010: Kristine Rodriguez-GRL Collective pt.2
With the foundation of GRL Collective being laid for a few years, in a pandemic Kristine created care packages for GRLs to support other GRLs that lead to an uptick in business. A few amazing shoutouts allowed the brand to reach a new level on its journey. With the support of amazing family and friends Kristine has been able to focus on the building of GRL Collective to where it is today. From collaborative endeavors to being featured on local and national brands Kristine is carving out her space in the world. The theme of relationships, finding your passion, and sticking with it is a huge part of Kristine and GRL Collective. The empowerment of strong people to support other strong people is what makes me proud to say I am a GRL!
A big shout out to AOC for inspiring Kristine to take GRL Collective to a place that our world has needed it to be!!
RAICES Texas-Lucha Tees donation kid partner
BLM-Lucha Tees donation adult partner