// Introvert Career Diaries: Visibility—Making Your Mark in Your Own Way
Welcome back to Part 2 of the Introvert Career Diaries. This week let's tackle the often daunting concept of visibility in the workplace. If the thought of self-promotion and being in the spotlight makes you cringe, this episode is for you! Join me to discuss:
- How to be present and involved without being the loudest in the room
- The power of engaging in thoughtful dialogue and asking insightful questions
- The impact of sharing suggestions that build on your team's ideas
Visibility doesn't mean changing who you are. It's about showcasing your unique strengths in an authentic and comfortable way.
🎧 Related Episodes: Introvert Career Diaries Part 1: Interview Strategies
The Quiet Conqueror: Strategies Introverts Use To Flourish In Corporate Environments
The Introvert’s Career Diary: Loving Work in a Loud World
🌟 The Flourish Careers Podcast is proudly highlighted in the Top Career Podcast Guide 2024
💛 Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist
⚙️ Tools to help: 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less
💛 Ways to work together:
- Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
- Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
- You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
- Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads
💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.
🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog