061: How to go to Dental School for FREE!
Looking to go to dental school for free without joining the military? Tune in to hear more about the NHSC scholarship with Dr. Jordan Brown. He walks us through the details regarding the scholarship: how/when to apply, locations to work after school (ex. Tampa, LA, Atlanta, etc.), and how to know if you are a candidate. Did you know that the average dental student now graduates with $301,000 in debt? Tune in for a quick listen to see if this may be an opportunity for you!
Need a loan? See why dentists across the country are using Panacea Financial for their banking needs. They are a division of Primis, Member FDIC. panaceafinancial.com
Check out DuckettLadd for guidance and education that lays the foundation for dentists to build their destinies through their practice. Fill out the work together form (https://duckettladd.com/lets-work-together/)