Soul Lessons - Fear
We have a tendency to self-sabotage ourselves then develop immensely paralyzing blockades to growth and well-being that we call fears. For example, some people have a fear of Mondays. Not just the typical, “Mondays,” but high anxiety-fueled fears about a Monday. It’s called lunaediesophobia. Things that give us extreme anxiety or make us relive any trauma gives us the most irrational fears. Going in to the place that gives us the most angst lends to the anxiety or despair we feel as the weekend winds down. We fear facing the negative mental and physical feelings and the torment that these things conjure up. However, we actually have total control of every one of our situations that we actively choose not to control. Sticking with our example, we can’t change our coworkers’ behaviors and habits, and we may not even be in a position to change our jobs in the immediate short term, but we can change our perspectives of/how we deal with it until we find a more pleasurable employment experience. After that work is put in, we will notice the fear of Mondays will fade. We will recognize that that wasted anxious energy could've been focused on maintaining a positive mindset put into changing our circumstances sooner. But, as with any of our experiences, there are lessons in them. Anything that comes in to challenge us is meant to push us in the right direction, and we have to choose the best outlook that's conducive to a healthy mindset and staying on track with living our best lives.
Way too many people claim to be these extremely faithful people when they have all of these fears of every ridiculous thing. We should always remember that when it's our time, there’s nothing we can do to change that. It's, in fact, the only thing we absolutely cannot change in our lives. Thus, we must always live our lives to the fullest, irrespective of fears or anything external that counters that. We have to stop discounting our and God’s potential while living with fake faith. Those who believe in our Creators say they have faith in one breath then will say “but” and spew bullshit in the next. This isn't complete faith. You have to trust what the Universe has in store for you. You can't stop living because of your fake faith and fear. Bolster your faith and strength in upholding that faith. Your phony ass is flat out lying to God and to yourself. Then, will have the temerity to fake pray and genuinely ask why shit isn’t working out for you. Well, were you expecting God to give you what you want when you present Her with counterfeit love? If you unconditionally love yourself, you'll never have excuses, fears, and all the other unnecessary, nonsensical bullshit that people come up with. Anxieties and fears are solely to push us to be better, not to stunt us in our growth and living. So, stop fake being faithful and stop fake loving yourself and God. If everything seems to turn to shit, this is exactly why. So, love Source and love yourself unconditionally as you love the things that are comfortable but not necessarily good.
This verse applies in many places. You will see. Fear is like an ouroboros that lies within itself, and is itself.
“There is no fear in love; but perfect
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