Discover英语每日一听 | 每天少于5分钟第2317期:Japan Considers Four-day Work Weeks(1)
第2317期:Japan Considers Four-day Work Weeks(1)

第2317期:Japan Considers Four-day Work Weeks(1)

Update: 2024-09-14


Japan is a nation so hardworking that the Japanese language has a term for working oneself to death. Now, the government is trying to deal with a labor shortage. 


One solution is to get more people and companies to accept four-day workweeks. The Japanese government first supported a shorter working week in 2021. Few companies have signed on, however. The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare said only about eight percent of companies permit three days off a week, while seven percent give their workers the required one day off. 

一种解决方案是让更多的人和公司接受每周四天的工作制。日本政府在 2021 年首次支持缩短每周工作时间。然而,很少有公司签署这一协议。厚生劳动省表示,只有约 8% 的公司允许每周休息 3 天,而 7% 的公司则为员工提供了一天所需的休息时间。

Hoping to get small and medium-sized businesses to change, the government started a "work style reform" campaign. It pushes shorter hours and other flexible plans for work along with paid time off and limits on overtime. The labor ministry recently started offering free services and resources to help companies make the change. 


A ministry website explains the "hatarakikata kaikaku" campaign, which means "innovating how we work." It says that when workers can choose how they work, they will have a better outlook on the future and the economy will grow. 

部门网站解释了“hatarakikata kaikaku”活动,意思是“创新我们的工作方式”。它说,当工人可以选择自己的工作方式时,他们将对未来有更好的展望,经济也会增长。 

The department handling the new support services for businesses says only about three companies have asked for their advice. 


Such changes will not come easily in the Japanese culture, where being a “workaholic,” or frequently working overtime, has long been highly valued. That is credited for the country’s national recovery and fast economic growth after World War II. 


There is great pressure to be the same as the others in one’s work group. People usually take vacations at the same time of year as their co-workers. Although the law and labor agreements limit overtime, some work longer hours without pay. 


A recent government report dealt with "karoshi." That is the Japanese term meaning "death from overwork.” The report said Japan has at least 54 such deaths a year, including from heart attacks. 

最近的一份政府报告涉及“过劳死”。这是日语术语,意思是“过劳死”。报告称,日本每年至少有 54 例此类死亡,其中包括心脏病发作。

Tim Craig wrote a book called Cool Japan: Case Studies from Japan's Cultural and Creative Industries. 


"Work is a big deal here. It's not just a way to make money, although it is that, too," said Craig. 


Some officials think it is time to change that way of thinking to save the workforce. Japan's birth rate continues to fall, and the work culture is said to be one reason for that. 










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第2317期:Japan Considers Four-day Work Weeks(1)

第2317期:Japan Considers Four-day Work Weeks(1)