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Weaver of My Web

Author: The Master Fire Weaver - Erika Ryles

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This podcast is a follow-up to my book. I am here to bring messages to the deaf and visions to the blind. We have lost sense of who we are as human beings and frequently misunderstand this experience because of how society has poised us to be unaware of the very thing we live in. In our struggles to find our ways past the traumas that likely began in childhood, we’ve developed a disconnect as we aged that we call by many names – such as, anxiety, depression, and fear. But, it’s simply mental and spiritual discord. Thus, we live chaotic, despair-ridden lives that reflect the chaos and despair within – as within, so without. It’s beyond the time to find and reconnect to our untraveled pathways, and to fully embrace and heal & evolve in that process. Many people have been slapped with clues of their duties here and didn’t recognize them for what they were. Then, they usually follow with some reasoning like, “well, it just wasn’t my time.” The Universe doesn’t have imperfect anything, much less imperfect timing. It can’t give you what you aren’t aligned for, and that slap was only ignored, misunderstood, or refused by you. We have to stop with the excuse of being human when we don’t fully understand what our humanity is or not living fully in the experience, whilst denying the very things we need or desire to have because society tells us to. The pain and trauma we all have endured, with a great majority of it coming from our younger years, were only to help bring us back into ourselves to find our innate strengths; not for us to retreat in weakness from who we truly are. We are to learn from it all. We must, also, accept and love our flaws (while not becoming them) and any trauma that may have created them, so we can move on in life through genuine forgiveness of ourselves and others, mental and spiritual growth, and creating Infinite Sustainability™ on our individual journeys. So, in other words, get your shit together people. The world is waiting on you to finally show the fuck up for it, and yourselves! I am very passionate about humanity being and doing better, and you will hear that passion through histrionics. Messages come to me at any given time so the recordings may not always be superior as I did/will record wherever I am. I am not going to follow how someone else says I should because my every day is filled with that in my professional environments. I will ramble & speed-talk all while discussing many topics, but the main theme will be how those things pertain to the human experience and the mind, and being better at navigating both. I am going to be real and it will always be rooted in truth. Seemingly, truth is missing in this reality simulation because people are too sensitive to look at themselves without deflecting or bathing in the energy of paralyzing fear of others’ judgments that may not even happen. Screw any naysaying, negative hoes. I am, also, not going to follow any rules or complicate any of this, just to sew more confusion like history has shown will lead us willingly off an Everest-sized cliff. Real shit only. Authenticity, brilliance, and love of all will be the order of every day here. If you are put off by a little profanity, go elsewhere at your loss. Everyone else, you will be enlightened and entertained. I know you will enjoy what I bring, even the hard stuff. Lastly, if you enjoy these episodes, share and support this podcast. Thereafter, go buy my damn book already! No need to be late for everything, geez.I apologize for nothing and change only my underwear. Happy listening, my lovlies!
25 Episodes
Connect With E Here!This one may be too harsh for some of you, but the caring and wise beauty of my passion for humanity to do better for themselves that you know and love in this podcast is weaved in. No one is expecting people to divulge their entire lives to random people or even strangers, but if a friend asks you how you’re doing, be mf’n honest. Your God can’t do everything for you. If every adverse event was handled by other entities, wtf will you have learned in this life? We use reli...
Connect With E Here!Self-explanatory, but I always have to explain. Souls born from the uterus of a junkie, my generation used to call crackhead babies. These are the ones with the innate propensity to follow the ashy apple tree they fell from. This is a medical circumstance. This episode talks about people not of this beginning but make it their life and end if born into this surrounding. On the streets leaning or in the streets selling. One of both lifestyles only end one way if changes are...
Connect With E Here!There’s a giant web of collusion. If people are eating unhealthy food, they’ll eventually fall into the healthcare arena. Then, we have to deal with more assfuckery. We already know insurance companies will deny life-saving drugs and treatments. We know that doctors will only see you if they can bill insurance, so they’ll let you die because they can’t make any money off you. Even if you pay out of pocket and have the cash to do so periodically, versus having it siphoned o...
Connect With E Here!This is an excerpt from my book, "How to Not Give a Shit, and Not Be a Dumb Ass in the Process: The Ultimate Guidebook on Being a Better Human." Check it out if you enjoyed these couple of minutes. Amazon link below in the sign-off. Try out our new text messaging feature directly above the episode descriptions if you have some experiences you'd like to share or requests for our next episodes. Soon, I will be bringing out episodes more frequently. Can the world handle that ...
Connect With E Here!While this episode was in the spirit of closing out another women's month, there was more on my heart to share. There is yin and yang to everything. Duality and balance in all. Faith is the energy of believing in the integrity of this truth. We can have faith in many external things, but they mean nothing if we don’t have faith in ourselves from within ourselves. This is a universal feminine energy of being. Understanding is another. Living in totality, not living in lack ...
Connect With E Here!The same stories seemingly cross many major cultures of the world, further showing us we are all made from the same inaugural thread weaved. The Ark of the Covenant is very similar to a purportedly older Egyptian technological device called, the Osiris Device, which was said to have the same function of communicating with God/the Gods. The Ark was said to be only accessible to certain people as it had a special power that only some were imbued with authority or knowledge t...
Connect With E Here! This episode is about going back to basics – like, elementary basics. Things don’t seem to sink in until the nexus of the thought is made as plainly as possible for people to get it. Nothing in adulthood makes sense, so we need to view it from untainted eyes and minds. As I like to say, “life is an ouroboros.” Sometimes, we need to view the world as simply as possible to understand how it works, how it moves the people in it, on down to what is going on at-present in...
Connect With E Here!For millennia, the Catholic church has had its hand in everyone’s life, including those who are not of their grain. This hand has infiltrated our homes, politics, and many societies’ norms. However, not in any good way. Religion should never be something abusive and vicious. It is what people cling to for understanding life and getting through it in the most altruistic way. Religion helps people navigate life to come out on the other side pure, and successful in accomplish...
Ancient Knowledge

