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五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese
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五分钟中文 5 Minute Chinese

Author: The Lone Mandarin Teacher

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5 Minute Chinese is a biweekly podcast show that talks about all things in life in authentic yet comprehensible Mandarin. As a high school Mandarin teacher and language enthusiast, I explore fun, real-life experiences in the Mandarin language that you can relate, understand, learn and enjoy! Scripts and useful expressions can be found in the description of each Mandarin episode or by request. 

I hope I can help you have more fun learning Chinese. If you have any questions or suggestions, you can email me at 
The Lone Mandarin Teacher

149 Episodes
本播客的介绍同时提供简体中文和英文版本。实用表达/重点词汇在下方。由于篇幅限制,全文稿件可通过邮件免费索取。我的邮件是 podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Useful expressions/key vocabulary are included below. Due to space constraints, the transcript is available for free by email request. My email is中文:大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《五分钟中文》。今天,我想跟大家聊聊我们学校的暴风雨和提前放学的情况。昨天晚上我在上日语课时收到了关于热带气旋和洪涝的警告,但当时我没太在意。今天早上,我们真的经历了强烈的暴风雨。我会分享这次天气紧急情况对我们学校的影响以及我们是如何应对的。English:Hello ev...
(本播客的介绍同时提供简体中文和英文版本。实用表达在下方。由于篇幅限制,全文稿件可通过邮件免费索取。我的邮件是 podcast introduction is in both Simplified Chinese and English. Useful expressions are included below. Due to space constraints, the transcript is available for free by email request. My email is中文简介:大家好,欢迎收听《5分钟中文》。在这一期节目中,我将带大家探讨中国和日本文化中关于积德和转世的观念。我最近看了一部新日剧《重启人生》,这部剧讲述了一位为了能够在来生转世为人,而决定多次重启自己人生的女性。通过这部剧,我决定在本期节目中与大家分享我关于积德和转世的认知和体验,以及这些观念如何影响我们的生活和未来。English I...
(本播客的简介有简体中文和英文。您可以在下方找到英文版本。 This podcast description is available in both Simplified Chinese and English. You can find the English version below.)(中文简介)大家好,欢迎收听新一期的《5分钟中文》。在这期节目中,我想继续分享关于通过看电视剧学习中文的想法。上期节目我提到,电视剧中的对话对语言水平要求很高,尤其是对初学者来说,可能会感到有些挑战。今天,我补充了几点建议:首先,选择带有中文字幕的剧集可以帮助理解和练习发音;其次,利用字幕做听写练习也是提高中文的好方法。此外,学习时不必追求完美,可以适当提高进度,以便接触更多的语言现象,提升学习效果。希望这些建议能对大家有所帮助。(English Description)Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5-Minute Chinese." In this episode, I continue to share my th...
(本播客的简介有简体中文和英文。您可以在下方找到英文版本。 This podcast description is available in both Simplified Chinese and English. You can find the English version below.)大家好!欢迎收看新一期的《五分钟中文》。在本期节目中,我将讨论通过看电视节目学习语言的利弊。虽然它通常被视为一种有趣且快速的学习方式,但它可能并不适合所有人,尤其是初学者。我介绍了“comprehensive input可理解输入”的概念,它指的是大部分可以理解但有一些新元素的语言材料。我分享了我看日本电视剧(名为《地面师たち》)的个人经历,并解释了为什么由于我目前的熟练程度,它没有显著提高我的日语水平。我还建议专注于与您的语言水平相匹配的听力材料,以使“磨耳朵”(听力训练)更有效。此外,我还谈到了 Maayot,这是一个通过适合水平的内容学习中文的有用网站。最后我谈到我制作这个播客的初衷就是提供简单而自然的语言输入,帮助学习者有效地练习。如果您觉得《五分钟中文》有用,请订阅、分享和支持这...
Hello everyone, and welcome to a new episode of 5-Minute Chinese. This Tuesday marked the return of our teachers to school, but after just one day, we transitioned to remote work for the next two days due to Tropical Storm Debby. Thankfully, we're back in action now. I also want to address the recent earthquake in Kyushu, Japan. My Japanese teacher lives in Miyazaki, and I'm relieved to hear that she is safe. My thoughts are with all of those directly affected. With natural disasters increasi...
In this episode of "5-Minute Chinese," I share a language learning technique called "overlay shadowing reading." Unlike traditional shadowing, this shadowing method involves syncing your voice perfectly with the original audio, starting and ending at the same time to achieve complete overlap. I discuss how this method has helped me improve my Japanese skills.Additionally, I introduce Maayot, a wonderful Chinese learning website. Maayot offers daily readings with pinyin, English translations, ...
Hello everyone! In this episode of Five Minute Chinese, I share my personal reflections on life in China versus the U.S. this summer. After being back in the U.S. for over a week and feeling the stress of the upcoming school year, I find myself reminiscing about the enjoyable and carefree experiences I had in China. Spending time with family there was delightful, and I didn’t have to do much to be in a good state. I reflect on the vibrant aspects of life in China, including its diverse activi...
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Five Minute Chinese. It’s nice to be back in the U.S. After returning a week ago, I came down with a bad cold, but DayQuil and NyQuil have been quite effective. In today’s episode, I’ll talk about my trip back to the U.S., including some challenges with a delayed flight and missed connection. I’m grateful for a friend’s kindness and a smooth drive home. I look forward to sharing more about my summer experiences with you soon. Thank you for listening...
In this episode of “Five Minute Chinese,” I share my impressions of China after being away for five years. I’ve observed significant technological advancements that have transformed daily life, making smartphones essential for everything from dining to healthcare, despite concerns about complexity and privacy. The overall cleanliness and organization in my city have improved, though public restrooms still need enhancement compared to Japan’s high standards. Lastly, I’ve noticed that people ar...
Hi everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. It’s been a while since the last episode because I’ve been traveling in the U.S. and Japan. Now, I’m back in China and it’s great to see my family and friends again. Things here are improving, with new technologies making life easier, like visiting the doctor.The only downside is the internet. Many websites need a VPN, and even with Nord VPN, I couldn’t connect well and gave up. I wish I could keep up with my Japanese lessons on Prepl...
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of Five Minute Chinese. With this short episode, I just want to update you on my week. I shared that I was sick with a fever and body aches earlier this week, but my COVID-19, flu, and strep tests were all negative. Although I'm still not fully recovered, I'm grateful it's not serious. I also introduced a new feature on my podcast hosting site, Buzzsprout, called "fan mail," which allows listeners to send me messages, though I can't reply. For those re...
In this episode of "5-Minute Chinese," I talk about preparing my students for their final exams with mock tests and home review. After exams, teachers will continue working on grading and planning for next year before starting our summer break. I'm excited about my upcoming trip, which is my first visit to China in five years, with a stop in Japan for sightseeing and a K-pop concert. The trip involves a lot of planning and learning Japanese, adding to my anticipation and joy for the summer ah...
(If you notice the texting link above, it seems that my hosting site Buzzsprout is testing a new feature without creators enabling it: Buzzsprout's latest feature delivers listener love straight to your phone — Fan Mail! We dive into how we've been secretly testing this new tool and how you can turn it on for your own podcast. I don't know how it will work otu)Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of "5 Minute Chinese." Today, I'm sharing a recent health condition. A few days ago, ...
In this episode of "Five Minutes Chinese," I share the excitement and significance of prom night, a cherished tradition for American high school students. I recount my experience of volunteering at our school's prom, from the meticulous preparations to the elegant attire and the joyous atmosphere created by photographers and DJs. I also reveal the heartfelt story behind my special yellow dress, a gift from my students, marking our seven-year journey from middle school to graduation. As I refl...
日食 Solar Eclipse

