// Should I Stay or Go: Heart-Based Career Decisions
Today, we're discussing one of the toughest questions many heart-based professionals face at some point: Should I stay or go?
Imagine this: you're at a career crossroads. That inner whisper tells you something needs to change, but you’re worried and not sure what to do next.
Join me as we consider three inquiries to support your decision; remember, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. But by exploring these inquiries, you can uncover the next best step forward.
So, my friends, let's channel the wisdom of The Clash’s famous song: "Should I stay or should I go?" But it's not about the song; it's about finding our rhythm in the symphony of our heart-based careers.
🎧 Related Episodes:
- Daring Decisions When You're At A Career Crossroads
- Intuitive Insights: The Power of Clean Energy in Decision-Making
- Free To Flourish: How to Define Success on Your Terms
- Inside Out: The Strategic Playbook for Navigating Internal Job Changes
🌟 The Flourish Careers Podcast is proudly highlighted in the Top Career Podcast Guide 2024
💛 Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist
⚙️ Tools to help: 25 Ways to Nourish Your Body, Mind, Spirit in 5 Minutes or Less
💛 Ways to work together:
- Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
- Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
- You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
- Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads
💛 Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.
🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog