04 - Randy Swain, Ontario Teacher
Randy Swain, Ontario Teacher joins us this episode to talk about how he built a unique, experiential learning agriculture & food based program at his school. He explains how teachers can take advantage of grant opportunities and collaborate to build similar programs.
Randy has been teaching for 16 years, and started the Food For Thought Program 8 years ago.
Episode Specific Links:
Food for Thought - Sustainable Urban Farming Facebook page:
Taking IT Global - F.A.R.M. Collaboration Activity - S.T.E.A.M. Assignment Challenge
YouTube Video - "Food For Thought" - Sustainable Urban Farming
Links to all of our most recent activities, resources and events for Ontario Teachers:
Book your free Virtual Lesson on Food and Agriculture for Grades 4-12, available to Ontario Teachers through our Teacher Ambassador Program. Foster Food Literacy in your students!
AgScape is an Ontario charity dedicated to bringing Agriculture & Food education into the classroom! Our Teacher Ambassadors will work alongside you to show your students the role they play in Canada’s food system as informed consumers - and they will also be exposed to all the opportunities for future careers waiting for them in the Canadian Food and Agriculture sector!
Read our 2020 Annual General Report!
Our Vision
A world where the agri-food sector is recognized as a vehicle for positive social, economic, and environmental impact.
Our Mission
We empower Ontario students with impartial and accurate information to increase awareness of the agri-food system and ignite interest in related careers.