日食 Solar Eclipse


In this episode of "5 Minutes Chinese," I delve into the captivating topic of solar eclipses, known as 日食 (rì shí) in Chinese. I recently witnessed a partial solar eclipse on April 8th here in the United States, and I share insights into the scientific principle behind these phenomena. While some regions enjoyed a total eclipse, my East Coast location only saw a partial eclipse, called 日偏食 (rì piān shí). Despite this, I share my excitement and attempts to photograph the event. Reflecting on t...
Hi everyone! Today's episode delves into the significance of March 15th in China, designated as Consumer Rights Day. It aims to heighten awareness about consumer protection, shedding light on issues like deceptive marketing, subpar product quality, and exorbitant pricing. This year's examples range from the sale of inferior food products to overpriced items with false health claims. It reminds consumers to stay vigilant, understand their rights, and report any violations. Despite regulatory e...
Hello everyone, welcome to the latest episode of "5 Minute Mandarin." Today, I want to chat with you about my experiences with driving in the United States. As you may know, having a car is essential in most parts of the US, unlike in China where I never felt the need to drive. Upon moving to the US, I relied on public transportation and walking, as my first city had good infrastructure for both. However, when I found a job in a smaller town, owning a car became necessary. So, I decided to le...
Hello everyone! Happy Lunar New Year! In today's podcast I talk about Lunar New Year celebratory activities at school. We went on a field trip on Tuesday, including a hotpot buffet meal and a visit to the Asian supermarket next door. We also did various other activities such as Chinese paper cutting and a "Cake Day" on Friday, where students brought cakes to celebrate. I also share my own Lunar New Year traditions, including wearing red, especially because it's my zodiac year. If you celebrat...
Hello everyone! In this episode I discuss the difficulty of learning Chinese compared to other languages, using the Foreign Service Institute's categorization. It classifies languages into four levels of difficulty for English speakers. Chinese is considered a "super-hard language," requiring approximately 88 weeks (2200 class hours) to achieve general professional fluency. By comparison, Spanish requires 30 weeks (750 class hours). While the ease of learning a language can be influenced...
Hello everyone! Welcome to a new episode of 5 Minute Chinese. I want to begin by thanking you for listening to my podcast. I sincerely hope that it helps make learning Mandarin Chinese authentic and fun. Secondly, I want to update you on the busy period from the end of last year to the beginning of 2024. I share the unusually short winter break , lasting less than two weeks. After the brief break, teachers worked hard to finalized the semester grades and comments, which were due last wee...