DiscoverThe Glow Show049 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene - with Renee Slansky
049 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene - with Renee Slansky

049 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene - with Renee Slansky

Update: 2018-02-06


Do you sometimes feel like the dating scene is a battle? If so you’re really not alone.

My special guest Renee Slansky is an Australian TV presenter, writer, professional blogger and dating and relationship coach, whose purpose and heart for women compelled her to educate people on how to find, build and cultivate healthy and fulfilling relationships.

In this interview Renee shares with us her experience and expertise from helping, and working with hundreds of people all over the world – and in that context we’re talking about the 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene : how you can avoid it, or if you’re in the midst of it – how you can get out of it and have a much happier dating experience and ultimately find the person you’re looking for.

Renee’s blog is the number 1 dating and relationship blog in Australia.relationship blog in Australia.

Her mission to educate a generation, change the dating culture and lower the divorce rate.

In this interview Renee shares with us her experience and expertise from helping, and working with hundreds of people all over the world – and in that context we’re going to talk about the 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene : how you can avoid it, or if you’re in the midst of it – how you can get out of it and have a much happier dating experience and ultimately find the person you’re looking for.

She also shares with us what it actually means to work with a Dating Coach and what you could expect from the process.

Whether you’re currently dating or only just starting to think about getting back into it, Renee gives us super practical advice, tips and strategies for some of the obstacles you may face – and how to deal with it.

Here are Renee’s Top 3 – make sure to listen to episode where Renee

1. Choice Fatigue – this is specifically relevant to you if you’re feeling overwhelmed and a bit burnt out by online dating and dating apps

2. How / where to find a man that will commit – one of the most common dating questions. Renee explains more about the dynamics of creating attraction and the key stages of developing a relationship

3. Seeing effort as failure – what it really takes to build a great, fulfilling relationship long term

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049 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene - with Renee Slansky

049 3 Most Common Battles on the Modern Dating Scene - with Renee Slansky

Ané Auret

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