DiscoverOhio Valley True Crime003 Brenda Sue Schaefer
003 Brenda Sue Schaefer

003 Brenda Sue Schaefer

Update: 2018-06-181


This weeks case takes us to Louisville, KY. It's a case that happened when I was 4, but one that I grew up hearing about. It was a notorious case for the area. To this day, the case is told as a cautionary tale about how even the most guilty suspect can still get away with their crime.


The 5th amendment of the constitution of the united states of america, reads in part “nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb”.

In today's terms, it means that if you are found guilty if a crime like murder, you can't be tried for the same crime again. It keeps prosecutors from trying a case over and over until they find a jury willing to convict.


It's meant to keep our system fair.


But like they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.


In this case, that road lead to a home in Louisville, Ky. Where 1 person would die, and 2 people would get away with it, despite irrefutable proof being found

But, as sometimes happens, karma had the final say.




Brenda Sue Schaefer was 36 years old, loved by her family, friends, and coworkers. Born and raised in Louisville. Married right out of high school, the marriage only lasted 4 years, and the separation was hard on Brenda due to her strong religious beliefs. Afterwards, Brenda moved back in with her parents in a suburb outside of the main city.


Her next serious relationship was with dentist Jim Rush, this relationship would last 8 years, but ended due to disagreements and Jim's drinking.


In 1986, at age 34 Brenda's life took a turn, and unfortunately in a story that is all too familiar, red flags were ignored.


Brenda met 48 year old Melvin Ignatow in September of 1986. He was the father of 3 grown children, and shared a house with his mother. No one in Brenda's life really understood what she saw in him, but for whatever reason, the relationship continued. After only two months of dating, Ignatow proposed to Brenda. Ignoring her doubts, Brenda agreed, but refused to set a date for a wedding. Afterwards as is usually the case, Ignatows true personality came out. He became more controlling and abusive as time went on. Most of which Brenda tried to keep hidden from everyone. Brenda, a catholic, weary from failures of past relationships, and wanting to make things work, made excuses for Mel's behavior. He would berate her for being frigid, wanted her to engage in sexual acts she wasn't comfortable with, and eventually would start giving her pills. Pills that made her forgot what happened the night before. Once, Brenda even awoke to find Ignatow holding a rag soaked in chloroform near her face. He claimed he was only trying to help her relax.


Brenda eventually confided to friends. They told her to leave. They worried.


Despite not knowing what was really going on, Brenda's family still deeply disliked Mel. He was arrogant and demanding. They wanted Brenda to leave.


Brenda's boss, Dr Spalding, also saw part of this dark side. Ignatow would call Brenda repeatedly at work. Sometimes to yell at her.


Brenda still stayed.


Until 1988. 2 years into her relationship with Ignatow, Brenda had finally decided to leave. She had even started talking to her old boyfriend, Jim Rush again.


Ignatow could sense the end was coming, and he was not going to allow it to happen. Not on Brenda's terms. Ignatow contacted his ex girlfriend, Mary Ann Shore. Shore, who had continued a sexual relationship with ignatow despite his being with Brenda, would be described by the media and everyone else as overweight and unattractive compared to the slim and pretty Brenda. I think this characterization is unfair. What made Shore ugly was her personality, not her looks. She was selfish, rude, and did whatever Ignatow wanted.


Even the worst thing imaginable.

In Channel
Brenda Sue Schaefer

Brenda Sue Schaefer


08 Larissa Sam

08 Larissa Sam


002 Eliazar Ruiz

002 Eliazar Ruiz










Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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120 Minutes

003 Brenda Sue Schaefer

003 Brenda Sue Schaefer
