DiscoverSunday Homilies with Fr. Mike Schmitz06/02/24 Gift and Mystery: His Very Self
06/02/24 Gift and Mystery: His Very Self

06/02/24 Gift and Mystery: His Very Self

Update: 2024-06-01


Father Makements begins by posing the question of whether ignorance or indifference is worse. He explains that ignorance is a lack of knowledge, while indifference is a lack of care. He argues that indifference is a more dangerous sin, as it indicates a cold heart and a lack of concern for God. He uses the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden as an example of how indifference can lead to sin. He also points to the Israelites in the wilderness, who were given bread from heaven but still desired the food they could not have. Father Makements then discusses the Eucharist, emphasizing that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, not just symbolically. He shares his own experience of coming to understand this truth and how it changed his life. He also discusses Eucharistic miracles, such as the miracle of Lanciano, Italy, where the host turned into flesh and the wine into blood. He believes that these miracles are a sign that God knows we are often indifferent and that He wants us to care more about Him. Father Makements concludes by sharing a story about a young girl who risked her life to preserve the Eucharist during the persecution of the Catholic Church in China. He argues that this story shows the power of love for Jesus in the Eucharist and that we should strive to have that same love in our own lives.



This Chapter introduces the topic of the podcast, which is the difference between ignorance and indifference, and how indifference can be a more dangerous sin than ignorance, especially when it comes to our faith and the Eucharist.

Ignorance vs. Indifference

This Chapter delves into the distinction between ignorance and indifference, explaining that ignorance is a lack of knowledge, while indifference is a lack of care. Father Makements argues that indifference is a more dangerous sin, as it indicates a cold heart and a lack of concern for God.

The Eucharist and Indifference

This Chapter focuses on the Eucharist and how indifference can prevent us from fully appreciating the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. Father Makements shares his own experience of coming to understand the truth of the Eucharist and how it changed his life.

Eucharistic Miracles

This Chapter explores Eucharistic miracles, such as the miracle of Lanciano, Italy, where the host turned into flesh and the wine into blood. Father Makements believes that these miracles are a sign that God knows we are often indifferent and that He wants us to care more about Him.



The Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is a central sacrament in the Catholic Church. It is believed to be the body and blood of Jesus Christ, truly present under the appearances of bread and wine. The Eucharist is celebrated during Mass, where Catholics receive communion as a sign of their faith and a source of spiritual nourishment.


Indifference is a state of not caring or being interested in something. In the context of faith, indifference refers to a lack of concern or enthusiasm for God and His teachings. It can be a dangerous sin, as it indicates a cold heart and a lack of love for God.


Ignorance is a lack of knowledge or understanding. In the context of faith, ignorance can refer to a lack of knowledge about God, His teachings, or the sacraments. While ignorance can be excused in some cases, it is important to seek knowledge and understanding of our faith.

Eucharistic Miracles

Eucharistic miracles are events where the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist have been observed to change into flesh and blood. These miracles are considered to be signs of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. Some well-known Eucharistic miracles include the miracle of Lanciano, Italy, and the miracle of Socoka, Poland.


Lanciano is a town in Italy where a famous Eucharistic miracle occurred in the year 700. During Mass, a priest who doubted the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist witnessed the host turning into flesh and the wine into blood. This miracle is still visible today, and scientific studies have confirmed that the flesh is human heart tissue and the blood is human blood type AB.


Socoka is a town in Poland where another Eucharistic miracle occurred in 2008. A host that had fallen to the ground was placed in water and observed to bleed from the center. Scientific studies have confirmed that the host had partially transformed into human flesh and blood, with the blood type being AB.

Archbishop Fulton Sheen

Archbishop Fulton Sheen was an American Catholic bishop, television personality, and author. He was known for his eloquent preaching and his popular television program, "Life Is Worth Living." He was also a strong advocate for the Catholic faith and for the importance of the Eucharist.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is a feast day in the Catholic Church that celebrates the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. It is celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. The name Corpus Christi means "Body of Christ" in Latin.


  • What is the difference between ignorance and indifference?

    Ignorance is a lack of knowledge, while indifference is a lack of care. Ignorance is a darkening of the intellect, while indifference is a cold heart.

  • Why is indifference a more dangerous sin than ignorance?

    Indifference indicates a lack of concern for God and His teachings. It shows a cold heart and a lack of love for God. Ignorance can be excused in some cases, but indifference is a deliberate choice to not care.

  • How does the story of Adam and Eve illustrate the dangers of indifference?

    Adam and Eve knew that God was good and that He wanted to feed them. However, they chose to disobey God's command and eat from the forbidden tree because they were indifferent to His will. This act of indifference led to their fall from grace.

  • What is the true nature of the Eucharist?

    The Eucharist is not just a symbol of Jesus' body and blood. It is the true, real, and substantial presence of Jesus Christ under the appearances of bread and wine. This means that Jesus is truly present, body, blood, soul, and divinity, in the Eucharist.

  • What are Eucharistic miracles and what do they signify?

    Eucharistic miracles are events where the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist have been observed to change into flesh and blood. These miracles are considered to be signs of the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. They also demonstrate God's love for us and His desire for us to care more about Him.

  • What is the importance of love for Jesus in the Eucharist?

    Love for Jesus in the Eucharist is essential for a true and meaningful faith. It is a love that should move us to do anything for Jesus, even to the point of giving our lives for Him. This love is what transforms our hearts and makes us truly alive in Christ.

Show Notes

Homily from the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

Do I not know? Or do I not care?

The Eucharist is truly the Body, and Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. Beyond all of God's other gifts, this gift stands alone. Because it is the gift of His very Self. And yet, too often our hearts are cold and indifferent to this Greatest of Gifts.

Mass Readings from June 2, 2024:
Exodus 24:3-8
Psalms 116:12-13, 15-18
Hebrews 9:11-15

Mark 14:12-16, 22-26









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06/02/24 Gift and Mystery: His Very Self

06/02/24 Gift and Mystery: His Very Self
