. Where orange lights up,Ā  It is vibrant indeed.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Heal and balance now, Your sexuality and your art. Creativity grows here, Align this sacred part.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Your root chakra knows,Ā  It grounds and secures you here.Ā  It glows with red delight, Breathe and let it clear.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Every part is healed,Ā  All of you aligns.Ā  Your soul is revealed, Your body slowly unwinds.Ā  Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Breathe in deeply, dear heart, Allowing the quiet to wrap around you like a soft, comforting blanket. And as you exhale, Let go of the noise, the chaos of the day. PAUSEā€¦ Embrace the stillness that embodies you now, Let it slow your racing thoughts. Hear the gentle hum of the earth beneath you, Whispering, "rest now, find peace." Deep in the silence of the night. PAUSEā€¦ Feel the cool, calming presence of the night air. It moves through you, Easing your mind, calming your spirit. It knows how to quiet the noise, It knows how to bring you back to yourself. And it invites you to build a sanctuary of calm tonight, Where no disturbance can reach you, Where serenity pervades, And you are aligned with the gentle rhythm of your breath. PAUSEā€¦ So let the nightā€™s whisper guide you deeper, Into the quiet cradle of your being. PAUSEā€¦ Let this silence be a healing balm, Softening your heart, Quieting your mind. Let it remind you of who you truly are. PAUSEā€¦ Breatheā€¦ And feel the quietness expand within you. This silence, This precious stillness. Feel it grow with every breath, Radiating from your heart, Spreading tranquility through your chest, Easing into your arms and fingertips. PAUSEā€¦ Let the stillness soothe your back, Calm your stomach, Glide over your hips, Gently flowing down your legs, And into your toes. PAUSEā€¦ Notice how the silence soothes your shoulders, Your neck, Softening your facial features. PAUSEā€¦ Feel the stillness calm your brow, Your eyes, And the crown of your head. Breatheā€¦ LONG PAUSEā€¦ The silence deepens, forming a barrier around you, Safeguarding your peace, Shielding your rest. All is secure within this silent embrace. Nothing can disrupt this peace. PAUSEā€¦ Feel the profound strength of this silence wrapping around you, Trust in its power to protect. No matter how loud, Or chaotic, Or unsettling the world outside may be, It cannot breach your sanctuary of quiet. PAUSEā€¦ So sink deeper into comfort, As waves of calm wash over you. Feel any lingering tension or thoughts simply dissolve. You are safe here. You are at peace. PAUSEā€¦ So sleep, Embrace the quiet, Rest, And let the silence fill you with its serene strength. Sweet dreams, beautiful. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Get Some Rest, Beautiful

Get Some Rest, Beautiful


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> When the emotions are swirling, And the day has weighed heavy upon you, Allow yourself to surrender, To the stillness of the night, To the pools of calm inside, Waiting to replenish you, And fill you up once again. Feel her hand resting gently on your heart, Softening you with every single beat. PAUSEā€¦ Feel it slow you down, And melt you into your bed, As your body softens, And releases.Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦ The tender hand of the night rests here, On the warm center of your heart, Radiating calming blue. PAUSEā€¦ Feel it dissolve anything weighing heavy upon you, The overwhelm, The anxiety, The disappointment and fear. PAUSEā€¦ Let it all melt away, As the blue light of the nightā€™s hand rests upon you, Loving you. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Watch the serene blue light spread, From your chest,Ā Ā  Down your arms, Into your belly, Your hips, And slowly falling down your legs.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Breatheā€¦ And open yourself to the soothing blue, Covering you, And calming you. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Now feel the gentle hand of the night, Lightly cover the crown of your head. PAUSEā€¦ Here she sees the dancing thoughts, The swirling details, And surrounds your heave with her blue light. PAUSEā€¦ The thoughts begin to slow, The details disappear, As the soft blue light spreads, And opens. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Get some rest, beautiful, And let the night restore you. Feel yourself wrapped in her gentle blue light. Your mind is clear, Your heart is light. PAUSEā€¦ Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. Ā šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> Ā  šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sitting In Discomfort

