05: The Creation of the Geth & The Geth War
Here's how the Geth were created by the Quarians, plus the amazing details about the Geth War that happened 300 years before the beginning of Mass Effect 1. Subscribe so you don't miss any Mass Effect Lorecast Podcast episodes, lore, and other Mass Effect content from Robots Radio! Support us on Patreon! https://patreon.com/masseffectlorecast Storyblocks.com: Storyblocks.com/robotsradio Want to support the show for no extra cost? Use the link to sign up for Game Pass now! Click: http://bit.ly/XBGPass Links: Join us LIVE Sunday 10:30 pm EST / 7:30 pm PST: https://twitch.tv/robotsradio Discord: https://discord.gg/JXKfVhM Twitter: twitter.com/masseffectcast Email: masseffectlorecast@gmail.com Music: Screen Saver by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5715-screen-saver License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license https://robotsradio.net
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