DiscoverOf Sound Mind and Spirit049. Five Benefits of Visiting a Different Parish
049. Five Benefits of Visiting a Different Parish

049. Five Benefits of Visiting a Different Parish

Update: 2024-04-25


We love our local neighborhood parish, our priests, and our community. But sometimes our schedule requires that we meet our Sunday obligation by attending Mass away from home - in a different parish! How great is our beautiful Catholic faith! No matter where we attend, the Mass is the same; same structure, same readings, same holy prayers.

This episode is more than a reflection on traditions; it's an invitation to rediscovery. Our individual parishes are part of a magnificent mosaic, where each piece—no matter how distinctly shaped or colored—fits perfectly into the grand design of the Catholic Church.

Discover five benefits of visiting a different parish!

SNIPPET FROM THE EPISODE: "Having that different experience makes you look at your Parish sometimes with different eyes, maybe from the eyes of a visitor, and then, okay, how am I serving in a way to help others have that great experience?" - Lisa

SCRIPTURE: “…for through him we both have access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.” - Ephesians 2:18-20

We Want To Know: What are some of the benefits you've discovered when attending a different parish church?

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049. Five Benefits of Visiting a Different Parish

049. Five Benefits of Visiting a Different Parish

Lisa Jones and Shelly Kelly