DiscoverDekahedron RPG Podcast
Dekahedron RPG Podcast

Dekahedron RPG Podcast

Author: J.P. Gill

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Dekahedron is a weekly podcast featuring Joe, an old referee discussing tabletop RPGs. Di ve into topics ranging from classic OSR/D&D gameplay to modern systems like FATE.

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Cover art logo by DesignKat.
174 Episodes
Joe reflects on the #RPGaDay2024 challenge by expressing his gratitude to viewers and sharing his plans for future content. While he will be returning to his regular long-form podcast and YouTube videos, he hints at the possibility of continuing short-form content in the future, potentially during events like OSR October.
Joe concludes the #RPGaDay2024 challenge by reflecting on a fellow gamer he misses: Peter. They met through their shared passion for RPGs and maintained a long-lasting friendship, even after moving away. Joe fondly remembers their gaming sessions and the impact Peter had on his life.
For Day 30 of the #RPGaDay Challenge, "Person you'd like to game with," Joe reflects on the rewarding experience of introducing new players to the hobby. He discusses his enthusiasm for mentoring others and the joy of watching them discover the magic of role-playing games.
Joe's "awesome app" for today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge is his own custom-built dice roller that's only 400 pixels wide. It's designed for discreet and efficient dice rolling while maintaining focus on the game itself. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares his "Great Gamer Gadget" for today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge: a foldable dice tray. He highlights its convenience for keeping dice contained and protecting surfaces, making it a valuable tool for any tabletop gamer. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares his unique perspective on "Marvelous Miniatures" for today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge. While he doesn't rely heavily on miniatures, he recommends Prince August molds as a great DIY option. He briefly mentions Cardboard Heroes as a more affordable alternative but ultimately chooses Prince August for its "cool" factor. Prince August: Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares his thoughts on today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt: "Superb screen." He argues that screens can create a barrier between players and the gamemaster, and prefers a more open and collaborative approach where everyone can see the dice rolls and engage in the game together. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares his thoughts on "desirable dice" for RPGs in today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge. He emphasizes practicality over aesthetics, advocating for plain, easy-to-read dice that serve their purpose without distractions. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe's "acclaimed advice" for today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge is DungeonWorld's "be a fan of your players." He emphasizes the importance of rooting for players' success, focusing on making the game enjoyable for everyone, and embracing the unexpected twists and turns that can arise during play. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Today's #RPGaDay2024 topic is "peerless player" and Joe chooses James. Despite teasing him for his "munchkin" tendencies, Joe acknowledges James's valuable contributions to the gaming group. James is a dedicated team player who always prioritizes the party's needs while maintaining his own character. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe discusses today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt: "Notable non-player character." He highlights Ned Shakeshaft and Oceanus from the U-series of AD&D modules as memorable NPCs that offer DMs flexibility in development and storytelling. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "Classic Campaign". Instead of focusing on a full-fledged campaign setting, Joe highlights the U-series of AD&D modules as a fantastic option for a smaller, self-contained adventure. #adnd #dnd Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe recommends a classic Dungeons & Dragons adventure module for today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt: "Amazing adventure." He highlights Frontier Forts of Kelnore as a versatile and reusable resource for game masters, offering endless possibilities for exploration and storytelling. #dnd Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares a memorable gaming moment for today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge. A player's unexpected critical hit turned the tide of a climactic battle, forcing the GM to think on his feet and adapt to the unexpected outcome. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares a humorous and unexpected "memorable moment of play" for today's #RPGaDay2024 challenge. A player forgot their real-life training, leading to a memorable and lighthearted gaming moment. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
For today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt: "Engaging RPG community," Joe throws a spotlight on the RPG podcast community. He shares his appreciation for their welcoming and supportive atmosphere, where both content creators and listeners can interact and share their love for RPGs. Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Joe shares his pick for today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt: "Quick to Learn." He praises Risus for its simple rules and quick start-up time, making it an ideal choice for both players and game masters. #risus Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "Great character gear." Joe shares an item he's used: a magical item that actually has no powers. This simple yet effective tool can spark player creativity and engagement. #dnd Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "Compelling characters." Joe feels that strong character motivations and relationships are essential for creating compelling characters, both player characters (PCs) and non-player characters (NPCs). #dnd #ttrpg Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠
Today's #RPGaDay2024 prompt is "Evocative environments, " and Joe's approach is possibly unique. Instead of focusing on exotic locales, he argues for the power of familiar settings in creating compelling RPG experiences. By making the players' home the center of the adventure, game masters can tap into powerful emotional connections and create unforgettable stories. #dnd #ttrpg #rpg Share your thoughts via: 🌐 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📧 ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST  (⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠562-774-2278⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠) More information is at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