#101 Can a Christian Become Demon Possessed? (Christian Demonology for Beginners)
Test the limits of your biblical understanding and Reformed theology. Explore the spiritual realm from a Christian worldview! Tonight, we’re diving into what the Bible says about spiritual warfare, demons, and the unseen forces at work around us. This livestream tackles real questions many believers have, such as:
To what degree can a Christian be demon oppressed or even possessed?
Are demons fallen angels according to the Bible?
What kinds of demons are described in the Bible?
Christian/Reformed View of Demon Possession
Is the term “demon possession” actually used in Scripture?
Can a Christian be demon possessed?
Why aren’t there Protestant denominations with exorcists?
Is there a biblical formula for exorcisms?
What does the Bible teach about spiritual warfare in daily life?
If you're seeking a biblical perspective on these topics, this live Q&A is for you. Join us for powerful insights into the reality of the spiritual realm from a presuppositional, apologetic approach!
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