// Spring Into Heart-Based Leadership
Have you ever had a boss who stifled creativity, never provided guidance when needed, or ruled with fear? 🤦‍♂️
Sadly, many of us have encountered these ineffective leaders in our careers. Micromanagers, absentee managers, and those who rule with fear can create toxic work environments that hinder productivity and morale. But fear not! Recognizing these traits is the first step in navigating and overcoming their challenges.
Tune in to hear practical strategies for fostering a positive work environment, including my heart-based leadership philosophy, establishing a leader brand, and practical techniques for cultivating heart-based leadership. Join me in fostering happier + healthier workplaces!
🎧 Related Episodes: Making Feedback Work for You | Embracing the Flexibility of Remote Work: A Guide to Leading Virtual Teams | Conscious Choices: Leading with Intention and Awareness
đź’› Free Gift: Heart-Based Career Change Checklist
🌟 Ways to work together:
- Let's partner to craft your HEART-based career path or propel your company's talent strategy
- Join Fried to Flourishing, the self-paced career change course or virtual coaching experience
- You're invited to the Gathering Ground, an insider circle where careers take root, grow and flourish
- Browse around the shop and check out the playbooks: Make The Leap, Ultimate Playbook for Heart-Based Career Change | The Complete Interview Prep Playbook | Jumpstart Your Job Search, Gift for Grads
đź’› Please note that I value confidentiality. In cases where real-life experiences are recounted, names may be changed, or stories are shared with direct permission from those involved.
🖋️For detailed show notes, visit the Flourish Careers Blog