114: Elspeth Hoskins of Undivided calls for better political education for our youth
The last time we checked in with youth lobbying group Undivided it was for Episode 12 of the podcast, and fresh from the result of the EU referendum they were crowdsourcing a manifesto to take to parliament to outline the key Brexit issues for young people. Twelve months on, Tim is joined by campaign manager Elspeth Hoskins, who outlines their progress to date and explains how they are bending the ear of politicians to try and secure the future of Erasmus - the European student exchange programme - and improve political education for young people. Elspeth is also the convenor of the All Party Parliamentary group on A Better Brexit for Young People (@APPG_Brexit). For more on Undivided, visit www.weareundivided.co.uk or find them on Twitter @weareundivided.