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第2324期:James Earl Jones Darth Vader Voice Can Speak Anew with AI

第2324期:James Earl Jones Darth Vader Voice Can Speak Anew with AI

Update: 2024-09-20


During his more than 60-year acting career, James Earl Jones’ voice became a star of its own. Jones died this week at the age of 93. 

在 60 多年的演艺生涯中,詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯的声音成为了一颗明星。 琼斯本周去世,享年 93 岁。 

One of Jones' career decisions continues to be an issue of debate: his permission to let artificial intelligence (AI) reproduce his performances as Darth Vader for new projects. 

琼斯的职业决定之一仍然是一个有争议的问题:他允许人工智能 (AI) 在新项目中重现他作为达斯维德的表演。 

Skywalker Sound and Ukrainian software company Respeecher used AI to recreate Jones' Darth Vader for the 2022 show Obi-Wan Kenobi. The show appears on the streaming service Disney+. 

Skywalker Sound 和乌克兰软件公司 Respeecher 使用人工智能为 2022 年的《欧比旺·克诺比》节目重现了琼斯饰演的达斯·维达。 该节目出现在流媒体服务 Disney+ 上。 

The voice of actor Mark Hamill was also “de-aged” using Respeecher. Hamill played Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie. His AI-manufactured voice was used in the series’ television show The Mandalorian. Disney+ launched the show in 2019. 

演员马克·哈米尔的声音也使用 Respeecher 进行了“减龄”。 哈米尔在第一部星球大战电影中扮演卢克·天行者。 该系列电视节目《曼达洛人》中使用了他的人工智能声音。 Disney+ 于 2019 年推出该剧。 

Voice actors say they fear AI could reduce the number of jobs because the technology can reproduce one performance into many. The concern led American unionized video game performers to go on strike in July. 

配音演员表示,他们担心人工智能可能会减少工作岗位,因为该技术可以将一种表演复制成多种表演。 这种担忧导致美国电子游戏表演者工会于七月举行罢工。 

For some observers, Jones' decision to permit AI to reproduce his voice raises questions about voice acting as an art. But the decision also could help develop AI agreements that fairly pay actors for AI-based performances. 

对于一些观察家来说,琼斯允许人工智能复制他的声音的决定引发了人们对配音作为一门艺术的质疑。 但这一决定也可能有助于制定人工智能协议,为演员基于人工智能的表演公平支付报酬。 

Zeke Alton is a voice actor and member of SAG-AFTRA’s interactive media agreement negotiating committee. He said it is “amazing” that Jones was involved in the process of reproducing his voice. 

Zeke Alton 是一名配音演员,也是 SAG-AFTRA 互动媒体协议谈判委员会的成员。 他说琼斯参与了复制他的声音的过程,这“令人惊讶”。 

“If the game companies, the movie companies, gave the consent, compensation transparency to every actor that they gave James Earl Jones, we wouldn’t be on strike,” Alton said. “It proves that they can do it. They just don’t want to for people that they feel don’t have the leverage to bargain for themselves.” 

奥尔顿说:“如果游戏公司、电影公司像詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯那样向每位演员提供同意和薪酬透明度,我们就不会罢工。” “这证明他们可以做到。 他们只是不想为那些他们认为没有能力为自己讨价还价的人提供帮助。”

Hollywood’s video game performers called for a strike after more than 18 months of negotiations over a new interactive media agreement with industry leaders. The negotiators could not reach an agreement on artificial intelligence protections. 

好莱坞视频游戏表演者在与行业领袖就新的互动媒体协议进行了 18 个多月的谈判后呼吁罢工。 谈判代表未能就人工智能保护达成协议。

Members of the union have said they are not opposed to AI. They say they are worried, however, that technology could replace them. 

工会成员表示,他们并不反对人工智能。 然而,他们表示担心技术可能会取代他们。

Concerns over such use of AI were among the reasons that film and television workers went on strike last year. The work stoppages went on for four months. 

对人工智能的这种使用的担忧是去年影视工作者罢工的原因之一。 停工持续了四个月。 

Neither Skywalker Sound nor Respeecher answered a request for comment from Associated Press reporters. But a sound editor with Skywalker Sound spoke to Vanity Fair magazine about the issue. The worker reported that Jones approved the use of old recordings to keep Darth Vader alive. The worker added that Jones guided the new performances. 

Skywalker Sound 和 Respeecher 都没有回应美联社记者的置评请求。 但天行者声音的一位声音编辑向《名利场》杂志谈到了这个问题。 该工人报告说,琼斯批准使用旧录音来维持达斯·维德的生命。 该工作人员补充说,琼斯指导了新的表演。 

Jones' contract could set an example of properly bargaining with an actor over their likeness, said Sarah Elmaleh. She is chair of SAG-AFTRA's interactive negotiating committee. Elmaleh, a voice actor, said there is a chance for these tools to be used in “meaningful, smart artistic decisions.”

莎拉·埃尔马莱说,琼斯的合同可以树立一个与演员就肖像问题进行适当讨价还价的典范。 她是 SAG-AFTRA 互动谈判委员会的主席。 配音演员埃尔马莱表示,这些工具有机会用于“有意义、明智的艺术决策”。 









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第2324期:James Earl Jones Darth Vader Voice Can Speak Anew with AI

第2324期:James Earl Jones Darth Vader Voice Can Speak Anew with AI