#11: Seeds of Growth
God has designed our world to rely upon trade as a mechanism for communicating information and transferring value in small localized settings, nationally, and internationally. As we look closely at God's word, we can see the aspects of free enterprise economics in various threads throughout human history. This episode will focus on how God views the systems of trade relationships that develop between individual workers and the communities and nations to which they belong. This will then inform our analysis of how Bitcoin matches God’s will for equity in trade.
1 Thessalonians 4:11 “and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life and attend to your own business and work with your hands, just as we commanded you.” - Christians can and should pursue a business endeavor that provides for physical needs and uses their gifts - by necessity, this will require trading with others who are doing the same.
- God loves skilled labor and therefore distribution of labor in a trade based economy has characterized the world since creation.
- Skilled labor allows for legitimate trade between individuals, businesses, and nations to accomplish large scale economic growth
- Trade requires equitable exchange and protection of property rights
- Bitcoin provides the superior way to both facilitate fair, economic price discovery and trade as well the ultimate property right
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