DiscoverHada-YAH Prays** Come...The Spirit and The Bride...))
** Come...The Spirit and The Bride...))

** Come...The Spirit and The Bride...))

Update: 2016-12-01


Praise YAHWEH!

Praise YAHushua Messiah!

Let everything that has breath Praise Father YAHWEH.

Beloved I pray you are well and I pray Elohim's Blessings

over you and your loved ones ech and every day. HalleluYAH.

The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come!” Let those who hear this say, 

“Come!” Let those who are thirsty come!

Let those who want the water of life take it as a gift." Revelation 22:17

It is a Gift! 

How aesome is that? The Gift of YAH through YAHushua is-Life and it is FREE.

FREE for the taking.

I say it's through YAHushua because he said in John 6:4 "I AM the WAY, THE TRUTH

and the Life no one comes to the FATHER, but through HIM"

It is safe to say there is only one Messiah. One Savior for Believers professing Faith

in Elohim. 

In looking at the conversation Messiah had with the woman at the well, who had 5 husbands

and the one she now has was not her's and that YAHushua did not judge, and condemn her...

He offered her the FREE GIFT of Salvation. Which she eagerly and gladly answered. As a 

woman I can relate to her emotional state. 

For her to be in a position where she had 5 husbands who were not her's and the one she now

has was not her's. Tells me woman to woman she was broken.

So when the Savior who should have had no dealings with her #1 for being a woman 2. for being a 

Samaritan, as the Jews and the Samaritans did not mingle...when He offered her the FREE GIFT

of SALVATION-LIVING WATER-ETERNAL LIFE that she would never thrist again...She gladly accepted

and not only did she accpet she went sharing the good news of how she's met the Messiah and they should

come see for themselves. The Word does encourages us to Taste and See that HE is GOOD!








Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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** Come...The Spirit and The Bride...))

** Come...The Spirit and The Bride...))

Rose Dallas 2