DiscoverOur State - South Australia04/03/2024 - Abalone virus and fishing restrictions - Department of Primary Industries and Regions
04/03/2024 - Abalone virus and fishing restrictions - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

04/03/2024 - Abalone virus and fishing restrictions - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

Update: 2024-03-05


Abalone viral ganglioneuritis (AVG) has been confirmed in wild abalone in waters south of Port Macdonnell, the first time the disease has been found in South Australia. Restrictions are now in place in the area.

On 21 February 2024, a commercial abalone fisher reported dead and dying abalone at Breaksea Reef off Port Macdonnell, and submitted samples to the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) for testing. PCR tests have confirmed AVG in the samples.

PIRSA has activated a response team and measures to contain the spread of disease have been put in place, and commercial and recreational industries have been notified, with a control area being declared in the Port Macdonnell area within the state's Southern Abalone Zone.

This control area has been put in place to stop the possible spread of the disease to abalone in other areas currently not affected. These measures will remain in place until surveillance activities inform next steps including a review of these restrictions.

In this segment, we hear from Dr Elise Spark, Chief Veterinary Officer of South Australia. She has worked with the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) for more than 10 years, and has experience with both terrestrial agriculture and aquaculture as well as policy and governance. Professor Peter Appleford, PIRSA’s Executive Director, Major Programs and Regions, and is currently PIRSA’s Incident Controller of the AVG response. He manages the outbreak response and has also managed the AVG response in Victoria for four years in a previous role.

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04/03/2024 - Abalone virus and fishing restrictions - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

04/03/2024 - Abalone virus and fishing restrictions - Department of Primary Industries and Regions

DPC Communications