019 Chica & The Man - AI, Hiatus and Vacations
In this episode, we give our two-cents
worth on AI - how we use it as writers. We touch on the concerns of AI
regarding the Writers Guild strike. How we, as writers use it. Yes, it is a
suitable tool for grammar checks and getting a story idea when stuck, but we both
find it lacking for story, plot and creating emotion.
We are going on hiatus for the summer. But we're not forgetting about you and plan
on doing the best of during the summer and for fun we talked about doing some
live episodes. We are going on hiatus because we both need time to write and
Sonia will work on some of her skits.
Vacations- YES. Sonia went to Mexico and Alex will be off to an island by Savannah for
his vacation.
Stay tuned, have an amazing summer and enjoy the best of Chica and the Man podcast.
Many Blessings!