Sitting In Discomfort


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> My mind is flooded with questions, Trying to find the cause.Ā  This feeling of being unsettled, Is forcing me to pause.Ā  PAUSE What was the drop that started, This tsunami of anger and pain?Ā  Perhaps it doesnā€™t matter, Whatā€™s risen now needs a name.Ā  PAUSE It tingles and it hiccups, Shards of glass in my throat. All I can do is sit with it, Unpack it, and emote.Ā  PAUSE Slowing, slowing, slowing down, Detaching from thoughts.Ā  Calming, calming, calming down, Breathing unties the knots.Ā  LONG PAUSEĀ  As the moments whisper by, Discomfort slowly gives way, To the truth of what is going on, Thereā€™s a part in it I play.Ā  PAUSE With gentle grace,Ā  I explore myself, The stories, the ego, the words. Let me see, What love would do, What solution now occurs.Ā  PAUSE Strip away the pain, Strip away the fault, Dear universe, show me how, To dissolve this dark discomfort, As love infuses me now.Ā  LONG PAUSE There it is, The seed of peace, That knows no matter what, Iā€™ll be okay, Iā€™ll learn from this, Iā€™ll transcend this painful rut.Ā  PAUSE I end this practice knowing that, Thereā€™s actions I must take. Forgiveness, softness, gentle words, Admitting my mistake.Ā  PAUSE So breathe deep now, Bring hand to heart, And know that you are loved.Ā  This moment is, A brand new start, Feel the love in you flood.Ā  Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Ultimate Relaxation

