033 - That Make or Break Moment (Level 2/7)
Next level results require next level commitment
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No matter what you set out to do, every endeavor eventually presents a challenge that serves as the moment that defines your ultimate success or failure. Many times, the problem is not if a good or bad decision was made, but rather that no decision was made at all. After all, a decision to not move forward is in all actuality a decision to step backward.
Level 2 of the Seven Levels is the one that most leaders get stuck on or never see through because it involves a new level of commitment. You’re no longer just researching or experimenting; you are actually making a serious investment of time, energy, and resources into making your ideas come to life.
In this episode, we discuss the crucial part of the Seven Level process that will make or break the achievement of your goal.
- The FREE Seven Levels of Creative Media Video Series https://bit.ly/2k3iGD3
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