Ancient Knowledge


Connect With E Here!Another recording from 2021, as we are watching and experiencing out of control wildfires; earthquakes in places that are not normally busy with seismic activity; volcanoes waking up from their million- or billion-year slumbers; and water raising from everywhere in tsunamis; numerous and out of control storms; and the global sea levels rising more every year as the earth warms. I live on a peninsula so as I experience various types of weather, I follow what happens everywh...
Connect With E Here!I’ve been called narcissistic, obnoxious, and more, but everything I say comes from a higher place of knowledge. I was put here to be the Universe’s vent of frustration. Through our fears, greed, and insecurities to name a few, we've fucked up so much beauty and perfection in us/the world that the regency has peaced out, and are forcing us to fix this shit ourselves. Even the Sun has gone on hiatus, as to why we're seeing solar events that haven’t happened since time immem...
Connect With E Here!Remember, repetition becomes habit. This episode brings everything full circle. We end these points (listen to "Pt. 1") right where we began. Fears, or those unreal thoughts, we created at some point in our lives that tell us that we aren’t good enough or worthy of something new, different, or that great was born from fear of failing at being great. Fear makes us think things like this about ourselves when we know we can flourish in anything we attempt to accomplish. Fear ...
Connect With E Here!Fear and procrastination is what keeps most people from realizing their purposes and allowing love in, especially to themselves. Whatever your soul’s purpose and (re)connecting to it, getting up today and acting within its goals and power is paramount to everything that is your human experience, with that (re)connection at the very crux of your healing process.Do you know that you must water and tend to your soul’s passion, your duty in this life, constantly? Don’t water i...
Connect With E Here!Doing whatever that brings you joy has to be real. It can’t be something unconducive to successfully ending this part of your soul's journey with completed tasks. It cannot be an addiction that is not a result of your passion. It must be something that genuinely brings your heart happiness and joy. You can’t reach your goals high, drunk, gluttonous (unhealthy relationship w/ food), greedy (money & power), and full of negativity. When I say, “It’s all you have to ...
Connect With E Here!This fast-paced, verbally offensive episode is to get you all pumped and ready to tackle yourselves - your inner selves. Along with all of the pain in this world, I feel God’s frustration with us, and Her and the rest of the Divine Council’s) wtf energy. What exactly are we doing? Ask any person this and the answer is usually a mess of I don't knows and head shakes. We're killing, poisoning, and doing many other low vibrating things to each other.&n...
Pure Love

Pure Love


Connect With E Here!Omnipresent love comes in many forms. Don’t be the doctor who sends sick patients home because of their inability to pay. You find every technicality in the book to justify doing it. That patient then goes home, and dies. You've knowingly & willingly killed them. This isn't love of your fellow brothers & sisters. Do you feel good about yourself at the end of the day? Did you think about the impact it'll have on the loved ones of the de...



Connect With E Here!This episode applies to everything from abortion rights, bigotry, to love and lots of things in between. In the examples I used, people who beat the odds are showing others in the world that they're not alone and it's very much possible to ascend above antiquated thought patterns in our society, and live a full, loving life despite being in a world that’s fueled by hatred. So, soaring above all the madness that exists in this world is paramount to humanity’s co...
Connect With E Here!Forgive my voice here. This was a busy day of fussing at people and recording multiple episodes about the dumb shit humans do. 2 Timothy ch. 2 explains everything we need to know about our lives and finding our Soul’s purpose - what we’re here to do. We must know that the resurrection is symbolic of our own evolution. Jesus shed the old life and moved on to eternal life which is in God, as God is within us - The I AM, straight like that. He wa...
Connect With E Here!I knew very early on what my path was, but it took the following years figuring out how to best live out that path and pinpointing the best route to take on it. It took lots of dealing with dirty, selfish people, psychological suffering, and internally dying and healing repeatedly (my cycle of resurrections) to achieve the level of enlightenment that I have. It's all for my soul’s purpose to bring service to others. Ginormous, earth-moving surprise, I act...
Soul Lessons - Fear

Soul Lessons - Fear


Connect With E Here!We have a tendency to self-sabotage ourselves then develop immensely paralyzing blockades to growth and well-being that we call fears. For example, some people have a fear of Mondays. Not just the typical, “Mondays,” but high anxiety-fueled fears about a Monday. It’s called lunaediesophobia. Things that give us extreme anxiety or make us relive any trauma gives us the most irrational fears. Going in to the place that gives us the most an...
Connect With E Here!Be advised, this episode was recorded in an office setting where I couldn't be loud & clear, so the second chapter is a little distorted but still audible, while the first & third are too clear, enough for listeners to hear my nose hairs swaying in the wind as I speak. Keep in mind I recorded the first few batches to come a year before I even considered being a podcaster, let alone an audio editor. Audio editing is a complete succubus bitch, so you all ...