Ultimate Relaxation


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Let your breath become a gentle wave, washing over you, Caressing your spirit with whispers of calm. Let each exhale soften your body further into the embrace of peace, As if a tender lullaby is sung just for you. LONG PAUSE Draw in the air, filling your body with tranquility, And as you exhale, imagine a cascade of serenity flowing down, From the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, Each breath a brushstroke of calm painting your inner canvas. LONG PAUSE With every inhale, feel the lightness, as if floating on a cloud, And with every exhale, sink deeper into the arms of repose. Your body, a temple of relaxation, opens doorways to untraveled realms of peace, Bathing in a sea of stillness, your heart beats in harmony with the universe. LONG PAUSE Should thoughts arise, observe them like leaves on a stream, Floating by, without attachment, drifting out of sight. With every breath, you're more rooted in the present, Where only peace exists, and calm is your guiding light. LONG PAUSE Now, journey within to a haven, your sanctuary of silence, A place where only you can enter, a garden of infinite grace. Here, the air is filled with the perfume of lavender and jasmine, And each step on the soft moss beneath feels like a caress. PAUSE Around you, the world is in harmony, A gentle symphony of stars whispers above, Crickets sing the song of the night, a melody of belonging, And the cool breeze is a balm, soothing your soul. PAUSE In this sacred space, there's a pond, clear and still, Mirroring the moon and your truest self. As you gaze into its depths, all worries dissolve, Your reflection- a testament to inner peace and strength. PAUSE Feel the warmth of a soft, glowing light enveloping you, A light from within, radiating pure love and joy. This light nurtures and heals, leaving no room for distress, Filling you with a profound sense of well-being. PAUSE And as this journey continues, let yourself drift deeper, Into the heart of stillness, where all is calm and all is bright. With each breath, you're more attuned to the language of your soul, Listening to its wisdom, guided by its light. PAUSE Now, as you find yourself nestled in this blanket of peace, Know that you can return here, to this oasis of calm, Anytime you wish, with just a close of your eyes and a deep breath. This sanctuary within is always yours, a refuge from the storm. PAUSE You hold the key to this ultimate relaxation, A realm of peace, a well of calm, residing within your heart. You are a beacon of tranquility, In the infinite dance of life, playing your sacred part. NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Settle your body, Close your eyes, Breathe into the stillness of the night. PAUSEā€¦ Inhale slowly, deeply, Feel the quietude seeping into your pores, Imagine the world slowing down, Each breath a step deeper into tranquility. PAUSEā€¦ The night whispers softly, Its echoes a gentle hum in your ears, As the busy day fades, Embrace the calm, the peace. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Sense the soft echoes of stillness, They reverberate within you, Each pulse a reminder of your inner calm, Floating freely, untethered from the day's hustle. PAUSEā€¦ Focus on the silence between heartbeats, The quiet space between thoughts, Feel your inner self uncluttered, Serenity filling every inch of your being. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Draw a long breath, embracing the still air, Exhale slowly, letting go of lingering tension, Rise with each inhale, grounded with each exhale, Find harmony in the stillness enveloping you. PAUSEā€¦ Now, turn your attention inward, Hear the echoes of your own breath, Like soft winds whispering through ancient caves, Each breath a sound of timeless calm. PAUSEā€¦ Feel the touch of air on your skin, Light as a feather, cool and soothing, It dances over you, a silent symphony, Playing the music of the night. PAUSEā€¦ Sometimes in the depths of stillness, When the world seems to pause, Gentle insights flutter softly, Touching your soul with wisdom. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Visualize yourself surrounded by a halo of quiet, Inhaling the still, exhaling the strained, Sink deeper into the embrace of the night, Aware of the gift of pure stillness. PAUSEā€¦ The echoes of the night are profound, In the quiet, your heart speaks louder, Its desires clear, its needs simple, Listen to its soft, truthful whispers. PAUSEā€¦ Night and stillness hold a magic, For they speak in the whispers of the soul, Crafting messages in the quiet, Reminding us of the power of peace. PAUSEā€¦ The meaning is different for each of us, Yet the stillness speaks to all, It teaches us to listen, to understand, The profound silence within. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Breathe in deeply, let stillness fill your essence, Exhale fully, relish the space youā€™ve created, Enjoy the clarity that comes with simplicity, Delight in the echo of your own tranquility. PAUSEā€¦ As you drift closer to sleep, Imagine deeper, fuller peace, Embrace thoughts of calm and rest. PAUSEā€¦ Here, everything exists for your healing, Whether silence, space, or soulful echoes, Take in what the stillness offers, Rest well in its gentle embrace. Sweet dreams, beautiful. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to -->ļ»æ šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Allow yourself to settle in, And sink into your bed.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Close your eyes, And bring your attention onto your breath.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Find its gentle rhythm moving in and out of your body.Ā  And see if you can breathe in a little deeper on each inhale, And breathe out a little longer on each exhale, Expanding and deepening your breathing, Letting it slow you down. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Now see if you can quietly identify, Anywhere on your body where youā€™re feeling tension, Or pain, Or tightness.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Just let your attention travel to these places, Imagining a soft white light hovering over them, Warmly covering you here, And softening you. PAUSEā€¦ Feel this warm white light dissolve the pain, And ease any discomfort.Ā  Feel the pressure release. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Sink deeper into your bed, Inviting the blankets to hold you, And comfort you, As you breathe deeper, And melt into the night.Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦ Now bring yourself into your mind.Ā  Imagine yourself looking out onto the vast landscape here. Notice the hills and slopes, Where the light shines, And where the dark hides.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ See if you can find the pain and suffering that is living here.Ā  The disappointments, The heavy memories, The tears.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Imagine the loving white light spreading out into the open lands, Finding each one, And swirling its gentle warm energy around it. Soothing the pain, Relieving the suffering.Ā  Dissolving it all with every breath.Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦ The tenderness of the white energy relieves, But also extracts the lessons learned, The wisdom gained, And the beauty in each of the pockets of pain and suffering it touches.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ They are a part of you. They have shaped you.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ So breathe out the tension, And let it all go. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Feel the soft hum of peace, Spread through your body. Down from your head, Into your face, Your shoulders, Your chest, Your belly, All the way down your back, Into your legs, And into your feet.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Release it all, As you sink deeper into your bed. Calm,Ā  Quiet, And free. Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What Really Matters

