DiscoverPublic Lectures from the Faculty of Law, University of CambridgeWill Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge Transform Intellectual Property? Cautionary Lessons from the WIPO Genetic Resources Treaty: CIPIL Evening Seminar
Will Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge Transform Intellectual Property? Cautionary Lessons from the WIPO Genetic Resources Treaty: CIPIL Evening Seminar

Will Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge Transform Intellectual Property? Cautionary Lessons from the WIPO Genetic Resources Treaty: CIPIL Evening Seminar

Update: 2024-10-21


Speaker: Professor Ruth Okediji, Jeremiah Smith Jr., Professor of Law, Harvard Law School and Co-Director of the Berkman Klein Center

Abstract: The conclusion of the Agreement on Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in 1994 sparked a quiet revolution in the global IP system by directing unprecedented scrutiny to the maldistribution of innovation benefits among countries and communities, including Indigenous Peoples’ traditional knowledge. The unauthorized access, use, and commercialization of biological resources raised specific questions about the malleability of acquisitive processes for patents, designs, and trademarks, and galvanized soft and hard law instruments recognizing interests in traditional knowledge and genetic resources that are in tension with dominant IP justifications. This lecture examines the recently concluded WIPO genetic resources treaty - the first formal attempt to overlay Indigenous people’s concerns on the system of global IP rights and administration. The lecture will explore prospects for structural change in IP governance based on the treaty’s design and highlight its implications for IP harmonization that differ starkly from the vision codified in the TRIPS Agreement. Those implications threaten prospects for the equitable allocation of benefits between Indigenous People’s knowledge and other stakeholders in the international IP regime.

Biography: Ruth L. Okediji is the Jeremiah Smith. Jr, Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and Co-Director of the Berkman Klein Center. A renowned scholar in international intellectual property (IP) law and a foremost authority on the role of intellectual property in social and economic development, Professor Okediji has advised inter-governmental organizations, regional economic communities, and national governments on a range of matters related to technology, innovation policy, and development. Her widely cited scholarship on IP and development has influenced government policies in sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, and South America. Her ideas have helped shape national strategies for the implementation of the WTO’s Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS Agreement). She works closely with several United Nations agencies, research centers, and international organizations on the human development effects of international IP policy, including access to knowledge, access to essential medicines and issues related to indigenous innovation systems.

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Will Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge Transform Intellectual Property? Cautionary Lessons from the WIPO Genetic Resources Treaty: CIPIL Evening Seminar

Will Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge Transform Intellectual Property? Cautionary Lessons from the WIPO Genetic Resources Treaty: CIPIL Evening Seminar

Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge

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