DiscoverNetwork Capital[Arguable] Can you achieve more good by earning and donating, or through an impact-oriented career
[Arguable] Can you achieve more good by earning and donating, or through an impact-oriented career

[Arguable] Can you achieve more good by earning and donating, or through an impact-oriented career

Update: 2024-07-27


Welcome to the inaugural episode of "Arguable," where friends and debate enthusiasts Utkarsh Amitabh and Dhruva Bhat kick off a series designed to challenge your thinking and sharpen your ability to navigate tricky debates. In this episode, they tackle a compelling question: can you achieve more good by earning as much money as possible and donating it, or by choosing a career with a direct impact?

Along the way, we dissect the principles of Effective Altruism, explore the power of role models, and analyze the balance between following one's passion and pursuing practicality in career choices. What can the examples of Tesla and Edison tell us about how to make change in the world? What is the role of the arts in doing good? And what does this mean for your life and career?

* 80,000 Hours:
* “What “We Owe the Future by Will MacAskill
* "The Infinite Game" by Michael Lewis
* "How to Be Famous" by Cass Sunstein

Utkarsh Amitabh is the founder of Network Capital (, one of the world’s largest mentorship platforms that empowers 7.5 million school students and 200,000+ young professionals to build meaningful careers. He is a writer at Harvard Business Review and the author of two best-selling books on work. An engineer by training, Utkarsh received his MBA from INSEAD, and is working on a doctorate at the University of Oxford.

Dhruva Bhat co-founded and directs Lumiere Education, a company that delivers advanced extracurricular programs to thousands of high school students worldwide. n the past, he has coached the Indian national debate team to win the World Schools Debating Championships. Dhruva graduated from Harvard with an A.B. in economics and from Oxford with a Ph.D. in international development as a Rhodes Scholar.
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[Arguable] Can you achieve more good by earning and donating, or through an impact-oriented career

[Arguable] Can you achieve more good by earning and donating, or through an impact-oriented career

Network Capital