(EN) Azure AI - how the business is adopting to AI
Welcome to Episode No. 3 of MVP Voices!
Our Guest:
Maximilian Melcher is a Cloud Solution Architect working at Microsoft in Munich, Germany. Max is a specialist in Azure cloud technologies focused on business applications, search, web content management and lift&shift. He has led cloud implementations for Dax 30 companies since 2009. Max’ free time is spent on twitter, mostly with a good coffee in his hands - or below real clouds when he flies with his paraglider.
The Topic:
Azure AI and AI in general - how is business adopting to AI and what will change over time.
What to expect:
We had a discssion about what AI is compared to other like minded offers and we also discussed on how to start, about Bias as well as on responsible AI.
During the discussion, we addressed thoughts about job transformations coming up and about the new hype regarading "Prompt Engineering"
Work Trend Index | Will AI Fix Work? (microsoft.com)
Responsible AI principles from Microsoft | Our approach to responsible AI at Microsoft
AI Business School
Prompt engineering
Cloud Adoption Framework for AI
AI for Health | Microsoft AI
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Twitter: @rari2003 | Web: https://azuredev.org