DiscoverPhilosophical Disquisitions109 - How Can We Align Language Models like GPT with Human Values?
109 - How Can We Align Language Models like GPT with Human Values?

109 - How Can We Align Language Models like GPT with Human Values?

Update: 2023-05-30


In this episode of the podcast I chat to Atoosa Kasirzadeh. Atoosa is an Assistant Professor/Chancellor's fellow at the University of Edinburgh. She is also the Director of Research at the Centre for Technomoral Futures at Edinburgh. We chat about the alignment problem in AI development, roughly: how do we ensure that AI acts in a way that is consistent with human values. We focus, in particular, on the alignment problem for language models such as ChatGPT, Bard and Claude, and how some old ideas from the philosophy of language could help us to address this problem.

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109 - How Can We Align Language Models like GPT with Human Values?

109 - How Can We Align Language Models like GPT with Human Values?

John Danaher