Discover英语每日一听 | 每天少于5分钟第2309期: Florida's snake hunters(2)
第2309期: Florida's snake hunters(2)

第2309期: Florida's snake hunters(2)

Update: 2024-09-07


That project is shared by the wildlife agency and the South Florida Water Management District. Through 2023, more than 18,000 pythons have been removed from the wild. Contractors like Aycock have removed about 11,000.

该项目由野生动物机构和南佛罗里达州水管理区共享。到 2023 年,已有超过 18,000 条蟒蛇被从野外清除。像艾科克这样的承包商已经拆除了大约 11,000 人。

The pay is average. Hunting along backroads pays $13 an hour. Walking through the swamp pays $18 an hour. Contractors also get paid per snake: $50 for the first 1.2 meters in length, plus more for longer snakes. 

工资是平均水平。沿着小路打猎每小时 13 美元。步行穿过沼泽每小时 18 美元。承包商还可以按每条蛇获得报酬:前 1.2 米长的蛇为 50 美元,更长的蛇则需支付更多费用。 

“You’re not going to make a living doing this full-time. There’s no way you could do it,” Aycock said. 


Florida does not permit hunters to use firearms to kill pythons. Catching them is a hands-on exercise. 


Aycock goes into the wetlands to check on known hatching spots and grabs at them when he can. But mostly he drives down empty roads at night, shining a strong light into the swamps. 


He says these bug-filled drives help his mental health. Sometimes he brings along fellow members of the Swamp Apes, a mental health non-profit organization for veterans. The group catches invasive snakes in the wild, clears overgrown areas, and works toward environmental preservation. 


The group’s founder, Tom Rahill, is also a snake hunting contractor. He knows the swamp so well that he can smell a python’s “musk” odor. He says he can feel when a snake is near. 

该组织的创始人汤姆·拉希尔(Tom Rahill)也是一名蛇狩猎承包商。他对这片沼泽非常熟悉,甚至能闻到蟒蛇的“麝香”气味。他说当蛇靠近时他能感觉到。 

There is an art to catching a snake, the hunters say. The methods change from hunter to hunter. Some use a snake hook and then jump on them before putting them into bags. Rahill likes using his hands -- if the snake is calm enough. 


“Instead of jumping on the snake, you just kind of gently get up to it and then just pick it up,” he said. 


But the snakes are not always calm. Sometimes a hunter needs a helper to keep the snake uncoiled until it calms down and can be contained to prevent escape. 


Once the snakes are caught, the hunters have 24 hours to take them to the wildlife agency. It is illegal for any person other than a licensed contractor to transport a live, invasive snake. 


Aycock takes them home first to be “humanely killed.” 


“That’s the part of the job that I really just ... hate,” he said. “I hate having to kill snakes.” 










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第2309期: Florida's snake hunters(2)

第2309期: Florida's snake hunters(2)