1.3 Kinshasa
A sick passenger, an anxious gate attendant, the man in the green jacket.
Sponsorship for this episode comes from Squarespace, The RealReal and Upstart.
Visit passengerlist.org to see a script and full list of credits for “Kinshasa,” and join the investigation. New episodes every Monday.
Passenger List was created, co-written and co-directed by John Scott Dryden; co-written and co-directed by Lauren Shippen; and edited and sound designed by Mark Henry Phillips, who also composed the music for the show. “Kinshasa” was written by Kevin Rodriguez. Passenger List is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX.
WAYNE LaPEER – Nathan Osgood
WENDY LaPEER – Lauren Lefkow
BEATRICE LaPEER – Lauren Shippen
DOLORES – Kathleen Early
KAITLIN LE – Kelly Marie Tran
MARTIN DOBBS – Richard Doyle
KIEN LE – George Nguyen
CHUCK – Adrian Latourelle
DYLAN – Colin Morgan
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Oof this all hits a bit different after COVID
As someone who finds eating noises grating, I appreciate the comments warning about them, particularly the one mentioning the approximate time. Some of you need to chill. No one is saying the podcast should be taken down or banned. If people don’t like the noises and it doesn’t bother you, then fine! Scroll on! The comments do not affect you!
didn't even notice the chips
Were the chip eating sound effects used as a form of fanfare? Just because annoying effects are available doesn't mean you have to use them - it added nothing of value to the episode in any way.
I had to skip the second half of the ep. Chips being eaten in my ear! ughhh why!
I love William
Was going to say misophonia warning at 24 minutes, but it's kinda been covered. It is a bit obnoxious
The storyline is very much just like the Amazon Prime series The Widow.
the chip chomping is the worst idea ever.
please stop with the chips being eaten noises i will stop lisyening entirely and consisyantlyvwrite bad reviews because it is disgusting to have to put up with IRL why woukd i choise to listen to it?