Discover英语每日一听 | 每天少于5分钟第2313期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(1)
第2313期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(1)

第2313期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(1)

Update: 2024-09-10


Many people are now holding onto their smartphones longer than in the past. This is true for several reasons. The cost of phones has been rising for years. And device updates are no longer as meaningful as before. 

现在,许多人使用智能手机的时间比过去更长。 这是事实,有几个原因。 多年来,手机的成本一直在上涨。 而且设备更新不再像以前那么有意义。 

This has made it even more important for smartphone users to take good care of their devices. But how long can a smartphone user expect their device to last? Many experts say if they are cared for effectively, phones can last up to five years, possibly even longer. 

这使得智能手机用户妥善保管自己的设备变得更加重要。 但智能手机用户期望他们的设备能持续多久? 许多专家表示,如果得到有效保养,手机可以使用长达五年,甚至可能更长。 

Chris Hauk is a technology expert with the website Pixel Privacy. He told The Associated Press (AP), “As long as you take care of your phone and keep it updated, you’re going to get at least four or five good years of use out of it." 

Chris Hauk 是 Pixel Privacy 网站的技术专家。 他告诉美联社(AP),“只要你爱护你的手机并保持更新,你的手机至少可以使用四五年。” 

The AP offers these additional tips for smartphone users looking to keep their devices for as long as possible. 


One of the most important elements affecting smartphone life is the battery. 


iPhone maker Apple says a rechargeable battery’s age has little to do with when it was manufactured. Instead, it depends on a complex mix of things, including temperature and charging history. “As lithium-ion batteries chemically age, the amount of charge they can hold diminishes, resulting in reduced battery life and reduced peak performance,” Apple says. 

iPhone 制造商苹果公司表示,充电电池的寿命与其制造时间无关。 相反,它取决于复杂的因素,包括温度和充电历史。 苹果表示:“随着锂离子电池的化学老化,它们所能容纳的电量会减少,从而导致电池寿命缩短和峰值性能下降。” 

Samsung, which uses the Android operating system in its smartphones, says its lithium-ion batteries perform best when kept above a 50 percent charge. The company advises against running the battery completely down 

三星在其智能手机中使用Android操作系统,该公司表示,其锂离子电池在电量保持在50%以上时性能最佳。 该公司建议不要将电池完全耗尽 

In an online guide, Samsung also said that repeatedly letting the battery go to zero percent may shorten its life and decrease overall performance. “If this happens, you’ll need to charge the battery more frequently and it may last only a few hours before needing a charge.” 

三星在在线指南中还表示,反复让电池电量为零可能会缩短其寿命并降低整体性能。 “如果发生这种情况,你需要更频繁地给电池充电,而且电池可能只能维持几个小时就需要充电了。”

Apple says its batteries already warm up as they charge, so phones should not be charged in very hot temperatures. Charging an iPhone in heat above 35 degrees Celsius, for example, “can permanently reduce battery lifespan.” 

苹果表示,其电池在充电时已经变热,因此手机不应在非常热的温度下充电。 例如,在 35 摄氏度以上的高温下给 iPhone 充电“会永久缩短电池寿命”。 

Samsung also says extreme heat or cold can damage batteries. It warns users not to leave their phones inside vehicles or other contained spaces in very hot or cold weather. 

三星还表示,极热或极冷可能会损坏电池。 它警告用户在非常炎热或寒冷的天气里不要将手机留在车辆或其他封闭空间内。 









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第2313期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(1)

第2313期:How to Make Your Smartphone Last Longer(1)