Discover英文流利聽說訓練 | MJ英語 | MJ English(中英逐字稿) 聽完這集,機場英語也難不倒你! 隨時隨地都能派上用場
(中英逐字稿) 聽完這集,機場英語也難不倒你! 隨時隨地都能派上用場

(中英逐字稿) 聽完這集,機場英語也難不倒你! 隨時隨地都能派上用場

Update: 2025-01-27



交給 FutureSalad 全清高纖新沙拉飲✨

純天然蔬果製成 無藥性成分好安心


6到12小時順暢排空!輕輕鬆鬆 一次全清💩



----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----




Right. So, today we're going to deep dive into some super practical English.

** 好的,今天我們要深入探討一些非常實用的英文。**

Okay. For the airport.

** 好,主要是針對機場情境。**

I like it. For anybody traveling internationally.

** 我喜歡這主題,特別是給那些要出國旅行的人。**

Yeah. And you know, this is good if you think about it.

** 對啊,你想想看,這真的很實用。**

Even for seasoned travelers, having those little phrases to kind of smooth things over.

** 即使是經驗豐富的旅客,知道這些小短句也能讓事情更順利。**

Smooth things over. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.

** 讓一切順暢,對,完全正確。**

Can really make a difference and reduce stress.

** 這真的可以帶來很大的不同,減少壓力。**

Absolutely. So, we've got this YouTube video.

** 完全正確,所以我們找到了一部 YouTube 影片。**

Okay. From MJ English.

** 是的,來自 MJ English 頻道。**

And we're just going to kind of take a look at it and pull out some key phrases.

** 我們要來看一下這影片,挑出一些重要的短句。**

Nice. That we think will help.

** 很好,我們認為這些會對你有幫助。**

All right. Yeah. So, let's do it.

** 好的,那我們開始吧。**

You arrive at the airport. Okay. What's the first thing you got to do?

** 你到了機場,然後第一件要做的事情是什麼?**

Well, you got to check in, right?

** 當然是辦理登機報到,對吧?**

Check in. Yeah.

** 登機報到,沒錯。**

Yeah. So, you can ask.

** 對,你可以這樣問。**

So, instead of just asking like, "Where's the check-in counter?"

** 與其只問「登機櫃檯在哪裡?」**

Right. Which, you know, you can.

** 當然,這麼問是可以的。**

Of course.

** 沒錯。**

Yeah. You can also maybe try to be a little bit more proactive and ask, "Can I check in online for this flight?"

** 但你也可以更主動一點,問:「這班飛機可以在線上辦理登機嗎?」**

Oh, that's good. You know, to save yourself some time.

** 哦,這很好,這樣可以省下不少時間。**

Yeah, that's really good. Maybe avoid some lines.

** 對,這真的很棒,還能避免排隊。**

What about luggage?

** 那行李呢?**

Oh, yeah. What are some good luggage phrases?

** 哦,對,有哪些實用的行李相關短句?**

Well, you know, sometimes those weight limits can be a little tricky.

** 嗯,有時候行李的重量限制可能會讓人有點困惑。**

So, you don't want to get to the counter and have your bag be overweight.

** 所以你不想到了櫃檯才發現行李超重。**

Right. So, you could ask, "What's the weight limit for checked luggage?"

** 對,所以你可以問:「托運行李的重量限制是多少?」**

That's a good one. Yeah, I like that.

** 這是一個很好的句子,我喜歡。**

And what if you have something fragile? You want to make sure they know to be careful with it.

** 那如果你有易碎品呢?你一定想讓他們知道要小心處理。**

Yeah. So, you can say, "Can you put a fragile tag on my luggage?"

** 對,所以你可以說:「可以幫我的行李貼上易碎標籤嗎?」**

That's a good one. Yeah.

** 這句很實用,對。**

Okay. So, we made it through check-in. All right. We're checked in.

** 好了,我們完成了登機報到。**

Now, now we got to go through security.

** 現在,我們要通過安檢。**

Security. I always get a little… It can be a little bit stressful.

** 安檢,這部分總是讓我有點緊張。**

Yeah. Because even though there's signs, it's not always clear.

** 對,雖然有標示,但有時候看起來不太清楚。**

Yeah. Sometimes it's a little bit confusing.

** 是啊,有時候真的會有點讓人困惑。**

So, what kind of questions can we ask?

** 那我們可以問哪些問題?**

So, if you're not sure if you need to take your laptop out of your bag.

** 比如說,如果你不確定筆電需不需要拿出來。**

You can ask them, "Do I need to take my laptop out of my bag?"

** 你可以問:「我需要把筆電從包包裡拿出來嗎?」**

Right. Or, "Can I bring this water bottle through?"

** 或者說:「這瓶水可以帶過安檢嗎?」**

Oh, these are good. Yeah, just to be sure.

