140起照顧殺人事件,三分之二照顧者都有自殺意念,他們都跟法官說:『我認罪,沒有要辯駁』,那過去的照顧,國家都沒看見嗎?-長期照護系 陳正芬 教授 ⠀⠀
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Londoners are better off returning to the office as bills soar
City of London workers looking to save money may want to embrace the office over winter as the cost of working from home soars alongside energy bills.
Those prepared to go into the office every day could save about €50 (US$60) per week in January 2023 if they can walk, run or cycle into their workplace. That’s thanks to the money they’ve saved by not heating a home for the whole day, according to estimates by price comparison site Uswitch.
Those working from home in January could expect to pay around €175 a week in energy costs and other incidentals included in Bloomberg’s calculations such as buying in your own coffee, a freebie in many offices. The combined cost of energy bills — factoring in the lower consumption expected — and five return trips on the Tube from London’s Zone 4 would be about €160 a week in January 2023, a €15 saving.
For those taking the bus, the total cost is about €140, a €35 weekly saving. In both cases, any rise in the cost of the commute will eat into those savings.
Uswitch estimates that the average monthly energy bill could hit €683 in January for home workers, compared to €492 for those heading to the office. It assumes remote workers use 25 percent more electricity and 75 percent more gas per day including from central heating.
資料來源: https://www.taipeitimes.com/News/lang/archives/2022/08/23/2003783959
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