

Author: The Audience Builder

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Welcome to The Audience Builder, the show where we get into he nitty-gritty of video marketing. Each episode, we pick the brains of marketers and creators who know how to make their videos and content work for them, and they spill the beans on what works, what doesn't, and what's next. Get ready to learn, get inspired, and get serious about video and content marketing.
5 Episodes
Travis is Senior Digital Content Producer at PandaDoc, owning content from podcasts, YouTube, LinkedIn, TikTok and more. Travis joins us today to dive into video content strategy at PandaDoc, exploring how they use video to differentiate their brand and build affinity with their audience and sharing some actionable take on how to win with multi-media content. In this episode, hear us chat about:  Breaking down multi-media content strategy at PandaDoc  Using video for brand differentiation and affinity Searchers v.s. Scroller: use content repurposing to serve both  The backstage story of growing The Customer Engagement Lab Advice to novice video creators: how to find your voice and personality  If you are interested in learning more about what PandaDoc does, check out:
Kevin Alster is a Learner Strategist at and the creator behind many of the wonderfully-made tutorials and educational content published at Synthesia Academy. Kevin joins us in this episode to talk about his approach to creating video content that both entertains and educates viewers, breaking down his framework for creating videos from ideation to production and more.  During the episode, we delve into: Breaking down the video strategy at Synthesia Nailing ideation for your videos (step by step) Developing a strong storyline  Why experimenting at every step of the video creation journey matters Tips for novice video creators to get started by finding their voice and personality on camera Whether you are a marketer trying to create content that converts, a L&D professional looking to create superb training materials, or an individual creator producing videos for personal brands, you will walk away from this episode with tons of relevant insights. If you are interested in learning more, you can connect with Kevin on LinkedIn at and check out Synthesia Academy!
Today we invited Tatiana Morand from HowtoSaaS, a marketing consulting firm that primarily works with late stage SaaS companies, to join us to discuss all things video marketing. In the next hour, we'll be discussing when a company should consider investing in video marketing, the dos and don'ts of video marketing, how to measure success, and advice for companies with a tight budget.  Expect to learn:  When should a company consider investing in video marketing? Hot, warm & cold framework to evaluate opportunities  Cases of companies doing video marketing right: the dos and don’ts  Leveraging video for branded social and personal connections  Advice for companies with a tight budget  If you want to get in touch with Tatiana, find her on Linkedin or read more about her work here! The Audience Builder is produced by Vizard, a video editor designed to transform long videos into viral social clips. Ready to start creating? Visit 
Brett is the VP of Marketing at The Juice, a sales and marketing content distribution platform. We explored the world of content distribution and provide insights into why distribution-first is the way to win in today's content-saturated market. Expect to hear: The power of content distribution in your strategy  Why is distribution-first the way to win in an era of content saturated market  Starting content distribution with mentality shift  Key ingredients to distributional success: consistency, collaboration and golden content  Breaking down Brett’s own distribution workflow  Measuring ROI for content distribution  If you want to learn more about content distribution, visit The Juice, check out The Modern Day Marketer podcast or connect with Brett directly on Linkedin. Enjoy!
Kevin is learner strategist at Synthesia, owning video production for Synthesia Academy. We discussed: Kevin's video strategy at Synthesia Ideation: how to come up with relevant How to develop a strong storyline for any video Why experimenting at every step of the video creation journey matters Tips for novice videos creators to get started If you are interested in learning more, you can:   Connect with Kevin on Linkedin Check out Synthesia Academy: