1-11 Pronunciation
Pronunciation [11]
An important place to start is with pronunciation. This
will be learnt and re-learnt as your experience with the
language grows. It is important to make an effort from
the start as we all know how much an accent can affect
ability to communicate and early habits tend to stick.
English is a non-phonetic language, which means that
a letter can be pronounced in many different ways or
different letter can represent the same sound in
different words. The following example reveals four
such ways for A:
Ape Arm Apple Air
Xhosa is a phonetic language. The letters correspond
to the sounds consistently, so it is an easy language to
learn to read quickly.
UBuntu Bridge has been teaching Xhosa since 2006, there are various products, learning services and tools at : https://www.learnxhosaonline.com/store
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