What Really Matters


Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Close your eyes gently, And invite your body to melt.Ā  Breathe in real deep, And gather all youā€™ve felt.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Iā€™m sure there are things, That feel big and dark. Iā€™m sure stuff happened, That left an ugly mark.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Perhaps youā€™ve found your mind, Spinning with so much force. All the emotions and thoughts, Can take you way off course.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Maybe you feel quite stressed, Trying to hold everything.Ā  You think life will collapse, If you donā€™t tightly cling.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ But just breatheā€¦ And let it all dissolve. What really matters isā€¦ Youā€™re here to evolve.Ā  The moments of presence, The laughter in the air. The real food that feeds you, The memories that we share. PAUSEā€¦ This is what really matters, This is what means so much. The love thatā€™s within you, The hearts you deeply touch. LONG PAUSEā€¦ Remember that this life, That youā€™re creating each day. Doesā€™t have a destination, So find the wonder and play.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ The money and the things, That you are told to amass, Arenā€™t bad or good, but they wonā€™t, Fill your soul to last.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ The work you do to discover, Who you really are, Will guide you how to best, Glow just like a star.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ The juice of life lives deep in, The you you uncover here. Let yourself live loudly, And let go of any fear.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ What really matters is that you, Live your life your way. And spread loving kindness, Each and every day.Ā  LONG PAUSEā€¦ So gather them up and let go, Of all the meaningless things.Ā  And focus on what matters, And all the love it brings.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ This is what really matters, This is what means so much. The love thatā€™s within you, The hearts you deeply touch. Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Welcome to the healing springs of inner peace,Ā  A sanctuary within where tranquility flows in endless streams.Ā  PAUSE Imagine yourself walking in a lush, lush valley.Ā  The air is fresh, filled with the scent of blooming flowers.Ā  With each step,Ā  Feel the grass softly brushing against your feet,Ā  Inviting you to let go of the day's worries and burdens.Ā  PAUSE Ahead, you see a crystal-clear spring,Ā  Its waters shimmering under the gentle caress of the moonlight.Ā  This is no ordinary springā€”it is the wellspring of your inner peace,Ā  A sacred place where every drop is infused with the essence of calm and serenity.Ā  PAUSE As you approach,Ā  Allow yourself to be drawn to its edge.Ā  Notice the way the water flowsā€”smooth and untroubled,Ā  A mirror to your soul's deepest desire for peace and ease.Ā  LONG PAUSE Bend down and cup your hands in the water,Ā  Bringing it to your lips.Ā  With each sip,Ā  Feel the cool,Ā  Soothing liquid cascade down your throat,Ā  Spreading a sensation of deep calm throughout your body.Ā  PAUSE Now, step into the spring.Ā  Feel its healing waters envelop you, washing away tension, fear, and unrest.Ā  These waters are wise;Ā  They know every ache, every silent wish for relief.Ā  Let them carry away all that does not serve you, leaving only what is pure and light.Ā  PAUSE Float in these healing waters and let yourself be held.Ā  The spring supports you effortlessly.Ā  Here, you are weightlessā€”free from the gravity of thoughts and the density of emotions.Ā  LONG PAUSE Listen to the gentle sounds of the water.Ā  Each ripple speaks of peace, each wave whispers tranquility.Ā  Allow these sounds to fill your mind, drowning out the noise of the outside world,Ā  Bringing you closer to the silence of your inner being.Ā  PAUSE In this sacred space, recognize that you are not alone.Ā  Surrounding you is an infinite reservoir of love and support from the universe,Ā  Always available to refill your spirit.Ā  Feel this unconditional love wrapping around you like the warmest embrace.Ā  PAUSE As you bask in the healing energies of this magical spring, affirm to yourself:Ā  "I am peace.Ā  I am loved.Ā  I am whole."Ā  Let these truths anchor deep within your soul and become part of you. LONG PAUSE When you're ready, gently wade back to the shore.Ā  As you emerge from the water, feel renewedā€”refreshed in body, mind, and spirit.Ā  The healing springs have done their work,Ā  But remember, this place remains within you, accessible at any moment you seek peace.Ā  PAUSE With each breath, feel more connected to the peace that resides within,Ā  A peace that will guide you through the night and into the realms of restful sleep.Ā  PAUSE Surrounded by love, cradled in peace.Ā  Here, in the sanctuary of your soul,Ā  You are held, cherished, and renewed.Ā  PAUSE Surrounded by love, cradled in peace.Ā  Here, you are home.Ā  NAMASTE, BEAUTIFUL. šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> Close your eyes, And melt into the comfort of your bed.