DiscoverArmed to the Heart - Military Women, Work-life Balance, Female Veterans, Christian Moms, Pregnancy and Postpartum105. Let’s Release the Unrealistic Expectations, Pressures, and Standards: A 5-Min Exercise to Let Go of all the ”Shoulds” Hanging over your Head
105. Let’s Release the Unrealistic Expectations, Pressures, and Standards: A 5-Min Exercise to Let Go of all the ”Shoulds” Hanging over your Head

105. Let’s Release the Unrealistic Expectations, Pressures, and Standards: A 5-Min Exercise to Let Go of all the ”Shoulds” Hanging over your Head

Update: 2023-10-08


Do you struggle to feel like you're measuring up? Do you feel like no matter how much you do, give, and contribute, you're still not doing enough? I see you, and you're so not alone.

Today I'm giving you a powerful, simple exercise to release the extra pressures you're carrying -- those high expectations you hold yourself to, the weight of not measuring up and guilt around not getting everything done on your to-do-list...all the ways you're "shoulding" all over yourself, lol. ;)

This 5-10 min journaling exercise was so helpful for me this week and opened up so much space in my heart and mind to release the things that were weighing me down that the Lord didn't want me to carry anymore, give myself much more grace, and expand my capacity to experience deeper joy and be more present.

I pray this blesses you sister!

Download your Free Guide with 10 Must-Ask Questions to Help you Build a More Fulfilling Balance Between Family and Work

$37 Work-Life Balance Masterclass: An on-demand, self-paced video training series & workbook that'll help you lighten your load -- reduce stress, overwhelm, & build more balance even in the most demanding seasons of work & family life. If you need somewhere to start to give you more breathing room and help you move out of the constant burnout, exhaustion, and guilt, I've got you!

Want to chat about working together or figure out your next right steps? Reach out at and we'll set up a 30 min time for a Clarity Call.

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105. Let’s Release the Unrealistic Expectations, Pressures, and Standards: A 5-Min Exercise to Let Go of all the ”Shoulds” Hanging over your Head

105. Let’s Release the Unrealistic Expectations, Pressures, and Standards: A 5-Min Exercise to Let Go of all the ”Shoulds” Hanging over your Head

Megan Gephart | Christian Life Coach | Military Mom Advocate | Catholic Working Mom | Pregnancy and Postpartum Coach