** 哦,這些句子很好用,確保沒問題。**

Yeah. Clear communication is key.

** 對,清楚的溝通是關鍵。**

Yes. It's for everyone's safety and your own peace of mind.

** 是的,這是為了大家的安全,也讓你自己更安心。**

That's good. Okay. So, so we're through security. We made it.

** 這很重要,好,我們通過安檢了,搞定了。**

Now, we got to find our gate.

** 現在我們需要找到登機口。**

Yeah. What can we ask to find the gate?

** 對,那我們可以問什麼來找到登機口呢?**

So, you could ask, of course, "Where is gate number ___?"

** 當然你可以問:「___號登機口在哪裡?」**

But you could also, you know, engage with the staff a little bit. Maybe ask, "Is there a lounge near this gate?"

** 但你也可以跟工作人員聊聊,問:「這個登機口附近有貴賓室嗎?」**

Oh, good one. Yeah.

** 哦,這是個好問題,對。**

You know what else?

** 你知道還可以問什麼嗎?**

What's that?

** 什麼呢?**

You could ask where there's good coffee.

** 你可以問哪裡有好喝的咖啡。**

Oh, that's a good idea.

** 哦,這是個好主意。**

Yeah. Especially if it's an early morning flight. You need that caffeine.

** 對,特別是早班機的時候,咖啡因真的很重要。**

Okay. So, we found the gate. All right. We had our coffee. We're caffeinated.

** 好,我們找到了登機口,喝了咖啡,補充了能量。**

Now we're just waiting.

** 現在我們就在等待。**

Now we're waiting. But then the flight's delayed.

** 我們等著,然後班機延誤了。**

Yeah. Flight delays happen. So annoying.

** 對啊,航班延誤常有,真的很煩。**

But, you know, instead of just getting frustrated, why not ask, "Why is the flight delayed?"

** 但與其煩躁,不如問:「為什麼班機延誤了?」**

Okay. Right? Or, "When is the new estimated departure time?"

** 好的,或者說:「新的預計起飛時間是什麼時候?」**

These are good questions.

** 這些都是很實用的問題。**

Yeah. Just to get some information so you know what to expect.

** 對,這樣可以獲得一些資訊,知道接下來會怎樣。**

And while we're waiting, we could also ask about, oh yeah, like changing seats.

** 等候的時候,我們還可以問,比如說換座位。**

Right. Seat changes, upgrades.

** 對,換座位或升艙。**

Yeah. You never know. It's worth a shot.

** 對,你永遠不知道,試試看總是值得的。**

Worth a try. So, yeah, you could say, "Is it possible to change my seat?"

** 值得試試,所以你可以問:「可以幫我換座位嗎?」**

Yeah. Or, "Is there a chance for an upgrade?"

** 或者說:「有升艙的可能嗎?」**

All right. So, we've made it through. We made it through check-in. Security. Found our gate.

** 好了,我們完成了登機報到、通過了安檢,也找到了登機口。**

We're waiting for our flight. We're ready to go.

** 我們等著登機,準備出發。**

Feeling more confident. I think so. Yeah.

** 感覺更有信心了,對吧?對。**

Now, what happens when we get off the plane?

** 那下了飛機之後呢?**

That's a whole other situation.

** 那又是完全不同的情況。**

That's a whole other set of challenges and phrases we can learn.

** 那是一整套新的挑戰和需要學習的短句。**


** 完全正確**

OK. So, we've landed. We made it. We're at our destination.

** 好了,我們已經降落了,成功抵達目的地。**

OK. Now, what?

** 好,那接下來呢?**

Now, we got to get out of this airport.

** 現在我們要離開機場。**

Exactly. First things first, luggage.

** 沒錯,首先是拿行李。**

Luggage. Yeah.

** 行李,對。**

Yeah. I got to get that luggage.

** 是的,我們得拿到行李。**

You know, you're always kind of nervous at the baggage claim.

** 你知道,在行李提領區總是有點緊張。**

Oh, absolutely.

** 哦,絕對是。**

You know, hoping your suitcase is going to show up.

** 希望你的行李箱會出現在轉盤上。**

Yeah. You're scanning that carousel.

** 對,你盯著行李轉盤看。**

Yes. Just waiting for your bag to come around.

** 是的,就在等待你的行李出現。**

What if it doesn't show up?

** 如果行李沒有出現呢?**

Oh, that's the worst. Lost luggage nightmare.

** 哦,那就太糟糕了,簡直是遺失行李的噩夢。**

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In Channel








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(中英逐字稿) 聽完這集,機場英語也難不倒你! 隨時隨地都能派上用場

(中英逐字稿) 聽完這集,機場英語也難不倒你! 隨時隨地都能派上用場