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ Let your breathing slow you down, As your mind follows the gentle rhythms of breath. PAUSEā€¦ Let your body relax, Let your mind clear. And let the affirmations of self-love nourish you. I am enough. I am worthy. I am a joyful being of light.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I am connected. I am in tune with my inner wisdom.Ā  I am loved. PAUSEā€¦ I create and honor my boundaries.Ā  I feel confident and whole in my own skin.Ā  I take the time to fill myself up. PAUSEā€¦ I am worthy of love. I am beautiful from the inside out.Ā  Everything I need is within me.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I am strong and resilient.Ā  I can handle lifeā€™s hardships with faith and ease.Ā  Love expands for me.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I forgive myself and learn from my mistakes.Ā  I am ready to receive prosperity. I make a difference in the world.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I let go of what no longer serves me.Ā  I constantly evolve with grace and love. I am light.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I am worthy of every dream I have. I am confident and luminous. My life is harmonious.Ā  PAUSEā€¦ I attract loving and supportive people into my life.Ā  I radiate love. I am grateful. PAUSE... I am extraordinary. I am love. I am peace. Sweet Dreams, Beautiful. Ā šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> Ā  šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Join Premium! Ready for an ad-free meditation experience? Join Premium now and get every episode from ALL of our podcasts completely ad-free now! Just a few clicks makes it easy for you to listen on your favorite podcast player. Ā Become a PREMIUM member today by going to --> I walk out of their room, The littles are finally asleep.Ā  My day isnā€™t quite over yet, I feel a need so deep.Ā  PAUSE I push our door open, And take a hopeful glance, I already know what Iā€™ll see, Still Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s a chance.Ā  PAUSE Will you glance up from your screen, Locking eyes with mine in need? I wait for a few momentsā€¦ Nothingā€¦despite my silent plead.Ā  PAUSE Disappointment fills my heart, Loneliness carves a hole.Ā  I canā€™t tell you how many times, I have felt invisible.Ā  LONG PAUSE I donā€™t need the world to see me, I already know who I am.Ā  But when you look right past me, It crushes me paper thin.Ā  PAUSE I often feel like Iā€™m holding, Everything we hold dear.Ā  Juggling, pushing and getting it done, While youā€™re anywhere but here.Ā  PAUSE At times, you stop and notice, With words that feel sincere.Ā  But most times Iā€™m convinced, Youā€™ve forgotten that Iā€™m here.Ā  PAUSE I want you to see me, Iā€™m not out of your view.Ā  I want you to notice, Iā€™m pulling away from you.Ā  PAUSE Disappointment fills my heart, Loneliness carves a hole.Ā  I canā€™t tell you how many times, I have felt invisible.Ā  LONG LONG PAUSE I calm myself down,Ā  As breath flows and eases through.Ā  It takes me awhile to remember,Ā  My sense of self doesnā€™t come from you.Ā  PAUSE So slowly I touch inside,Ā  And remember who I am, I honor the pain but know that, Staying here leaves me damned.Ā  PAUSE I see myself rise up, And demand to be seen. With love and hope, I tell you, To honor me like a queen.Ā  PAUSE You wrap your arms around me,Ā  Admitting where you went wrong. I melt into you and feel relieved,Ā  Grateful weā€™re so strong.Ā  PAUSE Gratitude fills my heart, Tenderness fills that hole.Ā  I promise to tell you every time, I feel invisible.Ā  Namaste, Beautiful šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all the deals from our incredible sponsors here! --> šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— Check out all of our other podcasts at To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
CommentsĀ (229)

Jenny Scott

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Jul 3rd

Jenny Scott

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Jul 3rd

Jahanavi Kashyap

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Jul 2nd

Zeeshan Aslam Durrani

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May 29th


This is like a wonderful resource for anyone struggling with sleep Guided meditations can be so calming and helpful in easing into a restful night.

May 25th

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May 18th

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May 10th

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May 7th

Helen Ghamari


May 5th
Reply (1)

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Apr 27th

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Apr 20th

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Apr 1st

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Mar 27th

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Mar 18th

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Mar 12th


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Feb 28th

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This podcast has been a lifesaver for my insomnia! Katie's soothing voice and calming guidance always help me drift off peacefully. Highly recommend for anyone struggling to sleep. Thank you for creating such a wonderful resource and for more details check out:

Feb 22nd

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Feb 15th